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Who won what, Thursday 10th December

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
edited December 2020 in Poker Chat

All 8 featured MTT's were down w-o-w but only by the tiniest smidge, probably just a reflection of the monthly cycle.

Sharkscope appears to have had some problems yesterday, and a lot of results - most in fact - seem to be missing. Not just Sky Poker either, it's affected some other sites too, but hopefully it will sort itself out today.

£1,000 BH £1,300

£6,000 Hitman Main £8,220

£2,000 Hitman Mini £2,100

£1,000 Mega £1,520

£2,000 Sheriff £2,400

£1,500 Turbo £1,500

£1,500 Quicky £1,620

£1,000 MidEx £1,240


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,300)

    Froozle began December by taking down Predator Main, & added the £1,000 BH last night. Rather curiously, Sharky does not show last night's result for this one. Froozle got lucky in the December Daily Draw a few days ago too.

    Our decapod friend was a fine 3rd, with splashies 5th.

    @Froozle 195000 1 £195 + £93.81 Head Prizes 4

    @kingjane 0 2 £130 + £107.15 Head Prizes 9

    @Shrimpy28 0 3 £78 + £64.39 Head Prizes 6

    @keczmo 0 4 £65 + £31.88 Head Prizes 4

    @splashies 0 5 £52 + £47.58 Head Prizes 4

    @DONATE2ME 0 6 £42.25 + £15 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £6,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£8,220)

    Again, this MTT does not seem to appear on Sharky, so maybe there's some sort of change been made which I'm not aware of.

    Anyway, Wacko took the win. It's only a few years since he was the highest volume MTT-er on the site but we don't see anything like as much of him these days. His best results this year have includes victories in both Sunday Major & BWBH. He's been to Vegas with us several times & I'm not sure I've ever met many more decent blokes in poker. Well done mate.

    In 3rd & 4th were two players who can do little wrong at the moment, TheEnigma0 & RCord, with Wednesday's Quickdraw winner TIMBER in 5th.

    @Wacko90 1370000 1 £1103.95 + £331.30 Head Prizes 9

    @Chrismags 0 2 £658.83 + £282.70 Head Prizes 10

    @TheEnigma0 0 3 £392.92 + £125.07 Head Prizes 6

    @RCord 0 4 £309.07 + £63.28 Head Prizes 3

    @TIMBER 0 5 £263.04 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @BBORU7 0 6 £220.30 + £185.32 Head Prizes 10
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £2,000 Mini Hitman (£2,100)

    Can't see too many big scores for adunne, though he did run 3rd in a Mini earlier this year & has had a few other binks.

    @adunne 840000 1 £262.50 + £86.82 Head Prizes 14

    @BOCK 0 2 £147 + £63.47 Head Prizes 17

    @Kahuna96 0 3 £86.73 + £35.01 Head Prizes 8

    @FAS 0 4 £68.78 + £13.04 Head Prizes 4

    @Dodg1 0 5 £57.75 + £18.38 Head Prizes 5

    @ARKHAM 0 6 £46.73 + £15.66 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,520)

    The Bates, who won Mega twice in November, took it again.

    Some popular sorts here including hotwheals (get well soon mate) & tomgoodun.

    @MattBates 760000 1 £220.40 + £176.94 Head Prizes 9

    @Hotwheals 0 2 £144.40 + £20.63 Head Prizes 2

    @malone02 0 3 £89.30 + £33.52 Head Prizes 4

    @martincarl 0 4 £72.20 + £64.70 Head Prizes 6

    @king1loui3 0 5 £58.90 + £19.22 Head Prizes 2

    @tomgoodun 0 6 £49.40 + £23.55 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,400)

    Quite a contrast in styles between the front two here, with Palace Bloke eventually getting the better of Craig.

    4th was average Oli, 5th M10Dembele, with Jackdaw 7th.

    @cpfc_2010 240000 1 £480 + £438.27 Head Prizes 10

    @craigcu12 0 2 £300 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @lucy1111 0 3 £180 + £60.94 Head Prizes 3

    @Super_Oli 0 4 £132 + £98.44 Head Prizes 5

    @M10Dembele 0 5 £108 + £62.11 Head Prizes 2

    @jackbeur 0 6 £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @JACKDAW 0 7 £80.86 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £1,500 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,500)

    chrisdboy was super hot in the Autumn, winning SPT Online for the largest 1st prize this year on Sky Poker I fancy, as well as a Sunday Major, a Mini Major & a Sharpshooter Main. He's been relatively quite since then though.

    @chrisdboy 250000 1 £277.50 + £196.62 Head Prizes 7

    @Richel 0 2 £165 + £84.38 Head Prizes 6

    @TheEnigma0 0 3 £112.50 + £47.81 Head Prizes 3

    @Jeni82 0 4 £82.50 + £52.74 Head Prizes 3

    @bar4004 0 5 £60 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @Paperbo777 0 6 £52.50 + £56.26 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£1,620)

    Exactly two weeks after taking down Hitman Main sjl1973 won Quicky, with Crushy 3rd, Monty 4th & the hedster 6th. skl1973 then went on to run 2nd in MidEx.

    @sjl1973 204000 1 £299.70 + £263.18 Head Prizes 7

    @wemjay 0 2 £178.20 + £180.23 Head Prizes 7

    @loololollo 0 3 £121.50 + £83.44 Head Prizes 5

    @Monty15 0 4 £89.10 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1

    @Gutshotter 0 5 £64.80 0

    @heddoh18 0 6 £56.70 + £45 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,240)

    Bitinha, who has several results in Minis this year, took MidEx.

    Just sneaking into the final were gregkdy82 & loosecamel. loosecamel has been running bad lately, though I'm not even sure camels can run, they more generally tend to be amblers. He certainly ambles well.

    @Bitinha 186000 1 £186 + £102.91 Head Prizes 4

    @sjl1973 0 2 £124 + £26.26 Head Prizes 3

    @CU180 0 3 £74.40 + £42.92 Head Prizes 4

    @Njoy 0 4 £62 + £20.15 Head Prizes 2

    @gregkdy82 0 5 £49.60 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @loosecamel 0 6 £40.30 + £69.48 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (900 entries)

    @Smoky2020 1800000 1 £100

    @AK57 0 2 £60

    @ANDY_Lad 0 3 £40

    @Candid 0 4 £30

    @soggy450 0 5 £30

    @COBRA207 0 6 £30
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