The traffic on Day 2 was decent enough, though the £4,000 UKOPS 12 Turbo missed by a few hundo. For balance, the £5,000 UKOPS Mini made an insane £9,660, which is right up there with the Boomlet numbers.
At this point we are going to pause to give credit to a spectacular performance by destinycod. Last week, after he ran 4th in Sheriff, I wrote;
"In 4th was the mightily impressive destinycod, who is my tip to do really well in the upcoming UKOPS."Well the codster stepped up to the plate last night, how about this for a night's work?
UKOPS 10 Mini - 1st, £1,442
UKOPS 11 BH - 4th, £285
UKOPS 13 Hyper - 1st, £545
Sheriff - 1st £815
Quickdraw - 3rd, £287
So in UKOPS, 2 wins & a 4th, & in non-UKOPS stuff, a 1st & a 3rd. He actually won two MTT's in the space of 2 minutes - UKOPS 13 & Sheriff. That's a pretty rare feat. Allowing for his rebuys in the Main it's probable that he broke even, maybe even made a few bob. For sure, he's the best gill-bearing aquatic craniate on the site.
Meanwhile, for every winner there's a loser, & Uncle Ungolate continues to make FT's galore without winning them - 3 more last night - 2nd in the £1k BH, 3rd in UKOPS 11 & 6th in UKOPS 13. It's an absolute credit to him that he does not get even slightly tilted by this run of failures.

£3,000 UKOPS 08 £4,800
£15,000 UKOPS 09 £20,640
£5,000 UKOPS 10 £9,660
£3,000 UKOPS 11 £4,160
£4,000 UKOPS 12 £4,000
£2,000 UKOPS 13 £2,520
UKOPS 08 £3,000 Deep Stack (£4,800)
Superb result for WIG23, coming home 1st & collecting £1,272 & the same goes for runner-up melvin1958.
@WIG23 1200000 1 £1272
@melvin1958 0 2 £744
@wineli 0 3 £424.80
@Itsover4u 0 4 £326.40
@gingerlama 0 5 £278.40
@MRBLEWPIE 0 6 £230.40
@kimpet 0 7 £172.80
@Eloquent 0 8 £115.20
@DustoLucko 0 9 £81.60
@Nitrogen 0 10 £62.40
@SaffyRIP 0 11 £62.40
@lions86 0 12 £62.40
@SoLack 0 13 £62.40
@goldnballz 0 14 £62.40
@manosalex 0 15 £62.40
@whitters95 0 16 £48
@Nero543 0 17 £48
@scotty77 0 18 £48
@dameflop 0 19 £48
@ufud 0 20 £48
@Burger306 0 21 £38.40
@BlairReid 0 22 £38.40
@rossybee16 0 23 £38.40
@Jscorgie 0 24 £38.40
@MAGPIETYKE 0 25 £38.40
@mushroom1 0 26 £36
@Formosina 0 27 £36
@RichMoz 0 28 £36
@Rhadamanth 0 29 £36
@hoban01 0 30 £36
@Hague95 0 31 £33.60
@TheBench1 0 32 £33.60
@Slev23 0 33 £33.60
@craigcu12 0 34 £33.60
@junior10 0 35 £33.60
UKOPS 09 £15,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£20,640)
The amazing run by Climwinner continues, that's 2 Main Events, 3 Quickdraws & a Turbo in the last few months, plus plenty of FT's. This was the best of the lot, with £3,570 going his way.
The Bates ran dry all evening but saved his session with 6th here.
@Climwinner 2424000 1 £2580 + £992.62 Head Prizes 16
@MrPooch 0 2 £1444.80 + £356.08 Head Prizes 11
@Formosina 0 3 £852.43 + £39.38 Head Prizes 3
@roddy28 0 4 £675.96 + £132.66 Head Prizes 9
@peiratis88 0 5 £567.60 + £385.21 Head Prizes 14
@MattBates 0 6 £459.24 + £115.32 Head Prizes 3
UKOPS 10 £5,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£9,660)
Gill-bearing aquatic craniates ran 1st & 2nd here, destinycod getting home ahead of bigfatfish.@destinycod 2354000 1 £1207.50 + £235.02 Head Prizes 8
@bigfatfish 0 2 £676.20 + £73.94 Head Prizes 2
@jacklord 0 3 £398.96 + £136.69 Head Prizes 8
@TheDude7 0 4 £316.37 + £84.14 Head Prizes 5
@donkhunta 0 5 £265.65 + £146.73 Head Prizes 7
@boarbag06 0 6 £214.94 + £89.52 Head Prizes 10
UKOPS 11 £3,000 Bounty Hunter (£4,160)
What a tussle this was with Fender, Uncle Ungolate & destinycod in contention but all unable to compete with the supreme skillset of skyflyer.
@skyflyer 624000 1 £566.80 + £156.62 Head Prizes 5
@FeNdeR36 0 2 £340.08 + £108.74 Head Prizes 8
@loosecamel 0 3 £208 + £135.79 Head Prizes 8
@destinycod 0 4 £163.28 + £121.88 Head Prizes 11
@smith1408 0 5 £139.36 + £45.93 Head Prizes 5
@Claytov 0 6 £117.31 + £27.30 Head Prizes 3
UKOPS 12 £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£4,000)
leeroy105 is on a roll, 2nd in Saturday's Sharpshooter Mini & now taking down UKOPS 12 for close to a grand.
Tough FT too, with heddoh, StayOrGo, RCord & Curt amongst those vying for the win.
@leeroy105 360000 1 £660 + £300.12 Head Prizes 6
@heddoh18 0 2 £440 + £253.55 Head Prizes 8
@hoewan 0 3 £264 + £147.66 Head Prizes 5
@StayOrGo 0 4 £220 + £86.72 Head Prizes 4
@RCord 0 5 £176 + £104.89 Head Prizes 4
@Curt360x27 0 6 £143 + £23.44 Head Prizes 1
UKOPS 13 £2,000 Hyper Bounty Hunter (£2,520)
This was one half of that amazing across the card win double for the Cod, winning both this & Sheriff inside 2 minutes. His 3rd win, in the monster Mini, was to take a little longer. My man-love for him knows no bounds.
Palace Bloke made an appearance, whilst our friend loosecamel nittily trundled into 6th place.
@destinycod 378000 1 £352.17 + £192.49 Head Prizes 7
@Loloz03 0 2 £214.83 + £91.99 Head Prizes 6
@andymcbr22 0 3 £132.30 + £109.68 Head Prizes 11
@Elliott44 0 4 £106.47 + £37.03 Head Prizes 3
@cpfc_2010 0 5 £90.72 + £44.07 Head Prizes 4
@loosecamel 0 6 £78.12 + £120.47 Head Prizes 12