A plethora of satellites today if you still want to have a go at qualifying for SPT Online.
£2.30 Micros guaranteeing 1 seat (1 in 5) to the Quarter Final (1300, 1330, 1400)
£2.30 Micros guaranteeing 1 seat (1 in 5) to the Late Quarter Final (1430, 1500, 1530)
£10.50 Quarter Final, 3 seats guaranteed (1 in 5) to the Semi Final (1440)
£10.50 Late Semi Quarter, 3 seats guaranteed (1 in 5) to the Semi Final (1610)
£48 Semi Final, 5 seats guaranteed (1 in 5) to the SPT Online (1600)
£48 Late Semi Final, 5 seats guaranteed (1 in 5) to the SPT Online (1730)
Well done on that FT in the Big Weekend BH last night, & VBOL tonight my friend.
I'm just there as fodder, but I've always enjoyed SPT's & I plan to try to enjoy myself. Making Day 2 would be a miracle, my boss said I was 1.01 to be busto pre-midnight on Day 1. Max bet.
EDIT - @AB0151
Just noticed you were also 2nd in the Main for over a bag. Some night you had, well done.