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HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,746
Lots of players late register for tourneys.
Nothing you can do about that.
Some tourneys require a minimum number of runners before they can start.
Where the minimum requirement is not met, the tourney is cancelled at the start time.
A tourney that I mentioned in another thread was regularly cancelled with 6 entries, as this fell short of the required 7.
Therefore is there any mileage in not starting the tourney, but keeping it open until the end of the late reg period.
So in the case of the 6 runner tourney it would remain open until you got the 7 runners, or was cancelled at the end of the late reg period.
Everyone wants the tourneys to run.
The first Sunday Major sat was cancelled this morning with 2 runners, not the required 3.
You would think that you would have got one more during the 12 minute late reg period.
This would surely result in less tourneys being cancelled.


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