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Who won what, Thursday 19th November - Mini UKOPS + regular schedule

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

Good morning.

Numbers were solid across the board last night.

In the Mini UKOPS the Mini Main did well, & in fact paid over £1,100 to the winner, tidy money in these parts. UKOPS 16, the poshed up Reload had a £2,000 guarantee & made a whopping £3,111. Poker players love a cheapo rebuy although they never admit it. 394 uniques, 417 rebuys & 226 Add Ons says it all.

Away from Mini UKOPS, Wednesday's Main failed to make £7,000, which quite surprised me, but it bounced back big time last night & came in a nadge shy of £9,000.

A dozen results to go through, so I'd best press on.

£1,500 Mini UKOPS 13 £1,985

£500 Mini UKOPS 14 PLO8 £680

£1,500 Mini UKOPS 14 £1,725

£4,000 Mini UKOPS 15 £4,510

£2,000 Mini UKOPS 16 £3,111

£1,000 BH £1,220

£6,000 Hitman Main £8,950

£1,000 Mega £1,280

£2,000 Sheriff £2,500

£1,500 Turbo £1,620

£1,500 Quicky £2,000

£1,000 Mid Ex £1,360


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    Mini UKOPS 13 £1,500 Bounty Hunter (£1,985)

    Fishyworm had a whole bunch of cashes in the region of £300 to £400 early in the year when he was playing bigger volume, but he's been sporadic of late & only returned last week after a 3 month absence.

    LittleGJ (2nd) plays 90% of his volume in DYM's but his occasional forays into the MTT world do ok, & he's won a Mega & ran 2nd in a monsta 863 runner boomlet Mini. He was busy with Streak Week most of yesterday & currently sits top of the £1.10 League.

    In 3rd was 123qwe, making his 3rd Mini UKOPS FT of the series. (3rd, 5th & 3rd). He went on to win a tenner BH later in the evening for £150 too.

    @Fishyworm 1191000 1 £250.61 + £61.47 Head Prizes 7

    @LittleGJ 0 2 £145.90 + £31.86 Head Prizes 9

    @123qwe 0 3 £88.33 + £60.19 Head Prizes 14

    @DEBBIE222 0 4 £70.67 + £13.25 Head Prizes 5

    @rachealaxe 0 5 £59.55 + £19.43 Head Prizes 6

    @racey1 0 6 £48.53 + £26.51 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    Mini UKOPS 14 £500 PLO8 B/Hunter (£680)

    smilin2 has an odd playing profile. 98% of his play is in NLHE but from a super small sample he does extremely well in PLO8. In the last few months from just a handful of PLO8 games he has run 1/23, 2/32, 3/21 & last night 1st of 136. In PLO8 you have to know when to push & when to pull, & he's clearly got that sussed.

    In 5th was tomgoodun who hides his skill beneath a blanket of modesty, but trust me he's as mean as it gets at PLO8.

    Whilst playing this, 6th placed WSOP2017 actually took down the regular 7.45pm PLO8 as well as a fiver PLO8 DYM. Great to hear PLO8 DYM's still run, I had such fun playing those. When I see the username WSOP2017 it so reminds me of a friend of mine back in the day who used a similar alias - WSOP2005 in his case. As almost a complete novice, he won the 2005 WSOP Pot Limit Hold 'Em bracelet for a third of a milly after some coaching from Dave Colclough. Pot Limit was in it's dying days then but was still the format most played. To win his bracelet he had to get amazeballs lucky v the late John Gale (who went on to win it the next year), & it was widely felt that he was the worst WSOP winner of all time. What a character he was though. He was a retired pro Ice Hockey player & as tough as they came. Rumour has it that after his bracelet win things reportedly went a little awry, & after what was described as some creative staking schemes I heard he ended up incarcerated in a Federal hostelry. I hope that's not true, but the story sure did the rounds. He's certainly out & about & doing OK now, God bless him.

    @smilin2 408000 1 £93.50 + £46.74 Head Prizes 8

    @DREAMHUNTE 0 2 £56.44 + £49.34 Head Prizes 15

    @DONMANN 0 3 £34.68 + £34.02 Head Prizes 13

    @hughjarse2 0 4 £27.54 + £6.56 Head Prizes 3

    @tomgoodun 0 5 £23.46 + £17.80 Head Prizes 7

    @WSOP2017 0 6 £19.72 + £6.10 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    Mini UKOPS 15 £1,500 Bounty Hunter (£1,725)

    malone02 won this whilst grinding (jeez, I loathe that term) a whole load of £22 Turbo DYM's.

    3rd & 4th were steveysee & scotty77.

