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Old dog with no new tricks can I beat the turbo DYMs? Updated month 2 results are in

gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
edited November 2020 in Poker Chat
Hi all
After commenting on the death of sit n goes thread I thought I would have a go to see if I could
win at low stake turbo DYMs and beat the rake in these low stack fast moving games.
Some of you that have been on the site a long time may recognise me from the distant past of the golden years of sky poker TV and when the games were a lot softer.
I was at one time a member of team sky poker and was one of the bigger DYM players on the site playing mainly at the £10 and £20 levels and as high as the £50 level usually up to 12 tabling so often made priority and although not a big winner enjoyed it and made enough to make it a worthwhile and enjoyable pastime.
As time moved on and the games got tougher I admit my game started to stagnate and also a software change to the current graphics meant I could no longer play as many tables. I can play up to 15 on stars but struggle to play more than 6 on sky as my eyes seem to struggle with the light shades of blue.
So I started to play less games so less rakeback and also moved down the levels until I was spending too much time and not making enough to justify the time, eventually giving up and lost interest.
I have played the odd game on sky here and there but recently I have been playing the odd sunday night on stars.
I like the format of these turbo DYMS as you can play for an hour and play a lot of games then take a break then jump in again perfect as I don't seem to have the same concentration levels as previous but main issue is going to be the rake can I beat it?
So no diary just a monthly update.
Have already started on the 1st sep so will update with a full breakdown at the end of the month.
Mostly will be playing 6 tables and 50p £1 and £2 turbo DYMs only.
Aim is to move up the levels slowly at the start of a new month depending on results so hopefully next month £1 £2 and £3.
Starting bankroll is £100 so shouldn't bust unless I get silly.
See you all at the tables and good luck


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189


    Hi Bud,

    I well remember you from those heads days of Team Sky Poker, great memories.

    VBOL with this.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    Nice thread title, too......

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    As tikay & Frank Ifield were omnipresent when i joined...good luck!!!
  • CarnageCarnage Member Posts: 48
    Good luck with this Alan
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    Thanks for the good wishes.
    Seems like a lifetime ago since I saw you at the last SPT Glasgow @Tikay10
    Hopefully we can get back to some kind of normality (whatever that may be )soon.
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    Good luck Alan , I may pop into those and donate , lets hope I see you at a live event early next year.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225

    Good luck Alan , I may pop into those and donate , lets hope I see you at a live event early next year.

    Thanks George although I rather think I would prefer it if you didnt pop in as it would probably be myself that would be donating :)
    Even though I wasn't playing very often live I am looking forward to eventually playing again and a vegas trip will be a priority when this is all over.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    Ok month one is over so the results are -

    55p Turbo DYM P127 W75 L52 net profit £5.15 ROI 7.4%

    £1.10 Turbo DYM P199 W120 L79 net profit £27.10 ROI 12.4%

    £2.20 Turbo DYM P221 W137 L84 net profit £61.80 ROI 12.7%

    Total profit after rake £94.05 rake paid £70.45
    winning sessions 17 best session up £19.95
    losing sessions 7 worst session £-£9.30

    Overall reasonably happy with that and managed to comfortably beat the rake which I feel is definitely too high at 10% for a game that lasts max 15mins.
    Would I increase volume if rake was lower definitely especially if I get to higher levels.

    Some general notes was surprised to have better results at the £1 and £2 levels than the 50p level I think that could be a combination of not paying enough attention to these games compared to the rest, and also players doing 'weird' stuff at that level ie variance being increased by being all in more often as people call allins more.
    And what is it with players with a big stack wanting all the chips when 4 left and someone away particularly at the 50p level been on tilt a few times due to that just walk it round for crying out loud!
    As expected I don't have the time and attention span to grind it out for hours so this format suits me perfectly but hope to up the volume especially if winning :)

    So onto this month plan is now to move onto £1 £2 and £3 games and also to log how long I play for so I can work out my hourly pittance lol.
    Just noticed that streak week is on so that is going to impact on my figures I am sure.
    If I get on a run then I would probably switch to regular DYM if I get to 5 in a row as variance much less in these.
    Thanks for reading and see you all at the tables.

