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Why do some spend more than the 1st place prize?

H3rcul3sH3rcul3s Member Posts: 12
edited November 2020 in Poker Chat
For some time now there has been a question really bugging me, that is, why in a freeroll £20 guaranteed game, do so many players spend much more or rebuys and and ons than they can ever win, when the average 1st place prize is only about £5??? Am I stupid?? Is there a reason or are they just people who shouldn't be playing?


  • chappo100chappo100 Member Posts: 116
    im so confused, how can someone rebuy for more than the win in a freeroll? that being said rebuys should be thought of almost as separate entries, so if you in for 50 bullets already in the £1rebuy and you can only win £50 you still look at it as thought its £1/£2 with addon to potentially win 50 or make roughly whatever your average return in tourney is, plus you have donated £50 to the prize pool and although its not dead money it should still boost expected win rate a tad if you beating the field.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    In this scenario where sky guarantee a prizepool and using an extreme example if no one else re entered and one player spent £20 nothing would get added to the prizepool and they would always lose money even if they won.

    So someone could spend more than 1st place if they wanted but its obviously not a smart move
  • H3rcul3sH3rcul3s Member Posts: 12
    Thanks for replying Chappo100 and MattBates, while I understand buy ins and add ons add to the prize pool, if you spend more than you can win, it seem pointless to me. More like something a child would do, or someone that was playing while in the wrong frame of mind, perhaps when already wound up or angry. I worry they are people that maybe developing a problem.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,281
    H3rcul3s said:

    Thanks for replying Chappo100 and MattBates, while I understand buy ins and add ons add to the prize pool, if you spend more than you can win, it seem pointless to me. More like something a child would do, or someone that was playing while in the wrong frame of mind, perhaps when already wound up or angry. I worry they are people that maybe developing a problem.

    possibly but what your describing is a free roll right where people are rebuying for 50p.

    it could be they not worried about making a profit they just want to have fun cheaply.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited November 2020
    H3rcul3s said:

    Thanks for replying Chappo100 and MattBates, while I understand buy ins and add ons add to the prize pool, if you spend more than you can win, it seem pointless to me. More like something a child would do, or someone that was playing while in the wrong frame of mind, perhaps when already wound up or angry. I worry they are people that maybe developing a problem.

    If you think of the people who play these tournaments, it's not so suprising some will re buy more times than the prize for 1st place. for starters, these people could be thinking the £20 guarenteed is what's won for first place and not how much is in the overall prize pool, I was wrongly thinking this myself when I first begun.

    Also these people think really short term, They don't think how much has been payed for each rebuy instead they just see 1 rebuy as another chance to win a decent prize. It's kinda like the way a player will limp something like 8c2c pre thinking it's a cheap price for the chance to win a big potting hitting the flush not realizing all those times they've missed are gonna cost more than what they will win from hitting.
  • BlairReidBlairReid Member Posts: 74
    H3rcul3s said:

    Thanks for replying Chappo100 and MattBates, while I understand buy ins and add ons add to the prize pool, if you spend more than you can win, it seem pointless to me. More like something a child would do, or someone that was playing while in the wrong frame of mind, perhaps when already wound up or angry. I worry they are people that maybe developing a problem.

    You've got the explanations and this reply proves you weren't confused in the slightest to begin with. "Thanks for replying guys but I just wanted to gloat."

    Do you also scoff at people for spending their money in other ways? Do you think that people who buy packs on Fifa ultimate team are football addicts? Or people who spend money playing Farmville are compulsive farmers? Let them be. It isn't your place to police who "should" and "shouldn't" be playing the game. I doubt someone spending a fiver in a freeroll is indicative of a serious gambling problem.

    Pretty ironic to think that these people are childish whilst trying to pass this absolute drivel thread off as anything even resembling maturity.
  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    +1 for compulsive farmers
  • H3rcul3sH3rcul3s Member Posts: 12
    Hi BlairReid, I wasn't gloating, it is a serious concern, things like this need to be explained properly, as is mentioned in one of the replies, when they first started on sky, they thought that the £20 "Garanteed" was the 1st place prize, in which case some people may be unaware they are spending more than can possibly be won for that game. So I am trying to figure out, is it worth my while making contact with sky to see if they can rectify this so it causes no problems for anyone. I was just baffled and concerned, I only play for fun, but unless I am typing in chat when the "rebuy" button appears after losing my chips I never rebuy, and I never will. Same with add ons, If I run out of the starting chips that's it. I live on a tight budget as do many others, but if they are mistakenly thinking they will be winning more, it should be flagged up.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Yes, I'm sure Sky would be delighted if you reached out to them about this very serious matter.

