I have too many too mention but can any of you single one person out head and shoulders above the rest? (i just posted this on the sky poker tour forum by accident and can't get it off..sorry )
I think the mods should have the ability to move it from forum to forum, if that's the case then in future you can just leave it there untill the mods move it. In answer to the question, probably Daniel Negreanu. Not only is he a good player with interesting concepts (e.g his smallball philosophy) but he can be super entertaining to watch at a table.
Bytor_2112 = Dan Lobb in disguise? Lol, I think Tom Dwan is an absolutely super player. There was one hand on a Poker After Dark cash game where he was in a hand vs Phil Hellmuth, he called a raise on the turn with bottom pair, checked a scary-ish river to Phil who made just shy of a potsize bet. Dwan took aaaaaaaages making up his mind, shot a bit of an angle, but eventually folded just bottom pair. That was the second time I saw him on TV (the other being when he sucked out on Hellmuth in the Heads Up Championship, getting it all in bad with TT against Phil's AA and hitting a T on the turn) and that hand made me respect him as a player to no end because he seemed to geniunely believe he had the best hand. Just unfortunatley couldn't pull the trigger.
phill hellmuth by a mile.great poker player and very good to watch.when he called a guy an idoit about ten times in wsop 2008 lol he was wrong but thats phill 4 u
Bytor_2112 = Dan Lobb in disguise?
Lol, I think Tom Dwan is an absolutely super player. There was one hand on a Poker After Dark cash game where he was in a hand vs Phil Hellmuth, he called a raise on the turn with bottom pair, checked a scary-ish river to Phil who made just shy of a potsize bet. Dwan took aaaaaaaages making up his mind, shot a bit of an angle, but eventually folded just bottom pair. That was the second time I saw him on TV (the other being when he sucked out on Hellmuth in the Heads Up Championship, getting it all in bad with TT against Phil's AA and hitting a T on the turn) and that hand made me respect him as a player to no end because he seemed to geniunely believe he had the best hand. Just unfortunatley couldn't pull the trigger.
For me it's Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson. He knows his stuff and I like the hat!!