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Is this a big mistake?

Jess4Jess4 Member Posts: 5
Hi all, first post so apologies if it's in the wrong place.

I'm interested in picking a few more experienced brains on what, if anything I've done wrong here.

I'd scraped around in the lower numbers of the main all evening last night but stuck in there and gradually worked my way up to 15th of 32 with the pay outs starting at 23rd spot.

I've read a few things that say we should be trying to win tournaments rather than just cash. With that in mind have I made the right play here? Or should I have done things differently and guaranteed a top 23 finish?

The player who had aces had re-raised/jammed when I'd raised him previously so this perhaps caused me to go all in rather than re-raising.

If I'd called and seen the flop then I'm probably jamming all in after the flop anyway.

I guess my main questions are;

Am I overvaluing AK here?
Should I be trying to cash first and foremost?

Thoughts/advice are welcome.

Max_BearSmall blind600.00600.0025160.00
MynaFrettBig blind1200.001800.0046450.96
Your hole cards
  • K
  • A
WozzacurlUnmatched bet859.0081000.00859.00
  • A
  • A
  • K
  • A
  • 8
  • 4
  • K
  • 6
  • 7
WozzacurlWinPair of Aces81000.0081859.00
Max_BearSmall blind600.00600.0025160.00
MynaFrettBig blind1200.001800.0046450.96
Your hole cards
  • K
  • A
WozzacurlUnmatched bet859.0081000.00859.00
  • A
  • A
  • K
  • A
  • 8
  • 4
  • K
  • 6
  • 7
WozzacurlWinPair of Aces81000.0081859.00


  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2020
    Not a big mistake at all. You can 3b here too, but if villain flats then we have a pretty awkward spot with around 30kish in the pot with less than pot behind us if we don’t flop an A or K. Vs a 4x open by villain it’s pretty reasonable to just ship it in here (if villain 2-3x’d pre it’s a mandatory non-jam 3bet). I would be sigh shoving and whisper ‘ffs’ as villain flips over AA and then promptly write an ever so slightly salty note on villain. Unlucky, well played on the deep run.

    Edit: you are right that close to the bubble you do want to play tighter, but AK is too good to pass, you want to take opportunities that give you a big stack so you can abuse the shorter stacks once at the bubble and beyond (and more opportunities to get bounties)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited December 2020
    it's an extremely marginal shove. shoving 36BB deep you do not want to be called as you'll be flipping or dominated. 4BB looks extra strong. it would be good to know if he has made this size often or not and when you said he had R/AI again notes would be good because these can make this marginal spot much easier.

    I'd go for 3b of 8BB and call a shove. If he calls I cbet 20%-25% and evaluate turn

    calling a 3bet he should be capped, the idea now is we put maximum pressure on him starting off with 20-25% and bomb good turns or rivers. The idea is we will have a really strong range and villian will be under immense pressure.

    Calling pre with plan to float, probe or raise is also good again depending on the board how much value we thing villian will, our expectation villian will fold scary turns and raise if we think he goes 4x wide and bets big on most flops

    We can expect to lose most our stack to AA KK and AK no matter how we play, the thing about shoving 36BB is we ensure villian loses minimium value with his weaker combos but small 3bets and CC can allow us to extract more value from worse and being IP we will be able to realize out equity.
  • freeatlastfreeatlast Member Posts: 1,449
    Even if you called once the king came on the flop you would probably be facing an all-in then, either called by you or by Wozacurl I think your probably just a bit unlucky
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