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Who won what, Thursday 29th April, including Final Table Jackpot

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

A very good morning.

We have a long weekend ahead of us, with a Bank Holiday on Monday. Somehow Bank Holidays don't have the impact they used to, perhaps due to Lockdown. I still look forward to them though, there's something magically relaxing about a public holiday. Generally speaking, they are good for online poker too.

Talking of which, SPT Online & SPT Giveaway were announced yesterday, & the Giveaway starts today - have you Opted In?

£700 7 @ 7 £1,064

£1,000 BH £1,160

£6,000 Hitman £6,690

£1,500 Mini £1,835

£1,500 Mega £1,760

£2,000 Sheriff £2,150

£1,500 Reload £1,995

£1,500 Turbo £1,710

£1,500 Quickdraw £1,900

£1,000 MidEx £1,400


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£1,064)

    7 @ 7 fell to PUPPASMURF, just over a year since his last featured MTT win, when he bested 846 runners to win a Boomlet Mini. He's on a bit of a heater it seems, as on Wednesday he was 2nd in a little BH too.

    Runner-up yobbie was close to winning 7 @ 7 for the 2nd time this year, he's won a Reload too.

    In 6th was TALLENT, who won this a few nights ago.

    @PUPPASMURF 304000 1 £144.97 + £74.60 Head Prizes 10

    @yobbie 0 2 £86.98 + £28.61 Head Prizes 5

    @tinytellah 0 3 £53.20 + £10.01 Head Prizes 3

    @green00 0 4 £41.76 + £14.15 Head Prizes 4

    @GUINEAPIG 0 5 £35.64 + £22.44 Head Prizes 6

    @TALLENT 0 6 £30 + £14.56 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,160)

    Arrogant took this, adding it to his bulging portfolio of featured MTT wins this year. I suspect he's won them all - for sure he's won most of them.

    scotty77 had two 3rd places last night, this & Sheriff.

    splashies had a decent sesh too - 4th here, 4th in the Mini & 6th in Turbo.

    @Arrogant 174000 1 £214.60 + £112.47 Head Prizes 6

    @kikikolt2 0 2 £127.60 + £46.40 Head Prizes 4

    @scotty77 0 3 £87 + £17.58 Head Prizes 2

    @braapman06 0 4 £63.80 + £48.48 Head Prizes 4

    @fish369 0 5 £46.40 0

    @splashies 0 6 £40.60 + £27.04 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £6,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£6,690)

    squeak13 took Hitman Main. Not his first Main Event win either - he has a Gold Rush Main on his CV too, in fact he's done the Gold Rush double - Main & Mini. He began last night by nicking a tenner in the Rewards Freeroll, then won a £3.30 Direct Satellite to Hitman, & of course turned that into over £1,330. Very nice.

    A terrific effort by spearsy136 in 2nd. He's been playing a few of the 8pm Main Events this week & after this result, I daresay he'll continue to.

    Branston ran 3rd, Gnar 4th & Crushy 5th.

    zzgoose was another who went the satellite route, winning a £1.20 Hitman Frenzy, then running 6th in Hitman itself for over £200. If you are a goose, £200 is a whole lot of money.

    @squeak13 1115000 1 £903.15 + £429.29 Head Prizes 10

    @spearsy136 0 2 £545.24 + £200.40 Head Prizes 10

    @Branston11 0 3 £329.48 + £111.64 Head Prizes 5

    @Gnar 0 4 £259.24 + £133.60 Head Prizes 7

    @loololollo 0 5 £220.77 + £106.35 Head Prizes 6

    @zzgoose 0 6 £183.97 + £32.34 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Mini Hitman (£1,835)

    BOOM, loololollo was 5th in the Main & won the Mini, so won himself a £500 bonus from the Sky Poker Jackpot.

    splashies, 6th in the £1k BH, was 4th here.

    In 5th was Pipster, making a bold bid to win the Mini for the 2nd time 10 days. He also took down a £200 BH yesterday afternoon.

