To begin with, I really dislike playing poker on a mobile device.
But certain nights, if I wish to play the final MML game of the evening, I can only do so by playing on my mobile for 10-15 minutes before getting home.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I am also pretty anal when it comes to filling in my spreadsheet with results and ensuring my bankroll matches what my spreadsheet says at the end of each day. Tonight however, I was 10 pence short, and I was pulling my hair out for this missing 10p. I finally realised it was because when I registered for the £2.20 Deep stack, that the mobile app used my reward ticket, and discarded the remaining 10p of the ticket.
When registering on the client, there is definitely an option to select if you wish to use a ticket or not (default is no), so I didn't think anything of it.
For future reference, does anyone know of a setting to prevent this or have a workaround? I can only think of registering for a higher buyin tournament with the ticket then unregistering before it starts. (Do you get your ticket refunded?) But then again, the app only allows you to play 1 tournament at a time, so not sure if possible or not.
Also, is there a reason why the weekly reward ticket is for £2.30 when that buyin doesn't exist, rather than £2.20? I just find that a little unusual.
Sorry for the long post. Any assistance is appreciated.
Thank you
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Good luck with your anal problems.
As for the rest of you mocking my anal issues, just remember, the sorer the anal area, generally means the longer you're sitting playing poker, and therefore doing pretty well