After the false start last week, all systems go for tonight at 7pm. Link below.
Hard acts to follow from
@waller02 on Friday and ran bad
@Duesenberg last night.
First proper go at this so be gentle. If you want to see an old Yorkshire bloke play low stakes MTT's badly join us after 7pm at:
Good luck mate.
Just one thing (I posted it on discord but will say here in case you don't see it), you ended your stream abruptly. There are 2 ways of stopping stream and you need to stop and allow for the 3 minute delay otherwise it just cuts off instantly.
Enjoyed it except for tables crashing twice
ps it was nice knocking out Sir Matt Bates out of BH though I won't mention that.
I would give it ago myself, but there is enough depressing viewing in the world at the moment - we don't need me adding to the current mood.