Another extraordinary session, with prize pools beating guarantees by 35%, less than Days 1 - 3, but with a HR included that was always going to skew the numbers somewhat. The eye-popper was the £2,000 closer, which made a ridic £5,720. I've no idea what the Suits expected, but to me, these numbers are extraordinary, especially as the software has been a little glitchy for some of the players. I'm not sure what that proves, if anything, but it's quite thought-provoking.
£3,000 UKOPS 19 £4,560
£20,000 UKOPS 20 £24,000
£15,000 UKOPS 21 £17,980
£5,000 UKOPS 22 £7,705
£3,000 UKOPS 23 £4,360
£4,000 UKOPS 24 £6,100
£2,000 UKOPS 25 £5,720
0 ·
UKOPS 19 £3,000 Bounty Hunter (£4,560)
What a terrific FT this was, with a fascinating Heads Up between cabbaz & Shrimps, with cabbaz eventually getting the best of it. cabbaz is almost certainly the better player & deserved his win, but the Shrimpster just ran dry of decent hands when it most mattered, & then for the rubs he found the Aces & got no action. I genuinely believe Shrimps is in his breakout year, & is much better than his results suggest. Watch this space, he has plenty more results in him, & I'd bet good money on that.
3rd was chrisdonkb, a genuinely lovely lad, with SPT Vegas winner Granite 5th & ufud 6th.
@cabbaz 684000 1 £612.41 + £169.23 Head Prizes 6
@Shrimpy28 0 2 £365.48 + £128.02 Head Prizes 9
@chrisdonkb 0 3 £217.97 + £91.91 Head Prizes 6
@supercrazy 0 4 £171.46 + £61.66 Head Prizes 4
@Granite89 0 5 £145.92 + £72.57 Head Prizes 6
@ufud 0 6 £122.21 + £81.79 Head Prizes 6
UKOPS 20 £20,000 High Roller (£24,000)
A stunning win for djsnorlax. Prior to this, his best result was 2nd in a Sunday Major in December for £2,820, but this one was worth a whopping £6,840. Well done Mr DJ.
2nd was lolufold. These days he concentrates on his music, he has a band, but back in the day he was a serious player who made a living playing cash at The Vic, & he had a best Live MTT cash of $317,000 when he ran 41st in the 2010 WSOP Main.
4th was Wednesday's UKOPS PLO8 winner, Chrismags, with trusoldier, who was 6th in Wednesday's UKOPS Main, 5th.
7th was ChIpSISbk, who won Wednesday's Main, with miniman 8th.
A word of sympathy for waller02 who had a top three stack most of the way, but things did not go to plan towards the end. Great effort by Ryan.
Adam Bromley was in the money too, but he only gets half, Natalie gets the rest.
@djsnorlax 1200000 1 £6840
@lolufold 0 2 £3960
@Fitz833 0 3 £2400
@Chrismags 0 4 £1920
@trusoldier 0 5 £1656
@big_al99 0 6 £1416
@ChIpSiSbK 0 7 £1176
@miniman88 0 8 £816
@waller02 0 9 £648
@f3nix35 0 10 £528
@bromley04 0 11 £528
@mickdaddy 0 12 £528
@GSmith13 0 13 £528
@Sharki0 0 14 £528
@TONY509 0 15 £528
UKOPS 21 £15,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£17,980)
Oh my, how do these things happen? HAYSIE won the Main. Yes, THE HAYSIE. If you asked him about blockers, denying equity, or ranges, he'd have no idea what you were talking about, & he probably thinks GTO is a model of car. But if he hits a bit of the flop he ain't ever folding. And yet he's won numerous Main Events here & even several UKOPS. And he's well into his 70's. I find it hard not to like the old boy actually. He's a bit weird though, & at SPT's he's known as Billy No Mates. (See photo below). And weirdest thing of all? He does not wear socks. How gross is that? I'd die of shame if I was ever seen in public sans socks.2nd was PRhack93 who won Thursday's 7 @ 7.
2nd in Wednesday's UKOPS Main, Super_Oli was 4th this time.
@HAYSIE 2144000 1 £2269.97 + £649.89 Head Prizes 11
@PRhack93 0 2 £1321.53 + £181.78 Head Prizes 3
@MRMIAGI 0 3 £800.11 + £289.45 Head Prizes 10
@Super_Oli 0 4 £640.09 + £216.73 Head Prizes 5
@riverkilla 0 5 £539.40 + £99.26 Head Prizes 5
@jell28 0 6 £439.61 + £89.18 Head Prizes 6
UKOPS 22 £5,000 Mini Rebuy B/Hunter (£7,705)
Another giant Mini, £7,705, what IS going on?
