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Is it collusion to try and bust one player in a DYM in particular. Or against the rules at all?

Shelley7Shelley7 Member Posts: 128
Asking for a mate.


  • bigfatfishbigfatfish Member Posts: 40
    You will need to post a hand history or an explanation of what happened to get a proper answer.

    There are occasions when a player is all in and the other players check it down as that is in their own best interests to win the game.
    There are also times when a player may do things that are against their own interests to help somebody else which is against the rules.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,028

    You will need to post a hand history or an explanation of what happened to get a proper answer.

    There are occasions when a player is all in and the other players check it down as that is in their own best interests to win the game.
    There are also times when a player may do things that are against their own interests to help somebody else which is against the rules.

    All true.

    Where it might (purely theoretically, of course) get complicated is if a player carried out a dodgy play to knock out someone who was, say, abusing them, as opposed to trying to help someone else.

    If that were the case, I think I would just move on, and say nothing to see here...because I suspect my, er, mates may have done that as well...
  • Shelley7Shelley7 Member Posts: 128
    edited April 2021
    It was a bit childish from myself (admittedly).

    Basically, played heads up for an hour against someone, won 7-1. Had some fortune in one hand when they had an overpair and I had top pair and a draw (so not actually that bad) and they just kept insulting me through-out. Decided to join some DYM's after and noticed they were on the table doing well.

    When I lost hands they kept making comments, so basically decided I would just do what I could to take them out and not care if I won (or who else won). So I'd fold when anyone else shoved and would call all this persons shoves and would always play back at them. They kept moaning they were going to report me. Saying it was collusion. I argued it was not as there were 4 left in the DYM and the two others not involved in the 'argument' were not part of an accord with myself. I never once gave them instruction or agreed anything, so collusion cannot be from one person only. You cannot ban someone for just awful play.

    As said, it was a bit childish, but if someone is going to be all hard on the chat and disrespectful, I'm more than happy to lose 10 quid to ruin their DYM streak. Edit: it worked out and they busted 4th. Note sure what the lesson is but oh well.

  • saymynameesaymynamee Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2021
    I mean there's a wide variety of grey areas with this kind of stuff.

    If somebody unilaterally took it upon themselves to bully you out of a DYM then argued that they're doing nothing wrong since the other players aren't in on it, how would you feel about it?

    You're saying you targeted a specific opponent at the expense of your own bottom line, because they behaved rudely to you. Presumably, you did this just the once, and the chances are almost zero you'll run into them again, so who cares? But, can a reg do this to another reg? Often I find myself playing DYM sessions where I have 8-10 tables open, and the same player is at all of my tables, playing well and taking a decent chunk of change off said tables. Am I allowed to shove any two into their BB and call their jams with 97s, K5o and all manner of random garbage, even on the bubble, until they realise they can't play profitably under these circumstances and quit, allowing me to recoup my losses in the long run?

  • saymynameesaymynamee Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2021
    (deleted massive, probably unnecessary wall of text which served no purpose other than to say, if deliberately targeting one particular player because they were rude is legit, that's a super slippery slope)
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    I'd say it is technically allowed but morally wrong. I think it's your prerogative as to whether or not you believe losing ev is worth your rude opponent also losing ev. If you consider yourself a recreational and found more fun in sabotaging the rude player's streak than winning I think that's morally more justified. If you consider yourself a regular in that format I think going out your way to spite a recreational (or reg) is pretty pathetic.
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    I've had a DYM reg randomly start spite calling vs me one night in the past when they were tilted.
    I could have turned it into a ****-swinging contest, started relentlessly spite calling them back so we both lost money until one of us (probably them) was forced to quit whilst all the other DYM regs laugh at us and rake it in. But at the end of the day I play them for profit not fun, so rising to it would be pathetic, even if they 'started it'. They ended up stopping doing it after the 5th or 6th spite call when it probably dawned on them that it wasn't the best idea. Still, it is up to them how they want to play the format, even if it means spite calling me till the end of time.
  • Shelley7Shelley7 Member Posts: 128

    I'd say it is technically allowed but morally wrong. I think it's your prerogative as to whether or not you believe losing ev is worth your rude opponent also losing ev. If you consider yourself a recreational and found more fun in sabotaging the rude player's streak than winning I think that's morally more justified. If you consider yourself a regular in that format I think going out your way to spite a recreational (or reg) is pretty pathetic.

    I agree with this, I mean I was not willing to burn money to mess with them but in that one game I just wanted to. Stopped playing after that and decided it was not worth it. As you mentioned though, that fact he was spouting off was tilt and it overall if you are playing to win money is a good thing.

    Good point made above by saymynamee - I did wonder the same thing about streak week and the possible collusion that could occur to wreck streaks, but hopefully that kinda thing does not go on too much.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785

    I mean there's a wide variety of grey areas with this kind of stuff.

    If somebody unilaterally took it upon themselves to bully you out of a DYM then argued that they're doing nothing wrong since the other players aren't in on it, how would you feel about it?

    You're saying you targeted a specific opponent at the expense of your own bottom line, because they behaved rudely to you. Presumably, you did this just the once, and the chances are almost zero you'll run into them again, so who cares? But, can a reg do this to another reg? Often I find myself playing DYM sessions where I have 8-10 tables open, and the same player is at all of my tables, playing well and taking a decent chunk of change off said tables. Am I allowed to shove any two into their BB and call their jams with 97s, K5o and all manner of random garbage, even on the bubble, until they realise they can't play profitably under these circumstances and quit, allowing me to recoup my losses in the long run?

    Absolutely, there's no law against playing like a d1ck unfortunately.
  • DoooobsDoooobs Member Posts: 243
    I'd say that playing in a way to get one over on an abusive player should be positively encouraged. These people are a scourge on the game and should be driven out in much the same way as they drive the recs out.

    But... DYMs are a bit of a special case, and I'd say you are colluding if playing with 2 mates and the abusive player even if nothing is agreed. I'd just try and avoid anything that is a bad look in DYMs.

    And if I had just won 7-1 in heads ups I'd be going out of my way to not upset my opponent and would think 7-1 was more than enough revenge for their behaviour.

    As an aside I was playing in a PLO8 game the other day and got a monster on the flop, and just "shoved" over a cbet. I was multi tabling and had a couple of other decisions to make. Went back only to see my hand folding with shrapnel behind. Not only had I dusted my stack accidentally near the bubble, but then had to put up with one player spending the next half hour berating me as a colluder across multiple tables... Was looking forward to the ban to cap it all, but it hasn't happened yet.
  • Shelley7Shelley7 Member Posts: 128
    I agree, the chat stuff should not be tolerated.

    Definitely no collusion, I just made the decision not to take out the other two, but they had no say in the matter. They folded and shoved to me, there was no agreed play and I never told them anything.

    Following you across tables is pretty crazy though? Yeah the player I was against said i'd get banned for my play, but i've not heard anything. If sky were to ban a player do they just do it, or would you have a chance to appeal, make a case?
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    if sky banned players for suspected collusion when 85% of it is just poor play they would have no punter's left.
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