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more tech problems

DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,278
Tonight I had tables freezing the client quit out on multiple occasions and its not just me affected as I notice it seems to be a regular theme on sky these days to see multiple players sitting out.

I definitively lost one table due to a freeze forgot which one though. I was heads up against @heddoh18 in a sat for the spot in a tourny I disconnected was furious got back on and found him sitting out so he was affected too dont know if he would like to comment.
I dont normally mention names of other players but this is neither good or bad just something we were both affected by and dont know if he wants to comment to. This one ended in him shoving a hand he was 100% correct to shove into my Pocket AA so ultimately I dont think the Dc affected much but it could potentially have clinched it for either one of us.

I am concerned as this is UKPOS now which often brings new players to the site and this is not the best way of retaining them.

I get that sky wont compensate people because then they would be compensating half the player base and running at a loss. but I really hope sky fix this soon as it really doesnt help retain players and I like this site.


  • heddoh18heddoh18 Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2021
    Hi mate. I actually wasn't disconnected - I sat out because I didn't want to blind you out. Karma and all that.

    But I had a number of games freeze on me yesterday, and most days that I have played on Sky this year. I think it's worse when you are multi tabling - the software can't handle it. I was told that it is propably because they got rid of flash player? You just need to be eagle eyed when multi playing.

  • ddomoddomo Member Posts: 11
    Hi there
    To Hoddoh And any other "stand up geezers " Firstly a big thanks for your honour.. its a rare thing these days . Cheers
    I hope you understand what Im about to say... And I invite any one to play the same against me .. I'm stating it here .. cos I like to think I have a bit of honour too ..
    So ... cos this is online poker and different to face to face ... Disco's will happen
    I will always play as if the other people have no honour as this will reduce my varience around this issue ... So if you see me disco then please take advantage .. this tactic I feel evens up the the field .. regardless of weather the opponent has honour .. and so makes it fairer ... If any one wants to make a prior aggrement with me not to use this tactic .. I will of course honour my word ...
    good luck to everyone .. but not v me please Dom

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,278
    well that is Honorable. I usually take advantage when someone sitting out not going to lie, its usually because others will take advantage of me when I sit out and it seems to happen so much on sky these days that you need to make sure things balance out.

    I will try to show the same courtesy to you in future if things are reversed.
    every site I have played on has had the occasional dc or etc but not to the level that sky has been having recently. I likely am playing tonight but likely taking tomorrow and the next day off unless I bink a win or enough points to put me in the running on the UKOPS leaderboard.

    I saw another player fake sit out waiting for a good hand and then instantly sit in when someone shoved in one of the free roll sats which took someone out and he won a seat. this was on Monday.

    seemed a bit grimmy not sure if against tocs but didnt affect me I went through, so its on the afflicted party if they want to raise the issue
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Good stuff @heddoh18
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