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ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
As you can see in the other thread, i was very anti coach, but i learnt that everyone on this forum wants to improve and there is a huge support for the coaches who are all great guys contributing to the community.I also learnt that in a whole, it keeps gtds up, bridges the gap between the best and worst players making sure players dont bust their rolls as quick, but if need be and the skill gap gets too close, the best players can always improve enough to maintain their winrates.


  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    I also learnt that im entitled because i didnt want the site getting too tough hurting my own winrate, and in the future retiring a whole host of players who winrates arent great currently.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    So i thought it would be a great idea if me and those players who are not the elite could start our own coaching service.This would save alot of careers, and also contribute to this community in a big way, helping many players who strive to get better.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    If you are one of those players who is in the non elite cat (not a great winrate) but is interested in probably improving themself and being part of a coaching service and something that gives back to the community, please let me know of your interest.

    To any player who is losing, or b/e, this service will be free till december at least.
    Give me some ideas of what area you would like to improve and what you would want from a coaching service that tailor fits your own personal needs.

  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    When Alvez started a coaching thread a while back no one batted a eye lid. RSPCA starts a thread and all **** breaks loose. Maybe more people are struggling in the current climate than they were a year ago.

    That said, there's no point in starting a sarcastic thread. The coaching, whether it's good for the game or not, is going to happen from one source or another, and you're just giving it more traction. RSPCA should give you a share because you've been a cracking marketing man.

    Go and spend your time DDOSing solver websites instead.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    I think it was more of a debate, but close to every reply was pro coach so i accepted i was wrong and thought about it.
    I came back with realising there is a huge demand of players who want to improve but checking some stats there are many players who use to win good but struggle a bit now, so i thought this could be a great idea to help everyone out.

    I never came across the alvez thread, and i didnt target rspca, it was a response to coaching on a small platform, but wasnt my intention to to try derail his sales pitch.Thats probably impossible to do when a winner shows their stats to ppl who dont have winning stats.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    I am also looking for a new student but must be able to commit to at least 2 x 1 hour sessions a week and keep a consistent diary after other people I was helping dropped out.

    Just drop me a comment in the link above.

    You gained so much traction in the last thread who knows
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Any free content is great and is what this thread is all about right now, but this will be a big project and is no joke.You can see im dedicated to the cause, im dedicated to improving every player who needs improving.

    Why did those players drop out?Any info that can improve this service is great.Maybe you will be interested in being one of the coaches.

  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Poker is a social game, but the coaching isnt .Why is that? Well guess what.Sign up for this coaching and you will be part of that community of players from all walks of life, who like yourself, all want to improve and get to that level of your name being mentioned weekly in the who won what tournament thread.
    And the cost?Free

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Arrogant said:

    Why did those players drop out?

    Mainly because most people want to get better but fail to put in the required amount of effort - probably the same reasons games will always be beatable until the game is solved and real time solvers are freely available.

    I'm a big believer in giving back to what you take from - and If someone wants to get better and wants to beat the games... and will put in the effort.... I will help them... Free of charge.

    If someone wants to help someone else get better and charges a reasonable fee... I am all aboard for that also... The amount my win rate has changed over the last 5 years is minimal... in fact on most sites the roi has improved (not sky this year @Tikay10 turn off the doom switch please)- So the people who say the games are dead or are dying I find it funny because its either a bad patch of variance or they have not adapted to the learning curve.

    Here is some free advice for all players c bet smaller turn bet bigger.... I can guarantee this does not effect your win rate.

    I don't usually get aggravated by forum posts... but RSPCA is a top guy and can help a lot of people not only improve but enjoy the game more.

    The short sighted greedy thinking by regs worried about there bottom end and keeping the weak weak... is what will kill the game... not the normal human impulse to learn and improve.

    Adapt or die

  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    I already admit i was wrong and that complaining about ppl coaching is greedy and coaching ppl for a fee is not greedy but giving back to the community, which is why i too have decided to coach but id like to bring on board other ppl who maybe wanted to coach or had the wrong idea that coaching was bad for the games.
    If anyone wants to pm and r worried ill mention ur interest, that wont happen.Any pm is kept private and u can be silent partner np.