    @malone02 1035000 1 £217.78 + £77.56 Head Prizes 11

    @wallfan88 0 2 £126.79 + £16.50 Head Prizes 3

    @steveysee 0 3 £76.76 + £43.54 Head Prizes 12

    @scotty77 0 4 £61.41 + £12.99 Head Prizes 4

    @adil 0 5 £51.75 + £21.94 Head Prizes 8

    @dee2014 0 6 £42.18 + £21.83 Head Prizes 9
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    Mini UKOPS 16 £4,000 Single Re-entry (£4,510)

    mainspring spent all day in the DYM streets before transitioning to MTT's & winning this. It was his best ever result on Sky Poker, & more than double what he received for winning a Mini Major on June.

    The UKOPS Sidebet Challenge has been - let's be polite here - subdued so far, but it burst into life here with the Shrimper & Angmar2626 running 4th & 5th.

    There were a bunch of UKOPS Sidebet winners in the money actually, too many to mention or even remember, but including bbMike, Super_Oli, Camel Chap, Maxally & Crushy. Oh, & not to forget, Guitar Bloke down in a splendid 58th place which will have pleased him no end.

    @mainspring 2255000 1 £1127.50

    @torres215 0 2 £631.40

    @kettle9930 0 3 £383.35

    @Shrimpy28 0 4 £293.15

    @Angmar2626 0 5 £248.05

    @Ubbi4820 0 6 £202.95

    @terrytwomore 0 7 £153.34
    @Baldybums 0 8 £103.73
    @JMH7 0 9 £67.65
    @Inachair 0 10 £54.12
    @lerky 0 11 £54.12
    @2Geronimo 0 12 £54.12
    @Acer640 0 13 £54.12
    @wallfan88 0 14 £54.12
    @AKAscotty 0 15 £54.12
    @bbMike 0 16 £36.08
    @jonahindii 0 17 £36.08
    @PeterPoker 0 18 £36.08
    @jawzindawz 0 19 £36.08
    @Vaatrrik_2 0 20 £36.08
    @Tiger33 0 21 £23.45
    @OXBOWLER 0 22 £23.45
    @gunnersj 0 23 £23.45
    @Hotwheals 0 24 £23.45
    @Woebegone 0 25 £23.45
    @386500 0 26 £21.20
    @StanOgden 0 27 £21.20
    @Karamurat 0 28 £21.20
    @scruffyboy 0 29 £21.20
    @M10Dembele 0 30 £21.20
    @mattprawn 0 31 £19.84
    @jimjazz153 0 32 £19.84
    @RIVERBABY 0 33 £19.84
    @lolufold 0 34 £19.84
    @Gab12 0 35 £19.84
    @AVFC1982 0 36 £19.39
    @Granite89 0 37 £19.39
    @TEXANT 0 38 £19.39
    @jonny168 0 39 £19.39
    @MAXALLY 0 40 £19.39
    @DannyJP 0 41 £18.94
    @JammThis 0 42 £18.94
    @gazzery13 0 43 £18.94
    @AMD68 0 44 £18.94
    @SwannLoL 0 45 £18.94
    @grandpabak 0 46 £18.94
    @rocky62 0 47 £18.94
    @Super_Oli 0 48 £18.94
    @loosecamel 0 49 £18.94
    @loololollo 0 50 £18.94
    @boych 0 51 £18.49
    @Kahuna96 0 52 £18.49
    @Jaystac 0 53 £18.49
    @ARKHAM 0 54 £18.49
    @lwwl 0 55 £18.49
    @Kev1892 0 56 £18.49
    @Ahinaha 0 57 £18.49
    @Duesenberg 0 58 £18.49
    @EnormousAl 0 59 £18.49
    @hhyftrftdr 0 60 £18.49
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    Mini UKOPS 17 £2,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£3,111)

    It was double up Dan last night as he not only won UKOPS 17, but took down a 129 runner smallball BH that kicked off at 7.10pm.

    Talking of doubles, the most eye-opening result of the night was Late Reg Reg running 2nd. Remember, he ran 2nd in the very same affair two nights earlier, & so it looks like he'll be atop the UKOPS Sidebet League today. He repeatedly claims he loathes this event, & throws regular girlie strops under his alter ego Reprobate Reg but deep down he loves it, trust me, in fact he refers to himself these days as Rebuy Reg.

    6th was FeNdeR36, who won a UKOPS Mini back in April.

    @Dan040811 2526000 1 £392.76 + £137.62 Head Prizes 15

    @The--Don 0 2 £228.66 + £48.28 Head Prizes 9

    @Glenavon 0 3 £138.44 + £62.75 Head Prizes 17

    @MZS 0 4 £110.75 + £50.06 Head Prizes 10

    @steve_b120 0 5 £93.33 + £33.68 Head Prizes 9

    @FeNdeR36 0 6 £76.06 + £50.12 Head Prizes 10
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,220)

    On to the regular schedule now, but after waffling way too much on Mini UKOPS stuff I'm going to have to rattle through these foot to the floor.

    woody207, 5th in this earlier in the week, got his win. He won Sharpy Main last month for good money, so is going along nicely.

