Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure it will make no difference whatsoever.
I use Chrome and if you click on the padlock by the web address and click 'site settings' you will see that Flash is by default not even turned on and is marked as 'block', yet I can use all the features.
I'm IT ignorant so no point trying to discuss the nuances of Flash or otherwise, but Sky Poker will be continuing throughout 2021 & for the foreseeable long-term future beyond that, though it will transfer to different software at some point.
I will have a word with the techie suits on Monday though to see if I can give you a better reply as to Flash, & get back to you.
I'm IT ignorant so no point trying to discuss the nuances of Flash or otherwise, but Sky Poker will be continuing throughout 2021 & for the foreseeable long-term future beyond that, though it will transfer to different software at some point.
I will have a word with the techie suits on Monday though to see if I can give you a better reply as to Flash, & get back to you.
I promised to check the Flash thing with the techies, & I have done so. No good asking me too many questions on the topic, but this was the gist of their reply;
"It’s only the Flash plugin for browsers that will be deprecated at the end of 2020, so this won’t affect the site, which does not use Flash. The download client (Adobe AIR) will continue to support Flash"
It may affect Push Updates for the Lobby though I'm not sure to what extent, but I'm trying to find out & if I hear further I'll let you know.
As to Sky Poker generally, my pervious reply on Saturday remains valid - Sky Poker won't be going anywhere, they are here to stay, be 100% assured.
I promised to check the Flash thing with the techies, & I have done so. No good asking me too many questions on the topic, but this was the gist of their reply;
"It’s only the Flash plugin for browsers that will be deprecated at the end of 2020, so this won’t affect the site, which does not use Flash. The download client (Adobe AIR) will continue to support Flash"
It may affect Push Updates for the Lobby though I'm not sure to what extent, but I'm trying to find out & if I hear further I'll let you know.
As to Sky Poker generally, my pervious reply on Saturday remains valid - Sky Poker won't be going anywhere, they are here to stay, be 100% assured.
Hi Tikay, all good here thanks, hope you're doing well.
Attached is an image from my home screen. I just uninstalled Flash Player from the official Adobe site using their uninstaller. I then tried to open a cash table through the client. Having that fail, I then hoped that the uninstaller took out Air as well so I checked that. As you can see from the image I have Air, I do not have Flash, and I cannot access a table through the client.
On the plus side it does appear you can access tables through an internet browser after Flash is uninstalled, at least I know it works on Chrome. It's just the client that is kaput.
Please could you pass this along to the techies, many thanks.
I've spoken to the Very Serious Tech Man & he's assured me it will be fine. Rather than me (try to) explain, he will be along later this evening to reply.
Adobe will stop providing support and downloads for Flash Player at the end of 2020. Browsers will take their own measures to stop using Flash plugins after 2020. However, the download client uses another Adobe product, Adobe AIR. This will continue to be able to use Flash Player in 2021.
So if you use the Download Client to play poker, you’ll need to keep Flash Player installed to use the product. If you only use your browser, you can remove Flash Player at any time.
We still need to figure out a clear plan so that new players will be able to install and use the Download Client in 2021, because there won’t be an official route for installing Flash after that. Hoping to have an update on this soon.
Adobe will stop providing support and downloads for Flash Player at the end of 2020. Browsers will take their own measures to stop using Flash plugins after 2020. However, the download client uses another Adobe product, Adobe AIR. This will continue to be able to use Flash Player in 2021.
So if you use the Download Client to play poker, you’ll need to keep Flash Player installed to use the product. If you only use your browser, you can remove Flash Player at any time.
We still need to figure out a clear plan so that new players will be able to install and use the Download Client in 2021, because there won’t be an official route for installing Flash after that. Hoping to have an update on this soon.
Thank you for your reply Chris.
I understand the situation now however my main two concerns remain and I don't think they are going anywhere so I've just gotta deal with them. I feared it was going to mean new and returning players will be shown links to a download client they will probably not be able to use. That looks really bush league quite frankly and I think traffic will be hurt by it. Just my opinion though and probably not worth much, but there it is.
My other concern was this section from the EOL site:
Will Adobe provide security updates for Flash Player after the end-of-life date?
Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date. We recommend that all users uninstall Flash Player before the EOL date (see manual uninstall instructions for Windows and Mac users). As of mid-October 2020, users started being prompted by Adobe to uninstall Flash Player on their machines since Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.