    A serious concern is Trump winning the election, or your life getting ruined by COVID or any other miserable disease or affliction.

    People throwing around a few 50p's in a freeroll really shouldn't ''baffle or concern'' anyone.

  • H3rcul3sH3rcul3s Member Posts: 12
    Hi hhyftrtdr, the point that seems obvious to me, and some others, if not everyone, is that those 50p's soon add up and if you are playing a lot or all of those freeroll games always rebuying and adding on, this can really cause problems. As you mentioned during this testing times of Covid19, people complaining of lost income etc, even those 50p's can be a problem if you are already struggling to fed yourself/family, pay the rent or pay the bills. I didn't post to have arguments with people but one or two of the replies are obviously (it seems to me anyway) posted by people who like a good debate/argument. Once again I say the post came from a good place, not being gloating, not to upset people, but because I have seen what any type of addiction can do to those that develope a problem and to those around them. People suffering from mental health problems also self medicate with gambling/shopping/drinking, isn't it better to put it out there and ask if they are ok, or if they need help rather than shout them down?
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,920
    people realize soon enough that rebuying and adding on in freerolls is wasting money , they have to unless they're a bit thick or they're doing it for the craic , which i've done , just going allin to get a monster stack years ago i might add and suitably rolled
    nine rebuys and a add on you get your money back if you win it that takes some doing in an hour
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Can understand @hhyftrftdr disdain at finding this thread wasn’t about free....rolls. 😉
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    H3rcul3s said:

    Hi hhyftrtdr, the point that seems obvious to me, and some others, if not everyone, is that those 50p's soon add up and if you are playing a lot or all of those freeroll games always rebuying and adding on, this can really cause problems. As you mentioned during this testing times of Covid19, people complaining of lost income etc, even those 50p's can be a problem if you are already struggling to fed yourself/family, pay the rent or pay the bills. I didn't post to have arguments with people but one or two of the replies are obviously (it seems to me anyway) posted by people who like a good debate/argument. Once again I say the post came from a good place, not being gloating, not to upset people, but because I have seen what any type of addiction can do to those that develope a problem and to those around them. People suffering from mental health problems also self medicate with gambling/shopping/drinking, isn't it better to put it out there and ask if they are ok, or if they need help rather than shout them down?

    On a ladder of potential gambling problems, how far up said ladder do you think a freeroll on Sky is?

    What should or could Sky do to ease your concerns?

    Let's be honest; if players are throwing numerous 50p's at a freeroll where the top prize is likely to be a fiver, are these players stupid or addicted?

    Cos if they have an addiction problem, there are much better games and gambling fixes to get than a 20 quid freeroll on a poker site.
  • H3rcul3sH3rcul3s Member Posts: 12
    Hi again hhyftrdr, if you read the first thread again, that was my initial question, were they stupid or should they maybe not be playing, lol. As to what sky could do, it is simple, state in the "title" that the £20 gtd is for the prize pool not the 1st prize, that way more people would be made aware of how much they can expect to win. It wouldn't take a lot to do this and could save some real heartache for those "chasing losses" or that may have the start of a problem. Like I said before, this post wasn't meant to upset, offend or make fun of others it was an honest concern. Maybe I am just a bit too sensitive lmao
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    H3rcul3s said:

    Hi again hhyftrdr, if you read the first thread again, that was my initial question, were they stupid or should they maybe not be playing, lol. As to what sky could do, it is simple, state in the "title" that the £20 gtd is for the prize pool not the 1st prize, that way more people would be made aware of how much they can expect to win. It wouldn't take a lot to do this and could save some real heartache for those "chasing losses" or that may have the start of a problem. Like I said before, this post wasn't meant to upset, offend or make fun of others it was an honest concern. Maybe I am just a bit too sensitive lmao

    I'm sure your heart is in the right place, but being concerned about problem gamblers in a 20 quid freeroll on Sky is like seeing @MattBates in the queue at Toby Carvery and being worried he might be anorexic.
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