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The slight pause/delay

sircrypticsircryptic Member Posts: 55

Just wondering has the slight pause been reported as fixed by the techies? I've had it now for 2 weeks ish, I asked a table of regs earlier if they're still experiencing it but they said no, so now not sure if its my end?

If anyone else is still experiencing it please comment,

This is on Windows/download client, i have no other issues just the pause,



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097


    The issue is still happening for some players. Sky are fully aware & are still working on a way to cure it. If I hear further I'll let you know.
  • sircrypticsircryptic Member Posts: 55
  • sircrypticsircryptic Member Posts: 55

    I know in previous comments above you've said as soon as your hear anything you'll let us know @Tikay10 but I'm just bumping this thread as it's been 5/6 weeks of technical issues.

    The pause is still here and the lobby is glitched, by that i mean if a DYM says it has 5 people registered when i open the lobby to see who the players are it will only display the names of 2/3 players for me.

    is it possible for any Sky techies to give a detailed update as to whether there's any light at the end of the tunnel or if this is to be considered the permanent norm for sky poker?

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2021
    Yep lobbys still acting very strange with sngs (can't see who has registered my game before it opens for example) another glitch is when i opensit empty cash tables it will freeze or kick me without it showing in realtime after a little while and when i try to close it wont re-open i have to restart the entire client to be able to sit again, often ill have the table open thinking im still sat on it but its actually empty not sure if any other cash players have experienced this? was since i did the latest auto update that came up when i opened sky.
  • Sky_ChrisBSky_ChrisB Member Posts: 48
    Hey @sircryptic,

    As Tikay says, we're aware some players are still experiencing issues, and it's still very much something we want to sort. We've rebuilt the Download Client in the latest HARMAN kit, and that has offered some improvements for some players, but we still have another fix in the pipeline.

    At the moment, we're prioritising some fixes to the lobby (the problems that @benc mentions) because that seems to be affecting more players, both on Download Client and Web.

    Both of these issues are related to the Flash switch-off, and unfortunately we can only really tackle one at once, but rest assured we're actively working on it.

  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    I have experienced similar problems on DYMS
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649

    Hey @sircryptic,

    As Tikay says, we're aware some players are still experiencing issues, and it's still very much something we want to sort. We've rebuilt the Download Client in the latest HARMAN kit, and that has offered some improvements for some players, but we still have another fix in the pipeline.

    At the moment, we're prioritising some fixes to the lobby (the problems that @benc mentions) because that seems to be affecting more players, both on Download Client and Web.

    Both of these issues are related to the Flash switch-off, and unfortunately we can only really tackle one at once, but rest assured we're actively working on it.


    Hiya Chris,

    A new issue (for me anyway) that has occurred on more than one occasion in the last few days is that when moving tables, the new table just freezes. If multitabling, the others are fine. This is on the D/L client. However, you can not 're-launch' the table from the client and instead have to launch it from the browser.

    Unsure if this helps the tech team in anyway, but could provide hand ID if needed.
  • sircrypticsircryptic Member Posts: 55
    Cheers Chris, Appreciate the reply.
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