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fishhhhh UKOPS mini diary

fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
edited November 2020 in Poker Chat
I've been fortunate to have some good results this year and while I haven't had the greatest of starts to UKOPS, it was nice to bink one yesterday. Thought I'd do a little diary to show my P&L for the series and if I have time, some interesting spots.

Good luck at the tables everyone 👌


  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    Here was an interesting hand from Sundays £220 High Roller. What do you think villain could have here? What do you think we should do?
    rossybee16Small blind60.0060.009485.00
    bharwood08Big blind120.00180.006857.50
    Your hole cards
    • J
    • 9
    • 4
    • 10
    • 8
    • J
    • 9
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    edited November 2020
    V. Interesting\refreshing take on a with rest of ukops.
    Ax spades obvs....sigh fold?
  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    GL fish, will follow with interest. No idea about the hand, my guess would be QJs
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Gl Run well :D
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    So my thoughts on the hand:
    The hands that I think check raise us on the flop for value are sets, two pair (although probably only T8s gets here in reality), and strong tops pairs (although not all). The bluffs are a bit trickier to guess on a rainbow board but likely some overcards with gutshot and backdoor fd or straight draws and occasionally bottom pair plus backdoors.

    Given stack to pot ratio and given that the 2nd spade comes in on the turn, a lot of the value bets will just want to get it in on this turn (sets, top pair that has now turned top 2, and top pair that has a gutshot or fd). Some of the bluffs now have staights and some of the backdoor draws now have top pair and/or fd and again some of these want to get it in on this turn. So a check back to me seems to indicate some showdown value or complete air that bluffed the flop and we can eliminate a lot of the sets.

    The river now puts four to a straight out there and we have a good bluff catcher. The question is do we think villain bluffs enough and what do they bluff with? Sure our opponent can have some flushes and occasionally some straights but it seems like a lot of their range would have some showdown value and wouldn't get called by me with worse. We block some of the straights although we would prefer to have anything other than hearts but in the end I felt with the bounty there were enough bluffs in villains range to call and so sigh called.

    We won vs a hand I didn't expect to shove - KTo. If villain shows up with a single pair turned into a bluff it is a snap call.
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    Yesterday was an up and down session with near misses in the HR and Main and a nice win in the Hyper Rebuy. I see some comments in here and at the tables about loose calls however with bounty tournaments half the prize pool is in the bounties so if you aren't aggressively going after them you are missing out on half the prize pool! I'd prefer it if you kept playing too tight though, more bounties for me ;)

  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Good luck with UKOPS Mr Fishhhhh!

    If you don't mind me commenting on it, your graph goes steadily down for 750 games at what looks like micro stakes and then suddenly WHOOSH straight up from mid-2019 onwards! What happened?! :lol:
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61

    Good luck with UKOPS Mr Fishhhhh!

    If you don't mind me commenting on it, your graph goes steadily down for 750 games at what looks like micro stakes and then suddenly WHOOSH straight up from mid-2019 onwards! What happened?! :lol:

    Thanks Angmar! Don't mind you asking at all, I used to be a cash game player predominantly and played some of the series MTTs over on Stars. I used to play some SnGs and the odd MTT on Sky for a bit of light relief. Towards the end of 2019 I decided to move over to MTTs from cash and if I'm honest preferred the smaller, softer fields on Sky to playing more on Stars. I did a lot of work on my MTT strategy and have been fortunate to see the rewards.
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    A frustrating couple of days where I just couldn't get much going but picked up some bounties and a couple of FTs to keep in distance of @Super_Oli who is flying at the moment! Gearing up nicely for a big weekend, which I'm looking forward to.

  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    A hectic last few days and a roller coaster ride in the SHR and Main to finish of UKOPS. Very happy to have had a profitable UKOPS, although slightly disappointed I couldn't take one of the deep runs in the Mains to an FT or better. On the whole I was happy with my play throughout (no-one needs to know about the K2o punt on the first bullet of the SHR through!). Looking to a few nights off and spending some actual quality time with my wife (although I think she prefers when I'm locked away in my study!).

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    Enjoyed the read/ride. A very interesting diary. Will you do it for the "miniukops", if there is one?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    How did you find the standard of games compared to normal/compared to previous ukops?
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited November 2020
    Well played in the Super roller yesterday.

    That hand you posted, was interesting. When you face a X/R on the more drier flops People should be adding combos with really strong backdoor equity into their bluffing range.
    when the villian X back turn he could be giving up but at the same time he could have made a draw and was looking to X/R. When you decide to X back you make your range capped for sure and when the river card completes single card straight I can some weak 4x and K9s in his bluffing range whilst QJ (with backdoor FD), Q9s with backdoor FD) in his value range.

    I'm suprised villian would show up with KT, What I'm thinking here is he over valued his TP on flop and didn't think about turn and river at all, as played he has made you fold most weaker hands on flop so when he saw that river card he thought he could bluff you off some better hands not realizing he's only really targetting some AT combos. It may come as a suprise but I see lots of players turn their weak value hands into a bluff on these single card straight boards, of course what they don't realize is they are targetting a really narrow range of hands.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Enjoyed the diary; thought of making it a regular thing?
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    MattBates said:

    How did you find the standard of games compared to normal/compared to previous ukops?

    Tricky one to compare as only played one other UKOPS, didn't play a full schedule and would like to think I've got better myself since then. In general I would say that the standard of play is getting better but not to an extent that would put me off playing any events. Some players are clearly working on their game and have made notable improvements, others not so much! (IMO).
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61
    craigcu12 said:

    Well played in the Super roller yesterday.

    That hand you posted, was interesting. When you face a X/R on the more drier flops People should be adding combos with really strong backdoor equity into their bluffing range.
    when the villian X back turn he could be giving up but at the same time he could have made a draw and was looking to X/R. When you decide to X back you make your range capped for sure and when the river card completes single card straight I can some weak 4x and K9s in his bluffing range whilst QJ (with backdoor FD), Q9s with backdoor FD) in his value range.

    I'm suprised villian would show up with KT, What I'm thinking here is he over valued his TP on flop and didn't think about turn and river at all, as played he has made you fold most weaker hands on flop so when he saw that river card he thought he could bluff you off some better hands not realizing he's only really targetting some AT combos. It may come as a suprise but I see lots of players turn their weak value hands into a bluff on these single card straight boards, of course what they don't realize is they are targetting a really narrow range of hands.

    I tend to agree on flop x/r range, however there are few people on Sky that have that in their arsenal. I was surprised by the KT as well, I was expecting value or air tbh but what you say makes sense about people bluffing weaker value.
  • fishhhhhfishhhhh Member Posts: 61

    Enjoyed the diary; thought of making it a regular thing?

    Thanks Angmar. In all honesty, no. I thought it would be fun for UKOPS and give people an idea of the swings of a schedule like but don't really have any desire to do it moving forward.
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