It's SPT Online today. Normally on an SPT day I'd be in a nice hotel somewhere, treating myself to a cooked brekkie on the Company, then making my way to the venue & setting up the Meet & Greet table. Today, with with Covid & WFH, it's just another day at home, but I can definitely sense a twang of excitement around Sky Poker. Last night's SPT Semi had an amazing 55 runners - easily a record - & made 11 seats. Should be a fun night tonight, & when play ends at midnight we'll have a good idea who might go on to win it tomorrow night. Sky Poker would love to see a "good" winner, though it's hard to explain exactly what that means...
Away from SPT, last night saw reasonable numbers, though BWBH missed by a painful £800.
Enjoy your weekend.
£8,000 BWBH £8,000
£10,000 Avenger Main £10,560
£4,000 Avenger Mini £5,120
£1,000 Mega £1,480
£2,500 Sheriff £2,650
£2,000 Turbo £2,000
£1,500 Quickdraw £1,500
£1,500 Mid Ex £1,580
0 ·
£8,000 Big Weekend Bounty Hunter (£8,000)
Amazingly, pacman821 was winning this one for the 2nd time in 6 weeks. It's not an easy one to win so that's some achievement.
AB0151 warned up for SPT Online by running 6th.
@pacman821 360000 1 £1320 + £670.88 Head Prizes 7
@Cali9 0 2 £880 + £382.61 Head Prizes 5
@K33TSYA1 0 3 £528 + £339.84 Head Prizes 7
@jambeyang 0 4 £440 + £196.88 Head Prizes 5
@kidadam 0 5 £352 + £101.36 Head Prizes 2
@AB0151 0 6 £286 + £243.76 Head Prizes 5
£10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£10,560)
Sharki0 took the Main, to add to 2nd in Wednesday's Sheriff. He must be amongst the market leaders for the SPT.
AB0151 was 2nd, in addition to 6th in the BWBH, so he's bang in form.
@Sharki0 1242000 1 £1399.20 + £299.63 Head Prizes 5
@AB0151 0 2 £834.24 + £219.32 Head Prizes 9
@Scragster6 0 3 £501.60 + £54.38 Head Prizes 4
@UNEVERDID 0 4 £396 + £241.70 Head Prizes 5
@HUMPTY1966 0 5 £335.28 + £360.91 Head Prizes 15
@harrypump 0 6 £279.84 + £184.19 Head Prizes 8
£4,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£5,120)
I did a double take when I saw henners10 had won the Mini. Exactly a week earlier he scooped the Final Table Jackpot by winning both Avenger Main & Mini, so that's the 2nd straight week he has won Avenger Mini. Extraordinary stuff.
Shrimpy28 has been putting himself about on the Forum lately, so I was pleased to see he had a big result in 2nd.
@henners10 2490000 1 £640 + £128.75 Head Prizes 10
@Shrimpy28 0 2 £358.40 + £37.36 Head Prizes 6
@wudibluff 0 3 £211.46 + £37.66 Head Prizes 4
@MRBLEWPIE 0 4 £167.68 + £93.52 Head Prizes 9
@joypaula11 0 5 £140.80 + £94.58 Head Prizes 10
@daldo17 0 6 £113.92 + £34.56 Head Prizes 6
£1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,480)
chrisdonkb is running into form in readiness for SPT. This week he's already won Turbo, ran 2nd in a Main & now won the Mega Stack. Good player & a smashing bloke. Think he won the @StayOrGo Charity Last Longer thing last Christmas too, iirc.
@chrisdonkb 740000 1 £214.60 + £119.80 Head Prizes 6
@Monty15 0 2 £140.60 + £101.39 Head Prizes 9
@Worm1968 0 3 £86.95 + £48.04 Head Prizes 4
@splashies 0 4 £70.30 + £42.31 Head Prizes 4
@PRO3000 0 5 £57.35 + £40.31 Head Prizes 3
@djaydog04 0 6 £48.10 0
£2,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (2,650)
ApolloCree was winning Sheriff for the 2nd time in less than a fortnight.
@ApolloCree 265000 1 £490.25 + £136.47 Head Prizes 2
@SenorBegs 0 2 £291.50 + £148.70 Head Prizes 4
@whitters95 0 3 £198.75 + £138.94 Head Prizes 5
@Monty15 0 4 £145.75 + £35.74 Head Prizes 1
@pizzled1 0 5 £106 + £87.01 Head Prizes 3
@gunney 0 6 £92.75 + £99.61 Head Prizes 5
£2,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£2,000)
2nd in this recently, tommy114 won it this time, he won a recent Mega Stack too.
Mega Stack winner chrisdonkb was 3rd here.
@tommy114 320000 1 £384.80 + £198.67 Head Prizes 7
@Sherbert3 0 2 £228.80 + £59.07 Head Prizes 4
@chrisdonkb 0 3 £156 + £96.32 Head Prizes 6
@MikeyW94 0 4 £114.40 + £27.07 Head Prizes 1
@gac123 0 5 £83.20 + £42.36 Head Prizes 2
@JMC1975 0 6 £72.80 + £70.32 Head Prizes 5
£1,500 Quickdraw (£1,500)
Blimey, look at this lot, looks like a Team Serious Benefit Night.
@scotty77 150000 1 £300 + £219.13 Head Prizes 5
@duncan1979 0 2 £187.50 + £104.29 Head Prizes 3
@alancarr12 0 3 £112.50 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@railtard11 0 4 £82.50 + £150.01 Head Prizes 7
@SenorBegs 0 5 £67.50 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@Sharki0 0 6 £42.19 Head Prizes 2
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,580)
Big well done to dee2014, who won Midnight Express for the 2nd time in 4 weeks.
@dee2014 237000 1 £229.10 + £156.30 Head Prizes 7
@smirnoff65 0 2 £150.10 + £36.68 Head Prizes 3
@ScottMo1 0 3 £92.83 + £77.03 Head Prizes 6
@tigger2727 0 4 £75.05 + £24.84 Head Prizes 3
@wemjay 0 5 £61.23 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
@Mody 0 6 £51.35 + £29.53 Head Prizes 3
SPT Online Semi (55 entries)
A few familiar faces here, hope they all do well tonight.
@Titan9062 24107.50 1
@Toffeeandy 22365 2
@alancarr12 20680 3
@Bpkwsp 16680 4
@ufud 15710 5
@specialb20 12525 6
@K33TSYA1 12365 7
@Sharki0 12040 8
@harrypump 11667.50 9
@johnny_e 10417.50 10
@MAXALLY 6442.50 11
£1,000 Rewards Freeroll (785 entries)
@nick1709 1570000 1 £100
@ryan02139 0 2 £60
@hotflush32 0 3 £40
@MelStew 0 4 £30
@Swog 0 5 £30
@Lambsfire 0 6 £30