    Rcord has had some week, twice finalling this as well as finals in Sheriff & Turbo.

    @woody207 183000 1 £183 + £165.69 Head Prizes 10

    @RCord 0 2 £122 + £32.15 Head Prizes 2

    @Super_Oli 0 3 £73.20 + £25.78 Head Prizes 2

    @MZS 0 4 £61 + £42.40 Head Prizes 5

    @Sidders116 0 5 £48.80 + £26.26 Head Prizes 3

    @johnny_e 0 6 £39.65 + £12.07 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £6,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£8,970)

    It's a very long time since celt197031 made one of these threads but he did it big time last night in taking down the Main.

    2nd was StayOrGo & it was man of the moment Rcord making yet another FT this week.

    loosecamel not only ran 4th, but proved himself the best even-toed ungulate on the site, not a sentence we see too often in poker discussions.

    @celt197031 1495000 1 £1188.53 + £350.26 Head Prizes 7

    @StayOrGo 0 2 £708.63 + £161.72 Head Prizes 9

    @RCord 0 3 £426.07 + £245.05 Head Prizes 11

    @loosecamel 0 4 £336.38 + £47.81 Head Prizes 3

    @Richrash93 0 5 £284.80 + £263.01 Head Prizes 12

    @SwannLoL 0 6 £237.71 + £118.18 Head Prizes 6
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,280)

    Step aside kids, with Crushy beating Melty was one for Team Big Boy.

    @loololollo 640000 1 £192 + £199.83 Head Prizes 12

    @chicknMelt 0 2 £128 + £43.59 Head Prizes 5

    @Intwin 0 3 £76.80 + £11.72 Head Prizes 1

    @collin11 0 4 £64 + £84.37 Head Prizes 7

    @scotty77 0 5 £51.20 0

    @THETANK 0 6 £41.60 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,500)

    fishhhhh won 2 Sunday Majors in September & has eight £1,000+ cashes in 3 months but has been quiet this week until popping up to take Sheriff.

    3rd was Froozle, who has recently returned to the Sky Poker MTT streets. Let's not forget he was the most profitable MTT-er on the site in 2018 if Sharky is to be believed.

    @fishhhhh 250000 1 £462.50 + £344.13 Head Prizes 8

    @RAKKKI 0 2 £275 + £93.74 Head Prizes 2

    @Froozle 0 3 £187.50 + £174.61 Head Prizes 8

    @mcg899 0 4 £137.50 + £140.63 Head Prizes 6

    @rossybee16 0 5 £100 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @Drawdead 0 6 £87.50 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £1,500 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,620)

    adamisere had a hot & cold evening. He won an all-In Sat to Sheriff only to bomb out first, but made up for it later with a Turbo victory. He won Mid Ex a week ago too.

    @adamisere 270000 1 £299.70 + £181.31 Head Prizes 5

    @easy345par 0 2 £178.20 + £223.34 Head Prizes 15

    @Cleis 0 3 £121.50 + £36.56 Head Prizes 3

    @chicknMelt 0 4 £89.10 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @manu4eva 0 5 £64.80 + £32.69 Head Prizes 2

    @nnm83 0 6 £56.70 + £28.13 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£2,000)

    Beware a good player when they hit form, & it was a double night for fishhhh who took both Sheriff & Quickdraw.

    GREGSTER won this the previous evening & was going for the double but came up a few spots shy.

    In 6th was railtard, who ran 1st & 2nd in Main & Mini the previous night collecting a £2,500 FTJ in the process.

    @fishhhhh 248000 1 £370 + £198.50 Head Prizes 4

    @CRAIG170 0 2 £220 + £135.72 Head Prizes 4

    @nnm83 0 3 £150 + £35.73 Head Prizes 1

    @JerseyPhil 0 4 £110 + £56.72 Head Prizes 2

    @GREGSTER 0 5 £80 + £82.98 Head Prizes 4

    @railtard11 0 6 £70 + £150.94 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,360)

    Arrogant took Mid Ex, ahead of bicvicar & DivsDreams.

    @Arrogant 204000 1 £204 + £162.45 Head Prizes 8

    @bicvicar 0 2 £136 0

    @DivsDreams 0 3 £81.60 + £75.93 Head Prizes 6

    @dee2014 0 4 £68 + £49.22 Head Prizes 5

    @Mody 0 5 £54.40 + £75.01 Head Prizes 9

    @Monty15 0 6 £44.20 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (1,079 entries)

    For the 3rd straight night MOTHER cashed in a 1,000+ runner Freeroll. Unbelievable.

    @mickdaw 2158000 1 £100

    @sproule03 0 2 £60

    @MITCH38 0 3 £40

    @santa1209 0 4 £30

    @Pogue909 0 5 £30

    @boozah 0 6 £30

    @Amarie 0 169 £1
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