This is the first time ive ever had the luxuary of using the 5% bankroll rule. After winning and competing in enough touraments and DYM;s ive built a stong enough bankroll to do so. So without sounding too rude, im going to ask, how many people actually follow this 5% rule and how affective have they felt it is.
For all my bankroll isnt yet 100% where id like it to be i actually feel like its going rapidly in the right direction, and when it goes all wrong im secure enough to recover it with one or two tournaments of a DYM. Although Sharkscope says im on tilt i feel like im playing some of the best poker if not thee best poker ive ever played, and alot of it is down to being able to relax because if i lose ive enjoyed myself and i can still do so. Even then i feel like i can go into another tournament even if ive just watched my AA being beaten by A2 relax and recover mentally to play well again.
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Ahhh the 5% rule lol
It divides opinion on here, there's a thread way way back in the archives where i asked the question and got lots of response on both sides.
Here's my take on it. I don't use 5%. i Don't do it because i have no NEED to stay in the game, and thats the reason that BRM is good. I play for fun so i play the amount i want to play against the opponents i want to play. I buy into whatever tournament i feel like playing by simply depositing enough to cover it.
If you need to play all the time, if your high stakes or a doing this as a proffesion (or if you ever have asperations of doing this) then BRM is essential. If your playing for a laugh then the most important thing is to play what's fun and financially viable to you.
I refuse to beleive that some of the players playing 15 - 30, 20 - 40 etc have the rolls to be there but if there doing it for fun and the any money won is a bonus then why not?
I set myself a challange recently to take £25 i'd won in a freeroll and spin it up (obviously something like this can not be done within the 5% rule unless you want it take 5 years lol). At the highest point I span this to £640 in 2 - 3 weeks and when i ended the challange i'd cashed £520 off the site. Now i could have left the money on and stayed in the game, but why win it all without enjoying it ?
In Response to Re: 5% bankroll rule:
The SPT qualifier didnt exactly go to plan. On the 1 - 5 satellite into the Semi i bubbled, although i am suspisious of alot of co-ollition (spelling) in the final four. Although nothing was said in the chat box ill read out a few hands.heres the hand on the bubble i went out on (fair enough no complaints he hit one of his 3 outs)
However heres a hand just two minutes before
In Response to Re: 5% bankroll rule:
As you say Acesover8s i also play for fun, but as im unemployed at least breaking even is really an essential for me to maintain playing for fun. Its not exactly my ideal lifestyle to be unemployed, however this gives me more time to play the game and continue my learning curve.
As you said i would like to play in any tournament any time to play who i want everytime. But i need to play in lower stake games to fund this. This is effectivley my BRM. However i feel comfortable with this now, as my BR is improving im finding a bigger and better comfort zone. Admittedly once i do have a certain amount i will withdraw the vast amount of it, although will leave enough in my account to start to build it back up to that amount and withdraw again. Again though this is purley because i have no real income to put into the poker. As a result i have withdrawn the money ive placed into the game and what i have left is my BR.
I do stick to the 5% rigidly, it gives me the comfort of not playing with scared money, recently varience has not been nice to me, there have been a couple of good days, but mostly not, my bankroll has dropped dramaticaly, but I have been able to drop down levels to keep varience covered.
This is where i find the hands either come or the players are just not as good at taking advantage of my bluffing or they dont chase and i dont get outdrawn, e.g i went all in on a bounty hunter first hand with 2 pair on the flop. Someone calls and hit their 7 for their gutshot (4outs in the deck),