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Did I play this hand badly? or was it just unlucky?

GotyaBeetGotyaBeet Member Posts: 4
edited March 2021 in Poker Chat
nim69Small blind75.0075.008620.00
mantas1984Big blind150.00225.004307.50
Your hole cards
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • 9
  • 6
  • 7
  • J
mantas1984WinStraight to the Jack8980.009097.50


  • mcglynn07mcglynn07 Member Posts: 162
    This is quite an interesting hand you post. Whilst it is definitely a good hand that can beat big pairs like aces and kings and also a hand that wants to see a flop multiway as it has lots of potential to win. One drawback is that you have Limped into the pot off of a 28bb stack, and you have not put other people off of entering the hand against you with similar and speculative holdings. You are not building a pot in an aggressive way with this strategy and are not giving yourself the right approach to win big.
    The reality is that you are out of position in a limped pot with 7hi. If you are going to enter here best to raise first off. Second are you thinking about the position you are in on the table with this hand. You have two other people to act after you on every street with this hand.
    Flop is good for your hand in that you flop 2nd pair and a draw but you have to remember that while it looks good you have to think about the holdings of the other people as well. You lose to 55, 77 (u block this holding a 7 yourself) 88, 99, TT these are all hands that could flat call pre. Also think how powerful hands like AspadeKspades, AsQs, KsJs Ts9s would be on this flop as they have the overcard value and the flush draw value. This is really powerful in this spot and your hand is not doing very good against any of these ranges. The fact that you're opponent has the 9of spades is again very powerful as it gives him 3cards to a straight flush it also gives him the flush draw potential and the straight draw potential which is a very good card for him to have but also not great for you.
    Imagine if on the flop was the 5of diamonds or the 8 eight of diamonds and you have 67diamonds in your hand you would have a much better situation here or if there was a diamond on the flop these small pieces of the puzzle would give you a much better way of realising your potential/equity in the hand.
    The fact that you bet is good on the flop with a pair and a draw this helps you to cut down all the hands that you're opponent is likely to have but it also means that you're opponent also likes this as he calls so he would not be doing this with pocket 22's or 33's but could call with 55's or 99's or a hand like yours 98, t8 t7, these hands are currently beating you at the minute so these are the kind of things you should be thinking about when you think about your hand compared to his hand.
    So now we get to the turn and you make your hand and now you decide to overbet the pot and go all in. So you now beat 55, 77, 88, 99 BUT there are still hands that beat you that like 6T or JT and hands that have outs and equity against you like the sets that can make full houses and the spade outs.
    Whilst this is all incomplete information and hidden until the cards are turned over you can think about these things while you are in the hand and make your decisions based upon the information you have. One route you could take is to still bet to charge them to draw but think if they call me then I am only going to bet on the river if there is no 6,T,J or spade as these cards could all improve your opponents hand to either catch up to yours or to overtake yours. Which mean that your hand becomes worth not as much as it was on the turn when you had the best hand.
    Remember boards can change like it did here in this instance where cards come that kill your action and your hand. Think like if you had KK and the flop and turn was 2323 and the ace comes on the river and your opponent had A5. These things happen in poker but it is all part of the learning curve and if you think more about these factors in game you will have a better chance of playing better than your opponents who don't think about things as well as you could do.
    Good luck with your game
  • GotyaBeetGotyaBeet Member Posts: 4
    Wow, great feed back. Your right, I limped in because I was out of possition, but I see your point. Out of possition, shouldn't have played it perhaps, but better to raise pre flop if I choose to play a similar hand in future. Many thank's Danny, given me much to think about..
  • mcglynn07mcglynn07 Member Posts: 162
    Yes fella better to raise as you will win a bigger pot when you win but also think what happens on the flop and turn could all change by the river. Also thinking more in the hand about what could happen on future streets will give you a better chance of winning long term and giving yourself an advantage over your opponents. Also it will give you a better chance of understanding what cards your opponents dont like when they check that you can then represent. This will also give you other ways to win.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Ok preflop we just want to be folding this hand off this stack and unless you have been using solvers to come up with a complex utg limping strat it is probably best to always open.

    because we are early position our range needs to be considerably tighter and off current stack I would say its a zero percent open - we can consider using a mixed opening strategy with this hand around the 40bb mark.

    As played on the turn we are second from last to act and decide to half pot into 3 other players. First of all we have shown down value with a pair and future prospects to improve with the open ender so it seems like the perfect check call candidate. What happens if we raise and someone pots is it a hand we want to get 28bb in with on the flop... not really we are crushed and drawing at best.

    On the turn when you actually make your hand you decide to blow them out the water by jamming all in... I dont get this play surely we want to be extracting value from all his AX or sets & flush draws he now feels he cant lay down - I just feel like we are going to get so many folds by jamming over his check - I think we should consider betting small and hoping he jams over the top or setting up a 75% river shove.

    I hope you find this constructive but you just need to adjust how you are seeing the hand play out a little to many people rush nut type hands "for protection" when it does not need protection you want to play for stacks.

    The flop bet is the most common mistake try asking yourself do I need to bet, what does betting achieve and can I call a re raise... if your answer is no and you have equity in the hand you probably just want to check behind
  • GotyaBeetGotyaBeet Member Posts: 4
    thanks, could you give my more detail on the "zero percent open"..Thanks
  • mcglynn07mcglynn07 Member Posts: 162
    it means dont do it because

    1) You have a vulnerable stack- not many chips
    2) You are out of position (mega important with your stack as you have so many people behind and say if someone shoves you are throwing money away by limping say someone raises your limp and than next player shoves you are just folding so think about this in game
    3) your hand is not great maybe a better play if you are in position like cut off or button or in the blinds where you can guarantee you close the action and get a good price on the call.
    hope this helps you out
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