How finger length could determine your next MEAL: Size of your index and ring fingers shows whether you're more likely to pick up a burger or a salad, study finds A study of 216 men and women has found the length of index and ring fingers plays a key role in whether people eat food dubbed either 'masculine,' or 'feminine'. The study by the University of Agder found people with similar-sized index and ring fingers were more likely to pick items like burgers, full fat Coke and steak, over a salad, Diet Coke or shrimps. The length of people's fingers, referred to as the digit ratio, is linked to the amount of exposure to testosterone while in the womb.
A study used the widely-debated 2-D:4-D ratio to see how finger size relates to parental income
2D:4D digit ratio is the measure of difference the between index and ring fingers
Lower 2D:4D digit ratios indicative or more testosterone exposure in the womb
While higher 2D:4D is more estrogen in the womb and less tesosterone
The study found those with lower 2D:4D were found to have wealth mothers
Those with higher 2D:4D were born to mothers with a lower income