What a result for DN34689 too, his biggest result here for 11 long years. Well done bud, hope it was worth the wait.
Sunday8pm was 3rd here, then 3rd again later on in UKOPS 28. Think we ought to call him the Bridesmaid.
@DN34689 3792000 1 £924.60 + £186 Head Prizes 10
@ratfish 0 2 £504.68 + £71.90 Head Prizes 6
@Sunday8pm 0 3 £298.57 + £40.53 Head Prizes 5
@bigfatfish 0 4 £236.93 + £52.98 Head Prizes 6
@accccer03 0 5 £196.48 + £74.17 Head Prizes 8
@Turbo55 0 6 £157.95 + £34.28 Head Prizes 2
UKOPS 23 £3,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£4,360)
If you look at the Sharky graph of bigfatfish he's made exceptional progress in the last 12 months or so. This was his third win in 2 nights too - MidEx, Reload & now UKOPS 23. He was 4th in the preceding UKOPS 22 as well.
2nd was RCord.
waller got at least some consolation for his misfortune in the HR with a fine 3rd.
Palace Bloke was 5th, with AKAScotty, who has gone a little cold after his recent amazing run, in 6th.
@bigfatfish 2180000 1 £588.60 + £243.89 Head Prizes 8
@RCord 0 2 £355.34 + £157.71 Head Prizes 12
@waller02 0 3 £214.73 + £36.10 Head Prizes 4
@Jscorgie 0 4 £168.95 + £58.70 Head Prizes 3
@cpfc_2010 0 5 £143.88 + £69.38 Head Prizes 5
@AKAscotty 0 6 £119.90 + £37.52 Head Prizes 4
UKOPS 24 £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£6,100)
The winner has been here 7 years & this was a PB by a very long way, lovely to see.
Solly was 3rd, first we've seen of him this series, f3nix35 4th & Wacko 5th.
@jonahindii 610000 1 £852.48 + £447.89 Head Prizes 9
@SHYBOY51 0 2 £520.02 + £110.36 Head Prizes 2
@SoLack 0 3 £320.25 + £265.72 Head Prizes 9
@f3nix35 0 4 £257.72 + £132.42 Head Prizes 5
@Wacko90 0 5 £219.60 + £137.40 Head Prizes 5
@JACKALLY 0 6 £189.10 + £173.73 Head Prizes 6
UKOPS 25 £2,000 Hyper Rebuy B/Hunter (£5,720)
GuyL2 recorded his 4th 4 figure win of 2021, including a Summit, 2 Mains & now a UKOPS.
Sunday8pm & f3nix both made their 2nd UKOPS FT of the evening.
sam1234, who won the Day 2 UKOPS Main, & was 3rd in the SPT Online last September for the best part of £6,000, was 5th.
@GuyL2 726000 1 £799.37 + £574.60 Head Prizes 13
@daleboss 0 2 £487.63 + £54.38 Head Prizes 3
@Sunday8pm 0 3 £300.30 + £179.43 Head Prizes 6
@ApolloCree 0 4 £241.67 + £82.98 Head Prizes 3
@sam1234 0 5 £205.92 + £30.94 Head Prizes 1
@f3nix35 0 6 £177.32 + £221.03 Head Prizes 7
Hon Mentions
Too many to namecheck really, but based on these being "Community" Updates, special mention to;@Shrimpy28
I just know everyone will agree wholeheartedly with this...
This track popped up on a forum Music Quiz yesterday. Proper lyrics, these. The singer is - well was - Cat Stevens. Later he converted to Islam & named himself as Yusuf Islam. He's a wonderful human being through & through.
