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Happy Easter- it's Orfordable League time again- with extra prizes to be won

SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
edited May 2021 in Poker Chat
Welcome everyone, to the 2021 Orfordable League, April Week 5 of 5

If you are not listed on the post below then please post your name/teamname on this thread to register, and thus qualify, to be in with a chance of winning a seat into the Friday 9.30pm £11 BH on May 7th.

This runs every Friday at 7.15pm and is a monthly competition but you only need two scores to be in with a chance of a prize, your best two scores count.

Tournament: Friday Orfordable League- 10 seat Deepstack MTT with 12 min blinds
Time: 7.15pm EVERY FRIDAY
Entry: £3.30
Late reg: 60mins (end of Level 5)

EVERYONE IS WELCOME (bring your friends too)- come along and play in a nice, relaxed and friendly deep structured tourney, with plenty of banter, with the chance of a FREE MTT entry as a bonus.

Week 1: April 2nd- Winner: daggers747; League leader: daggers747

Week 2: April 9th- Winner: Dollie; League Leader: Dollie

Week 3: April 16th- Winner: DoyleBrun; League Leader: Dollie

Week 4: April 23rd- Winner: Unregged player; League Leader: Dollie

Week 5: April 30th- Winner: Unregged player; League Winner: Dollie- Runner-up: DoyleBrun

Winner: Free entry into the 9.30pm £11 BH on Friday May 7th
Runner-up: Free entry into the 9.30pm £11 BH on Friday May 7th

Special thanks go to @Tikay10 and to @SkyPoker for their ongoing support, it is much appreciated.

Last date/time for valid entry into The League- end of late reg every Friday
To qualify for a prize you must:-
1) Register your name /teamname on this thread or
2) Be on the AUTOREG list, which will be updated and posted every Friday
3) To win a prize you need at least two scores within the month, of which your lowest two will count as your monthly total
4) In the event of a tie, a countback system is in place, i.e, should two players have a total score of 8 (one with scores of 2 & 6, the other with scores of 3 & 5, the player with a score of 2 would win) , the player with the lowest individual score shall be deemed the winner.
6) Winners shall be entered automatically into the Friday 9.30pm £11 BH on May 7th


  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning and Happy Easter Orfy folk, it's Good Friday and time for the Orfy League. I hope you are all well and get plenty of Easter eggs from the Easter Bunny this weekend but if not I wish you all good luck at the tables.
    Congratulations and the very best of luck tonight to both of our prize winners @Jeffter & @wynne1938 in the 9.30pm £11 BH.
    Here is the Autoreg list for April

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    In please
  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk and welcome @LARSON7 to our merry band of button clickers. A total of 50 entries with 7 of us making the FT last night so not too bad at all, well played everyone. In 10 is @Dollie 8th place is @goldnballz and in 6th is @DoyleBrun, well played on making the FT Chris, Keith & Gordon. Onto the top 4 then, in 4th sits @ray01well done @ray01. 3rd place is occupied by @HENDRIK62 , well played Neil. 2nd place has @WAREZ dreaming of top spot well played @WAREZ and sitting at the top of the League is @daggers747, very well played @daggers747. Thank you all for playing and here is the League table after April Week 1 (of 5)

  • whitefluffwhitefluff Member Posts: 13
    Hi. Could I please be added? Just on my tod :):) Thanks.
  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173

    Hi. Could I please be added? Just on my tod :):) Thanks.

    Hi and welcome @whitefluff you can certainly be added as an IND player. I shall add you to the list of our merry band of Orfordablers.

    Thank you for your interest

    SidV79 (Andy)
  • whitefluffwhitefluff Member Posts: 13
    Cheers :)
  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk, I hope youi are all well. Here we are at Week 2 already, and with 3 further weeks to go after tonight the prizes are still there for everyone who plays to grab one. Let's try tonight to beat last weeks number of runners, which was 50, and also get more players involved. Good luck to all who play tonight and here is the Autoreg list

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk, we have a new leader after last night's game. Of the 10 that made the FT, 6 were Orfordablers with 3 filling last night's top 3 places. Well played to them all. @stokefc finished 9th, @MAXALLY in 8th (& now 8th in the league), in 6th was @Boomswitch taking him up to 3rd overall. In 3rd place last night was @-Stuey- moving up to 4th overall. In 2nd place, making his 1st appearance this month, was @IVIystical and last but not least last night's winner, with his 2nd FT in a row, and 10th last week was @Dollie, which takes @Dollie into 1st place overall, very well played Gordon. Thank you all for playing and here is the updated League Table

