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Help with a couple hands? A spewy bluff and my bustout hand from yesterday's Sunday Major

saymynameesaymynamee Member Posts: 9
edited March 2021 in Poker Chat
saymynameeSmall blind100.00100.0010360.00
GSmith13Big blind200.00300.0016067.50
Your hole cards
  • K
  • 2
  • 6
  • 5
  • 3
  • 8
  • J


  • saymynameesaymynamee Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2021

    H1 (above) Developing a limp strategy, don't know if it's necessary with no antes but if people are too sticky preflop then it can maybe be better to limp this stuff a high % of the time? On the flop I'm probably kicking this off with a bet a decent percentage of the time, but the reason I chose to check-raise was that this felt like the right strength of draw to check-raise. With K4o for example I raise pretty much never as a 3bet puts me in a world of pain, whereas this hand would not be denied much equity by folding to the reraise. With a combo draw I would often check-raise as vs a 3bet I can call profitably or stick it in. The real question is if I'm overbluffing here. If my value range consists of middling overpairs that need protection and 2p+, and I can also bluff a bunch of 7x and flush draws then maybe I am. Also K-high is sometimes good already given how wide ranges are. With KJ for instance I would call 100% except KJhh. When he doesn't 3bet I think he is very capped- if you had say 55 or 42 here you would never just call the raise in the BB.

    On the turn it seems kinda neutral. Both players can have 79 but because of how capped he is aside from this, and the fact I would play 88 like this pretty much always, I bet again. In hindsight I'm now sure this was a mistake as I have to have some flop bluffs that I give up on turn, and this is as bad as it gets- and furthermore if I am betting to exploit a capped range it should be pot or bigger.

    Arriving at the river, it felt a bit cringy to justify a bluff based on the 2h blocker- but against an opponent that checked his option pre, it's actually really relevant. Due to my small sizing on the turn, he would have pretty much all the 2xhh combos if I didn't block it. When I bet this river, I don't think I can have a flopped 2 pair anymore as this would be an overplay, but I can have literally all 5 sets. Plus a high frequency of my flop/turn bluffs just became flushes, but I can't overbet because he has a ton of flush combos too so AP I'm actually fine with this river bet, targeting things like A6, 87, A4, 44, and if he folds a janky 2 pair like 83 once in a way then so much the better.

    Hand 2 (below) we’re in the money with 15 left, 15th place is actually a pay jump of 0.2BI (woohoo) but the real money jumps don’t start until 9th. Since the hand reached showdown I’ve removed Villain’s name but he’s a respected MTTer here. He had chipled for the 2h or so around the bubble and shown about the level of aggression that I would expect from a good reg in that spot.

    Jamming preflop would of course show a profit, and I would do it sometimes. In this spot though, my hand is so playable postflop vs a range that should be like 75% or even more that I think it’s even more profitable to do that.

    On the flop, folding this to a half pot cbet seems a bit weak. If ICM was a big factor I could, but as I said, no payjumps in the foreseeable future. Raising is kamikaze as almost nothing better folds. I think this is standard.

    On the turn I hit my perfect card and he checks to me, I clearly have to bet but I sized too small. I have top pair, I’m going for value from one pair and if I bet like 24k instead of 16k he’s still never folding 6x or a pocket pair, or a pair+straight draw. I also need to charge the draws a bit more.

    River is the 6 of diamonds and he donk jams. Now there are approximately 50 nitty regs at my usual stakes to whom I would fold this hand literally every time. The reason I made the call here is that I thought a good player could turn a hand into a bluff. Something like 54s, 43s, Ad5x, Ad7x. I still think those hands were in his range, but I underestimated the amount of the time he has a flush draw checking the turn. With a nut flush draw or combo draw, he is heavily disincentivised to bet as I could rip it in- as I in fact probably would have in this instance. So he has way more flushes on the river than I gave him credit for. I also wasn’t and still am not sure whether 6x would ever choose to play this way. At the back of my mind was also this idea that if a good reg looked me up on Sharkscope and saw my ABI was a fiver, or even just had never seen me at one of his FTs before, he would mess with me in this kind of spot far more often than he should. I’m leaning towards it being a bad call- maybe KJ with a diamond would be a correct call and this one not?

    Sorry for the wall of text- I’d greatly appreciate any feedback! Thanks in advance.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097


    "Suits in H2 aren't showing up for me- it was 6h 4d 3d Ks 6d".

    You can only post ONE of those Hand Histories per post I believe.

    Post the 2nd one again in a new post & it should appear OK
  • saymynameesaymynamee Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2021
    VillainSmall blind2000.002000.00157492.50
    saymynameeBig blind4000.006000.0070636.75
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    • 6
    • 4
    • 3
    • K
    • 6
    VillainUnmatched bet84855.75149273.5084855.75
    • A
    • 10
    • K
    • J
    VillainWinFlush to the Ace149273.50234129.25
    Tyvm @Tikay10
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