Ok, so I've ran the Operation Unicorn challenge which was completed successfully (this was for you to guess how many attempts it would take for me to win a main event); then for the majority of last year we did the Operation Unicorn 2 - Bingo Card. That ended at the turn of the year and was
flukedwon by
@NOSTRI. That equalled the number of wins he had last year, cute.
I've been thinking about a new challenge and again I want you involved.
OPERATION UNICORN 3So, I'm going to play 100 (ONE HUNDRED) £5.50 MTTS and document each and every one of them in this very thread. Rebuys do not count.
All you have to do is guess either how much profit, or how much loss, I will be in after the 100 games.
Whoever is closest to the correct result will win a main event (£33) from me!*
*we must get at least 33 entries for this to kick in.
The challenge will start from
1 March 2021. There is no time limit on the challenge.
No more entries allowed once the challenge starts.
Any questions, thoughts or suggestions please let me know, otherwise, guess away!!
Entrants@mumsie +£3333
@JACKDAW +£1296
@SR23 +£1223
@HayleyR27 +£970
@2Geronimo +£865
@TheEdge949 +£735
@aynaricol +£599
@SidV79 +£589
@Asho28 +£555.55
@Tikay10 +£550
@Red_King +£482
@roddy28 +£435
@peter27 +£427
@avix +£420.69
@irishpaddy +£387
@Essexphil +£375
@tillpoll +£350.96
@VespaPX +£330
@waller02 +£297
@Enut +£265
@biggirl +£260
@Toffeeandy +£234.56
@Shrimpy28 +£228
@MattBates +£222.22
@gixxerk4 +£215
@allan23 +£175
@The--Don +£148.50
@cenachav +£145
@EvilPingu +£131.16
@coo1-um +£121.67
@IVIystical +£114.69
@loosecamel +£105.65
@miniman88 +£88.88
@AMD68 +£50
@FeelGroggy +£5.49
@bbMike £0
@johnmonty -£8
@Glenelg -£130
@NOSTRI -£154
@Duesenberg -£155.55
@MAXALLY -£550
I wish all the BAD Luck in the world.
(I hope you really smash it though,
Good luck
(also glglgl)
Gl mate
Have you a prop bet with freddie we need to know about?
I think you'll get bored\less notes\more gamblers @£5:50 & donk off a shed load of dosh..
Outlay = £550
My guess....minus £130
P.S. You better warn Ash... 😂
Good luck!
P/L: +£175
How many different £5.50 games do you plan on playing?
Will it be all big fields?
Decent nightly £5.50 plo8 do you fancy that?
Will the updates be more than bi-monthly?
+£265 Profit.
Best of luck Craig, will follow with interest!
GL sir