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy world on this lovely Spring morning, I hope you are all well.
    We have reached Week 3 (of 5) and so far have had two different League leaders, will we have another, different, leader after tonight's game? We shall soon find out but with 3 weeks still to play everyone still has the chance of winning a prize so put your best foot forward and, with a little luck maybe it will be you sitting atop the League. I wish you all good luck, here is the Autoreg list for April (& beyond)

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    edited April 2021
    Good morning Orfy World, I trust all is well.
    Of last night's FT SIX were Orfordablers and in a somewhat quirky outcome those same 6 now occupy the top 6 places in the League Table.
    Making his 1st FT of the month, finishing in 4th place last night is @THECHIMP, who now sits 6th overall. In 5th overall after finishing 6th last night with his 2nd FT is @MAXALLY. Staying in 4th overall (on a total score of 11), also with his 2nd FT and an 8th place finish is @-Stuey-. Another with his 2nd FT but falling 1 place to 3rd overall (10) is @daggers747. Jumping 3 places, again with his 2nd FT and after taking the win last night, into 2nd overall (7), congratulations go to @DoyleBrun. very well played Chris. In 3rd place last night with his 3rd FT on the trot and a grand total of 4 to keep the overall League Lead is @Dollie, excellent consistency Gordon, well played and well played to all FT makers.
    Thank you to everyone who played last night, we would not have a League without you all.
    Here is the updated League Table after April Week 3

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk, it's that time of week again where we all click a few buttons in trying to win our little tourney. With two weeks still to play anyone can still win a prize, although I suspect it will be pretty difficult to knock Dollie off the top spot but it can be done so this is not a time to give up. I wish you all the very best of luck for tonight and here is the Autoreg list for April

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk, on this lovely , sunny Spring day, I hope you are all well. Only 4 Orfordablers made last night's FT, making a small change near the top of the League but none took the win last night. Finishing in 8th place, with his 2nd FT appearance, was @WAREZ, he jumps up 6 places to 5th overall. Sitting in 4th place is @daggers747, having dropped a place by bubbling the FT. In 3rd, with his 2nd FT appearance and the best performer on the night taking 2nd place, now on a score of 8 is @Boomswitch. Still in 2nd overall despite not making the FT, is @DoyleBrun, well played guys. All this means that, with a FOURTH consecutive FT appearance no less, @Dollie is still our erstwhile League Leader, very well played Gordon. With just the one remaining week to play there are plenty of contenders for a prize so next week's tourney should be very interesting. Thank you all for playing and here is the updated League Table

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk, I hope you are all well and still staying safe. Here we are, already at Week 5 (of 5) and @Dollie sits atop the League with just tonight to play. Can @Dollie make it 5 FTs on the bounce? Can anyone topple him from top spot? In short, the answer to both these questions is Yes although it will take a mighty effort from @Dollie himself and an even mightier effort for one of the few (who can) to topple him from top spot. Anyway, the very best of luck to you all for tonight, here is the Autoreg list for April

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    Good morning Orfy folk. In yesterday's post I asked two questions but neither materialised, although it was not for the want of trying on @Dollie's part. Of the 10 that made the FT only 3 were Orfordablers, @goldnballz @MAXALLY & @WAREZ finishing 6th, 8th & 9th respectively, well played guys. As you may summise from that statement the top of the league remained the same, in fact of the top 10 in the League table only @goldnballz , who finished 6th last night, made an upward move, by one place, into 8th overall. I also asked whether @Dollie could make it 5 FT's in a row. Sadly he missed by a solitary place, finishing in 11th place last night. That, bubbling the FT notwithstanding, was an incredible attempt by @Dollie to make it 5 consecutive FTs in a row and kudos on such a fabulous effort, very well played Gordon and many Congratulations to you in winning the League for April, it is well deserved. In 2nd place overall sits @DoyleBrun so both @Dollie & @DoyleBrun win free entry into next Friday's (7th May) 9.30pm £11 BH, well played and good luck for next week guys. Thank you all for playing and see you all next month.
    Here is the final League table after April Week 5

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,915
    edited May 2021
    Well off the pace this month must do better
    Well played Gordon
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,821
    WP winners!

    Took a good score to be involved at the top of the league this month!
  • DollieDollie Member Posts: 706
    I am delighted to have won a prize and look forward to playing the 9.30pm bounty hunter next Friday. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing the “Orfy” over the last few weeks and coming up against many players I seem to have known for years. Thanks to Andy for organising and to Sky for their support. As 17th May approaches and the lock down is relaxed my Friday nights will again be filled with a snooker table rather than a poker table, so unfortunately I will not be playing the Orfy going forward. Thanks and good luck everybody.
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