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1K Challenge. Slowly does it.

TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
A couple of weeks ago I was down to my last £2 and wondering whether it was worth re loading yet again or call it a day and concentrate on match betting, arbing and possibly scalping the exchange markets.

I decided to just play micro dym and freerolls and see what happened. Well I have just broken through the £30 barrier, which I realise is small potatoes compared to the vast majority of you, but represents a seachange in my approach to bankroll management, the acceptance of swings and the way I approach poker.

Well I want to see how far I can take this so it's a case of more of the same.

Now at some point I want to be able to move to low stakes dym and possibly start to play the £2.30 deepstacks again but until I feel sufficiently rolled to ride a downswing will continue to grind the micros.

The other thing I feel is important to me is to play when I want to play and not just because I have a target or goal to achieve. Poker should be fun not a chore although sometimes I do enjoy a 2 table 8 hour session.

Gotta go now, need the laptop for a Church zoom thing at 3pm

Rungood, Love each other, love yourselves, stay safe.



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Good luck Mark
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,325
    I play my best ever poker when I'm down to my last couple of quid.

    And my worst when I'm just through the £30 barrier.

    I'll get off then.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097

    VBOL Mark. I reckon you'll get to £100 in double quick time.
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 818
    Good luck Mark, will follow with interest.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Oh boy, the trials and tribulations of dym grinding.

    After over 150 games the balance is still bouncing around between £28 and £32 without any great movement either way and all freerolls have proved fruitless so I'm thinking of playing to a structure rather than bouncing around between 28p 55p and the occasional £1.10.

    So the idea is to play 100 at 28p, then 50 at 55p all the freerolls and see where that leaves me.

    What to do with the 2.30 token is intriguing, do I play a deepstack or a £2.20 dym? Obviously the potential returns from a deepy are much greater but the dym offers a better % chance of getting a return.

    Away from the tables I've got my Vaccination next week along with the wife. She has underlying medical conditions and I get one because I'm her primary carer so hopefully it'll all be plain sailing.

    With just 9 days left until the start of my 10,000 steps a day challenge, training has allowed me to calculate that I will be walking about 5.5 to 6 miles a day and to make this more "enjoyable" I've decided on several local places to do it rather than just pavement pounding.

    A daily(ish) diary of my pain and anguish will be available in The Rail under the title Mark Walks so feel free to drop in and offer encouragement or any other relevant suggestions.

    Ok I'm off to soak in a radox bath.

    Rungood, love each other, love yourselves and stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    edited February 2021
    Just an addendum to the previous post.

    I guess my games ok at the minute as I played the midnight $3.30 BIG on Stars.

    After a grueling 6 and a half hours I placed 16th out of 1611 runners which is top 1% and whilst not representing a large cash @ $23 - change, does, i feel provide a little evidence that my mtt strategy is still sound.

    Talk soon.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi everyone.

    Slowly does it indeed as the challenge continues, slow like molasses, slow like a sloth, Continental drift slow.

    The onset of March finds the bankroll still stubbornly steadfast around the £30 mark, which if nothing else proves my ability to tread water whilst searching for that elusive streak which will propel the figure into the realms of acceptability.

    March will maybe help as the introduction of the Golden Ticket promotion should see me frantically 3 tabling the turbo dym in a desperate attempt tp rack up points. Although the month also sees me undertake my walk all over cancer challenge which means I shall probably spend less hours at the poker tables and more time on the treatment table.

    So for the foreseeable future its more of the same with dym, freerolls and tickets the basis of the operation.

    I've also decided that any profit over the course of the month I will give to C.R.U.K. on top of any monies raised by the challenge.

    If that doesn't inspire the poker Gods to put me on the heater of a lifetime then nothing will.

    Well that's just about it from me for the moment, except to say that you can follow the agony and ecstacy of my challenge in "The Rail" under the heading "Mark Walks".

    Have a great weekend, rungood, love each other, love yourselves, love life.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097

    You seem to be having a lot of poker for zero outlay Mark, long may it last.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi all and welcome back.

    After spending almost a week slowly losing to the rake and better hands the micro dym grind was failing to deliver any kind of progress and the balance had slipped to about £16.

    In a desperate attempt to reverse this I played Friday mornings 1am freezeout and managed to fluke a 2nd place for £26 and change.

    This was enjoyable for 2 reasons, firstly it puts the bankroll back over £30 which is nice and secondly I got to spend time at the table with @MISTY4ME, which is always good for light conversation and bants. Misty took third spot which was also nice and the night finished on a high.

    Probably going to stick to micro dym for the foreseeable as I need the points although the walk challenge is tending to dominate my life atm.

    Right its late and I need to get some sleep.

    Until next time, rungood, love each other, love life, love yourselves, stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi all,

    Not really playing much atm as the walk challenge pretty much dominates my time along with caring for my amazing missus. That's a shame because with the current promo I could have done with playing the 30/40/50 dym each day, but it's all about priorities.

    Anyway managed to squeeze the BR over the £50 threshold after taking 5th in the £500 gntd £2.20 bounty hunter so that's allowed a little breathing space.

    As stated earlier any profit over the month start figure of £30 will be donated to the walk total, so as much as I'm concentrating on completing that, it also provides focus for any poker I do play.

    Rungood, love each other, love life, love yourselves.

    Stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Well that was a good run but I think its going to be busto city by tonight.

    I can't really complain though as I've made £2 last since Feb 16 and had a good amount of poker for hardly any outlay.

    So it the last £6 which I think I will punt off on 2 deepstacks and a dym then its a case of wait a couple of weeks to reload. Maybe, possibly, perhaps.

    In the meantime I hope all you guys out there continue to run well, get lucky or just smash it.

    Even if I'm not playing I think I shall be around the forum, there's some meaty stuff on there atm and it's a great community.

    Have fun, love you all.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097

    GL tonight Mark, hope you can bink something.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Tikay10 said:

    GL tonight Mark, hope you can bink something.

    Thanks Tony it would be nice but as I've had over 2 months of poker for about £2 I'm not complaining. Admittedly I played hardly anything the last 3 weeks of the 10,000 step challenge but what I did play was totally fun.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097

    That's exactly the right attitude. That's an awful lot of value for £2.
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