  • RinkhalsRinkhals Member Posts: 212
    edited October 2020

    I'd like to mirror your comment about certain player at the £0.55 level wanting to scoop all the chips at the table when there is a player sat out. It's so frustrating and I might be making a generalization but I'd imagine they wouldn't be very high on most peoples Christmas card list if they act like that for £0.45

    I've also noticed that there are a lot of very strange folds at times, like the big stack folding for less than half a big blind against a player who is all in in the BB and the big stack in the sb just has to put the extra bit in.

    The worst one I saw was a fold for 5, yes 005 chips.

    All the best for the rest of your mission.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    Rinkhals said:


    I'd like to mirror your comment about certain player at the £0.55 level wanting to scoop all the chips at the table when there is a player sat out. It's so frustrating and I might be making a generalization but I'd imagine they wouldn't be very high on most peoples Christmas card list if they act like that for £0.45

    I've also noticed that there are a lot of very strange folds at times, like the big stack folding for less than half a big blind against a player who is all in in the BB and the big stack in the sb just has to put the extra bit in.

    The worst one I saw was a fold for 5, yes 005 chips.

    All the best for the rest of your mission.

    Thanks for that @Rinkhals
    Yes its so frustrating at times.
    Its unfortunate when someone is 'away' on the bubble but you don't really deserve to cash if you are not at the table imo.
    I usually type 'lets be sensible guys walk it round' and often that works.
    Try not to lose it lol and give them dogs abuse as that can backfire as they then concentrate their efforts on you.
    Also on a multi all in when trying to knock out the shortie people betting is another one.
    Again is it new players who havent worked out that you only need to finish top 3 to win?
    Is it an ego thing ?
    Are they just being a ****?
    As for strange folds yep regular at the lower levels mainly bad play but often hitting autofold when multitabling without realising (been there many a time when involved on another table and glancing at 72 off and auto-folding)
    All you can do is try and accept it as part of the game and to be honest you want these players at your table as they are mostly bad players not overly gifted in the brains department or learning the game and donating.
    Keep cool make a note (eg cost me a game payback when you can no favours) and get them in the future :)

  • RinkhalsRinkhals Member Posts: 212
    @gixxerk4 My pet peave is when you're on the bubble with a player all in and then another player decides they're going to shove all in on the flop. Then they turn over a handful of garbage and you've folded out the winning hand and the all in stays in the game. I'll never understand the mentallity beihnd such a move given you want that player knowcked out and there's a much better chance of that happening if they face more than one player.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    Month 2 complete and a bit of a different story from last month :/
    Didn't put in a huge amount of volume compared to last month.

    £1 DYM turbo P 87 W54 L33 rake £8.70 net profit £12.30
    £2 DYM turbo P108 W52 L56 rake £21.60 net loss £29.60
    £3 DYM turbo P78 W42 L36 rake £23.40 net loss £5.40

    So a total loss of £22.40 for the month so not good compared to last months result of £94 profit.
    However a placing in streak week 1 (£2 level) got me £23.33
    resulting in a profit for the month of wait for it ............... 97pence.

    So my conclusion is streak week was not good for my profitability as a lot of the better DYM players moved down the levels making it much tougher to beat the rake.
    I had 6 winning sessions and 9 losing sessions compared to 17 winning sessions and 7 losing sessions last month.
    Big problem I have discovered about my game is that a bad start to a session resulted in me stopping pretty quickly usually losing around £7-8 as I quickly started to lose interest and confidence something I would never have done years ago.
    So next month going to play some regular DYMs as well as turbos and try some satellites too to mix it up a bit.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £0.97 profit is better than a loss, & it means you enjoyed your hobby for countless hours and it cost you nothing.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    @Tikay10 Fair point Tikay although last month was much more enjoyable :D
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