    Players can use this thread to ask for tips like ur cbet one or talk about some parts of the game they want to learn and improve on.

  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Ive had to adapt many times over the years and ive played a whole host of different formats over the years, but as those games died i moved onto the next one.My posts in the other thread were mostly about concerns for the small earners.Over the years ive seen alot of players fall out the game because they couldnt adapt or improve and its sad to see, when for most of them, they dont have the skill set to get a good job and had to quit poker and go back to the 9-5 grind in a low paid job.
  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    This is 10/10 trolling
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Arrogant said:

    Poker is a social game, but the coaching isnt .Why is that? Well guess what.Sign up for this coaching and you will be part of that community of players from all walks of life, who like yourself, all want to improve and get to that level of your name being mentioned weekly in the who won what tournament thread.
    And the cost?Free

    Sounds great.

    I,d be interested but obviously i,d want to be getting training of someone better than me (i,m a slight winning player)

    Could you post or reveal your sharkscope stats?



  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Hi MP33

    I checked ur tournament results and imo, very impressive.You actually have double the roi of a coach on here, so u a far from being a slight winner and maybe you would be better suited to being one of the coaches.

    If that doesnt interest you, well id suggest you try games a bit higher than what you currently play and see what happens.The standard shouldnt be too different, but if it is you can always drop down again or post hands in this thread to be able to cope with a tougher lineup.

    Thats probably something else this coaching can offer, solid bankroll management advice and when to move up or down.

    My stats will be open if we get to the point of charging for coaching, but while its free i keep them shut, as the less info players have about my ability on the tables the better.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    MP33 said:

    Arrogant said:

    Poker is a social game, but the coaching isnt .Why is that? Well guess what.Sign up for this coaching and you will be part of that community of players from all walks of life, who like yourself, all want to improve and get to that level of your name being mentioned weekly in the who won what tournament thread.
    And the cost?Free

    Sounds great.

    I,d be interested but obviously i,d want to be getting training of someone better than me (i,m a slight winning player)

    Could you post or reveal your sharkscope stats?



    Some of the best players in the world also have their scopes locked - Bencb, Pads, etc. Do you want them to unlock their stats before deciding if RYE and BitB are providing content made by someone better than you?
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    i think mp33 is having the craic , i really don't think he gives a monkeys
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    @stokefc I was trying to find out if this is genuine or not - I still don,t know - its a very quick turnaround of thought from arrogants posts on other thread

    @Angmar2626 Don,t need to see there SS stats. I think Bencb and Pads maybe a little better than me
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2020
    Arrogant said:

    Hi MP33

    I checked ur tournament results and imo, very impressive.You actually have double the roi of a coach on here, so u a far from being a slight winner and maybe you would be better suited to being one of the coaches.

    If that doesnt interest you, well id suggest you try games a bit higher than what you currently play and see what happens.The standard shouldnt be too different, but if it is you can always drop down again or post hands in this thread
    to be able to cope with a tougher lineup.

    Thats probably something else this coaching can offer, solid bankroll management advice and when to move up or down.

    My stats will be open if we get to the point of charging for coaching, but while its free i keep them shut, as the less info players have about my ability on the tables the better.

    Slight winner - around 7k over many years and average buy in of less than a fiver.

    I think theres a huge difference when you get to £10 + buy ins and even some of the £5 ones you still get solid regs.

    @Arrogant This is a hand from my thread which sadly didn,t get any responses

    EDIT - Can,t post it but its on my thread - last page - Diary no.2

  • gregkdy82gregkdy82 Member Posts: 531
    Was wondering myself whether it was genuine or not but he gave the game away in the first paragraph of his last post where he couldn't resist firing a wee shot at a "coach on here".

    Got to hand it to him though. Top trolling.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    MP33 said:

    @stokefc I was trying to find out if this is genuine or not - I still don,t know - its a very quick turnaround of thought from arrogants posts on other thread

    @Angmar2626 Don,t need to see there SS stats. I think Bencb and Pads maybe a little better than me

    its a spoof thread
    tongue n cheek
    well that what it looks like to me
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