UKOPS Leaderboard after Day 4
1 @Jscorgie 292 @Froozle 24
3 @miniman88 23
3 @rossybee16 23
5 @newdaddy 22
6 @Chrismags 19
6 @Sunday8pm 19
8 @sam1234 18
9 @bigfatfish 17
9 @GuyL2 17
9 @Jessieak 17
9 @Super_Oli 17
13 @ChIpSiSbK 16
13 @ValueJL 16
15 @cabbaz 15
15 @roddy28 15
17 @djsnorlax 14
17 @f3nix35 14
17 @Fishyworm 14
17 @waller02 14
21 @chrisdonkb 13
21 @Climwinner 13
21 @lolufold 13
24 @Baboon26 12
24 @heddoh18 12
24 @Hoff92 12
24 @JonTSnow 12
24 @Nero543 12
24 @pacman821 12
24 @Rstinson97 12
24 @TheDart 12
32 @AdLAD 11
32 @ApolloCree 11
32 @chrisdboy 11
32 @glencoelad 11
32 @HAYSIE 11
32 @IamAll_En 11
32 @loololollo 11
32 @sandforddd 11
32 @Shrimpy28 11
32 @tonyp142 11
43 @AdamSD91 10
43 @DN34689 10
43 @duncan1979 10
43 @jonahindii 10
43 @podraic 10
43 @PRhack93 10
43 @SHYBOY51 10
43 @Summers119 10
43 @thetimkrul 10
53 @Shelley7 9
53 @trusoldier 9
55 @Bigmac123 8
55 @chillidamo 8
55 @Cleis 8
55 @daleboss 8
55 @esme2010 8
55 @jonjo75 8
55 @lukeylund9 8
55 @M10Dembele 8
55 @mohin 8
55 @ratfish 8
55 @RCord 8
55 @SNOOKER72 8
55 @ufud 8
68 @68Trebor 7
68 @AlexaAJ 7
68 @Formosina 7
68 @GSmith13 7
68 @Makaka 7
68 @ozzieowen 7
68 @PhattyToke 7
68 @Tedson 7
68 @wineli 7
77 @2Geronimo 6
77 @Armyburger 6
77 @Bailiffman 6
77 @CHAZ2763 6
77 @DivsDreams 6
77 @Fitz833 6
77 @Granite89 6
77 @jas69 6
77 @K_1rving 6
77 @loosecamel 6
77 @Morris707 6
77 @Natnug 6
77 @PKRPar 6
77 @seikus 6
77 @SoLack 6
77 @Spiderpig0 6
77 @splashies 6
77 @Ubbi4820 6
77 @Wacko90 6
97 @Chipster55 5
97 @cpfc_2010 5
97 @destinycod 5
97 @diceable28 5
97 @Kahuna96 5
97 @PBKR 5
97 @riverkilla 5
97 @supercrazy 5
105 @accccer03 4
105 @acky1985 4
105 @adair333 4
105 @AKAscotty 4
105 @Chopchop83 4
105 @jascham 4
105 @Kristofer 4
105 @LmfaoAllin 4
105 @mantas1984 4
105 @markutd 4
105 @neenio 4
105 @nishg 4
105 @railtard11 4
105 @seager1515 4
105 @Swimmr 4
105 @The_Sweede 4
105 @THETANK 4
105 @Tweaks7 4
105 @whitters95 4
126 @ALFIE123 3
126 @big_al99 3
126 @BigCes 3
126 @Blaiseee 3
126 @Danyo0 3
126 @Doooobs 3
126 @edenDARBY 3
126 @Essexphil 3
126 @FeelGroggy 3
126 @fishhhhh 3
126 @gez_bear 3
126 @Itsover4u 3
126 @Jac35 3
126 @jell28 3
126 @luckme002 3
126 @maseboy 3
126 @Monty15 3
126 @peiratis88 3
126 @SamNorris 3
126 @Sharki0 3
126 @The--Don 3
126 @TIMBER 3
126 @torres215 3
126 @Turbo55 3
151 @8ights 2
151 @AAMICK 2
151 @Acer640 2
151 @BeachBody 2
151 @cassiedyla 2
151 @cbar919 2
151 @cdfgtyujk 2
151 @cool0 2
151 @CoxyMate 2
151 @Ellie06012 2
151 @henners10 2
151 @humberfish 2
151 @IrishRose 2
151 @janty75 2
151 @JD2012 2
151 @kettle9930 2
151 @KickaStink 2
151 @-LEON- 2
151 @LiamRynn 2
151 @MARK277 2
151 @MattBates 2
151 @MAXALLY 2
151 @mildsteal0 2
151 @mowmow 2
151 @NChanning 2
151 @NOSTRI 2
151 @paul10 2
151 @perfect125 2
151 @piglet69 2
151 @Richiegone 2
151 @SIMON21 2
151 @sjl1973 2
151 @Thoich 2
151 @Westy0987 2
151 @winner5603 2
151 @WorldBeetr 2