It's possible I'm over worrying about it, but that's what I do, especially with Flash Player's history. I'll see what fix Samsung have when they fully take over Air in the New Year and then either use that, Browser only it on Sky or play elsewhere until the new software gets here.
Many thanks again Chris and Tikay for fielding these questions.
I appreciate the fact that the various takeovers have inhibited software upgrades. But the software is positively creaking. Not helped that I have spent 20 minutes watching and unable to hit any buttons. When you are playing on various sites simultaneously, it is a nightmare when 1 crashes.
Let me be clear. I like playing on Sky. It has lots to commend it, not least the people who work here and play here. But we need a clear road map as to when the promised new software is actually going to appear. I'm perfectly happy to bear with this site in the short-medium term despite its increasingly outdated software.
But I am sure I am not the only one wanting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Because I don't want to have to plan to play less on here.
Not "sky is safe" (though that is welcome). When improvements are likely.
Adobe will stop providing support and downloads for Flash Player at the end of 2020. Browsers will take their own measures to stop using Flash plugins after 2020. However, the download client uses another Adobe product, Adobe AIR. This will continue to be able to use Flash Player in 2021.
So if you use the Download Client to play poker, you’ll need to keep Flash Player installed to use the product. If you only use your browser, you can remove Flash Player at any time.
We still need to figure out a clear plan so that new players will be able to install and use the Download Client in 2021, because there won’t be an official route for installing Flash after that. Hoping to have an update on this soon.
Thank you for your reply Chris.
I understand the situation now however my main two concerns remain and I don't think they are going anywhere so I've just gotta deal with them. I feared it was going to mean new and returning players will be shown links to a download client they will probably not be able to use. That looks really bush league quite frankly and I think traffic will be hurt by it. Just my opinion though and probably not worth much, but there it is.
My other concern was this section from the EOL site:
Will Adobe provide security updates for Flash Player after the end-of-life date?
Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date. We recommend that all users uninstall Flash Player before the EOL date (see manual uninstall instructions for Windows and Mac users). As of mid-October 2020, users started being prompted by Adobe to uninstall Flash Player on their machines since Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.
It's possible I'm over worrying about it, but that's what I do, especially with Flash Player's history. I'll see what fix Samsung have when they fully take over Air in the New Year and then either use that, Browser only it on Sky or play elsewhere until the new software gets here.
Many thanks again Chris and Tikay for fielding these questions.
For sure, there are some short-term challenges ahead, & I think Sky are well aware of that. Just got to huckle down & work through them until the cavalry arrives in the form of a new platform.
I appreciate the fact that the various takeovers have inhibited software upgrades. But the software is positively creaking. Not helped that I have spent 20 minutes watching and unable to hit any buttons. When you are playing on various sites simultaneously, it is a nightmare when 1 crashes.
Let me be clear. I like playing on Sky. It has lots to commend it, not least the people who work here and play here. But we need a clear road map as to when the promised new software is actually going to appear. I'm perfectly happy to bear with this site in the short-medium term despite its increasingly outdated software.
But I am sure I am not the only one wanting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Because I don't want to have to plan to play less on here.
Not "sky is safe" (though that is welcome). When improvements are likely.
Sorry you had some issue last night. I checked with the Office & their real-time monitoring never indicated any issues, though of course I'm well aware that the software can be a diva at times & affect us all in different ways.
As to the future, you will have seen enough platform transitions to know they are complex & never easy. For that reason, I don't think Sky want to give any specific timeframe at the moment, though I think your "short to medium term" perfectly describes it. If dates were given & were missed for whatever reason, I'd be hung out to dry & quoted a zillion times.
I hope you'll bear with them, but of course you have to make your own decision.
We may get some good advice from one of these @bustout44
@kapowblamz @mumsie @NoseyBonk
I use Chrome and if you click on the padlock by the web address and click 'site settings' you will see that Flash is by default not even turned on and is marked as 'block', yet I can use all the features.
I just want to know there's a plan for SkyPoker continuing into the new year when Flash Player is discontinued.
Many thanks.
Hi Tommy.
I'm IT ignorant so no point trying to discuss the nuances of Flash or otherwise, but Sky Poker will be continuing throughout 2021 & for the foreseeable long-term future beyond that, though it will transfer to different software at some point.
