I do love a Friday night game of poker.
The weekly work is done, so it's the Ipad propped up on the coffee table, me sprawled on the couch and a few nips of whiskey.
I like to play in the 18:05 £2.20 BH. If I play steady, I can almost guarantee a couple of hours fun.
Half an hour in, I have an above average stack and all's going well. I'm dealt pocket A A and I'm getting action on a dry board.
Of course it ends all in and KKK does me.
The very next hand, I have KKK and AAA beats me and I'm out.
Well that didn't last long - and I still wanted to play.
So in to the 18:30 £5.50. BH
At 22:40, I'm still playing in it on the final table.
I never grind this long and I have a bit of a headache from concentrating for over 4 hours.
Not to mention the whiskey has made me brave/foolish.
Well I only went and won it didn't I.
Been a long time since I won a tourney......
With bounties I think it was about £275.
I slept well last night. hehe.
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Good job - both on 'vicissitudes' and for taking down that tourney. And the whiskey.
How's the head this morning? And the account balance looking good?
Been a very long time since I've seen the term vicissitude on a poker Forum. WP.
Irish Whiskey is ok, but nothing like the real thing !
W P.
WPed particularly in not tilting after the bad run in the first tourney
I only meant to drink it down to the label... NOT the bottom of the lablel
A thick head today but compensated with a thick wallet.
That word intrigued me.
I am not familiar with it, so I looked the meaning up.
For all those like me, here is the definition.
To win : 1 : to gain the victory in a contest : succeed. 2 : to succeed in arriving at a place or a state. win. noun.
I'll toast your win with a double Grouse. I like Grouse it defines my nature.
Last night in the 18:05 £2.20 BH I was doing really bad.
After 10 mins I was down to 400 chips on an aggressive table.
As we all do, I was looking for the best spot to shove.
It came because I was the BB but with 98 suited.
The aggressive table all wanted my 75p.
I won the hand and fobbled up (is fobbled a word)
From there..........yes you guessed it, I won the touney lol.
Top work Goody.