151 @wynne1938 2
151 @yobbie 2
191 @1317 1
191 @12THREE 1
191 @1johnpoker 1
191 @7Wizard 1
191 @93sean 1
191 @Alex1612 1
191 @Alvez11 1
191 @Asho28 1
191 @autex 1
191 @Bakers12 1
191 @bazb 1
191 @BazookaJoe 1
191 @bbMike 1
191 @Beckimaate 1
191 @bigfishman 1
191 @bigg431 1
191 @Bingo321x 1
191 @blablabla 1
191 @BlairReid 1
191 @Blakely 1
191 @bonthron18 1
191 @boom10 1
191 @boych 1
191 @Bpkwsp 1
191 @bromley04 1
191 @Burtace123 1
191 @CABBAGE130 1
191 @Card4Life 1
191 @carravagio 1
191 @Cdh86 1
191 @cenachav 1
191 @Cheeseyak 1
191 @chicknMelt 1
191 @Clinty 1
191 @cmads96 1
191 @CMCULT57 1
191 @craigcu12 1
191 @Curt360x27 1
191 @daGrinda 1
191 @DannyJP 1
191 @dannykeen 1
191 @darsum333 1
191 @daveydavey 1
191 @Dennispok7 1
191 @Dermste 1
191 @Diogenes 1
191 @Doubleme 1
191 @driptap103 1
191 @drwill 1
191 @EasyTiger 1
191 @ed2fast 1
191 @elvisg1972 1
191 @Evamay 1
191 @evju 1
191 @evo3 1
191 @Fat5tack5 1
191 @FeNdeR36 1
191 @Flushedout 1
191 @FlynTimber 1
191 @fun 1
191 @FuzzyDare 1
191 @gac123 1
191 @gerwyn1981 1
191 @giggsy280 1
191 @hazelwoo05 1
191 @hhyftrftdr 1
191 @hunter1987 1
191 @Ifjfif 1
191 @imabonhead 1
191 @iman_s7 1
191 @imnogood 1
191 @jackl 1
191 @jh1603 1
191 @jimbo31 1
191 @jjohnny5 1
191 @Joejoejoe1 1
191 @johnnyy 1
191 @jolkom 1
191 @jollydolly 1
191 @jordz16 1
191 @jrdrinkler 1
191 @jrjr44 1
191 @kapowblamz 1
191 @kawamattyz 1
191 @KevDoc87 1
191 @landoeh 1
191 @LARSON7 1
191 @las_paves 1
191 @laurie1954 1
191 @LBoarder 1
191 @LittleGJ 1
191 @LOLBOY 1
191 @Luke1959 1
191 @lwwl 1
191 @lyonsbob06 1
191 @mainspring 1
191 @manster50 1
191 @matisback 1
191 @mcglynn07 1
191 @mcreigh12 1
191 @memfno 1
191 @mickdaddy 1
191 @midnightma 1
191 @MITCH38 1
191 @mkgunner 1
191 @mma420 1
191 @MrKey 1
191 @mrtee 1
191 @MSDOS 1
191 @mumahumpa 1
191 @nabeel 1
191 @nicola32 1
191 @Ninja001 1
191 @nslater112 1
191 @pat1888 1
191 @PJArf08 1
191 @popman1 1
191 @rabbit11 1
191 @raggy94 1
191 @ramos282 1
191 @reeler 1
191 @rennie10 1
191 @Rhythm1991 1
191 @Richknott 1
191 @RMC1888 1
191 @robert281 1
191 @RobRenzi 1
191 @rspca12 1
191 @RUTSTER19 1
191 @ryanthomps 1
191 @S9OLSY 1
191 @Sara2001 1
191 @saunders05 1
191 @Schmooze 1
191 @Scouse_AA 1
191 @scullion10 1
191 @SERENAxxxx 1
191 @sharpy008 1
191 @sillymid 1
191 @Simmoducks 1
191 @SJspanky1 1
191 @smith1408 1
191 @Smokie248 1
191 @SnowQueen 1
191 @sonicsco15 1
191 @stack_u 1
191 @standog50 1
191 @steveysee 1
191 @Stick66 1
191 @stuartno14 1
191 @SzaryPolak 1
191 @TamL 1
191 @tartu 1
191 @Tay89 1
191 @TBLTDK 1
191 @thedazzman 1
191 @thisltedu 1
191 @tinytellah 1
191 @tomred64 1
191 @TONY509 1
191 @tonyany2 1
191 @tren51 1
191 @trip_andy 1
191 @turbocozzy 1
191 @TwinTilyTu 1
191 @underlay 1
191 @WAKO490 1
191 @Warbz24 1
191 @wassab 1
191 @Wayne85 1
191 @weecheez1 1
191 @wettowel 1
191 @Whizzewky 1
191 @whostheman 1
191 @wiley22 1
191 @woo-el 1
191 @yogi67 1