I will have a word with the techie suits on Monday though to see if I can give you a better reply as to Flash, & get back to you.
Hope you are OK mate.
I promised to check the Flash thing with the techies, & I have done so. No good asking me too many questions on the topic, but this was the gist of their reply;
"It’s only the Flash plugin for browsers that will be deprecated at the end of 2020, so this won’t affect the site, which does not use Flash. The download client (Adobe AIR) will continue to support Flash"
It may affect Push Updates for the Lobby though I'm not sure to what extent, but I'm trying to find out & if I hear further I'll let you know.
As to Sky Poker generally, my pervious reply on Saturday remains valid - Sky Poker won't be going anywhere, they are here to stay, be 100% assured.
Attached is an image from my home screen. I just uninstalled Flash Player from the official Adobe site using their uninstaller. I then tried to open a cash table through the client. Having that fail, I then hoped that the uninstaller took out Air as well so I checked that. As you can see from the image I have Air, I do not have Flash, and I cannot access a table through the client.
On the plus side it does appear you can access tables through an internet browser after Flash is uninstalled, at least I know it works on Chrome. It's just the client that is kaput.
Please could you pass this along to the techies, many thanks.
This is not going to be the millenium bug of Jan 1st 2021 and the client suddenly ceases to work.
It will work exactly as it does now because nothing under the bonnet is changing in any way.
I've spoken to the Very Serious Tech Man & he's assured me it will be fine. Rather than me (try to) explain, he will be along later this evening to reply.
Thanks Tikay for that intro!
Adobe will stop providing support and downloads for Flash Player at the end of 2020. Browsers will take their own measures to stop using Flash plugins after 2020. However, the download client uses another Adobe product, Adobe AIR. This will continue to be able to use Flash Player in 2021.
So if you use the Download Client to play poker, you’ll need to keep Flash Player installed to use the product. If you only use your browser, you can remove Flash Player at any time.
We still need to figure out a clear plan so that new players will be able to install and use the Download Client in 2021, because there won’t be an official route for installing Flash after that. Hoping to have an update on this soon.
^^^^^ @TommyD
I understand the situation now however my main two concerns remain and I don't think they are going anywhere so I've just gotta deal with them. I feared it was going to mean new and returning players will be shown links to a download client they will probably not be able to use. That looks really bush league quite frankly and I think traffic will be hurt by it. Just my opinion though and probably not worth much, but there it is.
My other concern was this section from the EOL site:
Will Adobe provide security updates for Flash Player after the end-of-life date?
Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date. We recommend that all users uninstall Flash Player before the EOL date (see manual uninstall instructions for Windows and Mac users). As of mid-October 2020, users started being prompted by Adobe to uninstall Flash Player on their machines since Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.
It's possible I'm over worrying about it, but that's what I do, especially with Flash Player's history. I'll see what fix Samsung have when they fully take over Air in the New Year and then either use that, Browser only it on Sky or play elsewhere until the new software gets here.
Many thanks again Chris and Tikay for fielding these questions.
I appreciate the fact that the various takeovers have inhibited software upgrades. But the software is positively creaking. Not helped that I have spent 20 minutes watching and unable to hit any buttons. When you are playing on various sites simultaneously, it is a nightmare when 1 crashes.
Let me be clear. I like playing on Sky. It has lots to commend it, not least the people who work here and play here. But we need a clear road map as to when the promised new software is actually going to appear. I'm perfectly happy to bear with this site in the short-medium term despite its increasingly outdated software.
But I am sure I am not the only one wanting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Because I don't want to have to plan to play less on here.
Not "sky is safe" (though that is welcome). When improvements are likely.
I've passed that across to Techie Chris.
For sure, there are some short-term challenges ahead, & I think Sky are well aware of that. Just got to huckle down & work through them until the cavalry arrives in the form of a new platform.
Sorry you had some issue last night. I checked with the Office & their real-time monitoring never indicated any issues, though of course I'm well aware that the software can be a diva at times & affect us all in different ways.
As to the future, you will have seen enough platform transitions to know they are complex & never easy. For that reason, I don't think Sky want to give any specific timeframe at the moment, though I think your "short to medium term" perfectly describes it. If dates were given & were missed for whatever reason, I'd be hung out to dry & quoted a zillion times.
I hope you'll bear with them, but of course you have to make your own decision.