    @loololollo 734000 1 £231.67 + £63.29 Head Prizes 10

    @gamblegirl 0 2 £134.87 + £26.42 Head Prizes 6

    @spam600 0 3 £81.66 + £33.34 Head Prizes 8

    @splashies 0 4 £65.33 + £7.01 Head Prizes 1

    @Pipster81 0 5 £55.05 + £24.47 Head Prizes 7

    @animal365 0 6 £44.87 + £20.58 Head Prizes 7
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,760)

    PAPABURG was another who benefitted from the satellite route last night, winning a £1.20 Mega Stack All-In sat, then the target event for over £350. Two nights earlier he ran 4th in Summit for ~£400, so he's having a very decent week.

    In 8th was @NOSTRI, easily his best result from the 11 MTT's he played yesterday. He actually does quite well in £1 Rebuys & the like, but I admire his pluck for taking the occasional shot to play with the big boys.

    @PAPABURG 880000 1 £250.80 + £101.54 Head Prizes 4

    @Rubycfc67 0 2 £161.04 + £122.85 Head Prizes 9

    @skyflyer 0 3 £100.32 + £81.69 Head Prizes 6

    @BING 0 4 £81.40 + £26.26 Head Prizes 3

    @Mickey83 0 5 £66.44 + £30 Head Prizes 4

    @gitmen 0 6 £55.44 + £30.96 Head Prizes 3

    @NOSTRI 0 8 £37.84 + £24.38 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,150)

    The winner has been here 8 years but played very little until this year, & this was his best ever result by a very long way.

    @Scouse_AA 215000 1 £430 + £363.66 Head Prizes 9

    @Milzy210 0 2 £268.75 + £200.39 Head Prizes 7

    @scotty77 0 3 £161.25 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @lolufold 0 4 £118.25 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @starfox 0 5 £96.75 + £65.63 Head Prizes 3

    @whitters95 0 6 £65.63 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,995)

    BUBBLYDAN ran 2nd in Reload two months ago, & got his victory last night.

    @BUBBLYDAN 1789000 1 £264.34 + £82.88 Head Prizes 8

    @Krililnik 0 2 £157.60 + £34.52 Head Prizes 5

    @baddunn 0 3 £94.76 + £27.74 Head Prizes 9

    @micropro 0 4 £74.81 + £23.54 Head Prizes 5

    @CHAJ 0 5 £63.34 + £20.27 Head Prizes 7

    @1-DAY 0 6 £52.87 + £23.44 Head Prizes 6
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,710)

    What a week ozzie is having, 1st & 2nd in Sheriff, twice 2nd in MidEx & now takes the Turbo. No wonder he's liked & respected by so many of the lads, not sure I've ever heard a bad word about him.

    @ozzieowen 285000 1 £316.35 + £110.38 Head Prizes 2

    @Francotir 0 2 £188.10 + £153.29 Head Prizes 8

    @whitters95 0 3 £128.25 + £106.88 Head Prizes 7

    @bar4004 0 4 £94.05 + £42.89 Head Prizes 3

    @Tonyzya 0 5 £68.40 + £53.44 Head Prizes 4

    @splashies 0 6 £59.85 + £33.75 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£1,900)

    Poppywood played exactly 1 MTT last night, & won it. Nice.

    Tough FT which included wineli, PKRPar & newdaddy.

    @Poppywood 234000 1 £351.50 + £321.15 Head Prizes 9

    @wineli 0 2 £209 + £45.47 Head Prizes 2

    @PKRPar 0 3 £142.50 + £138.04 Head Prizes 6

    @Monty15 0 4 £104.50 + £85.32 Head Prizes 4

    @newdaddy 0 5 £76 + £31.88 Head Prizes 2

    @CuzzyBait 0 6 £66.50 + £33.75 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,400)

    TheBates returned to the winner's enclosure with a MidEx win. The key hand was when there were three left, against The--Don, Bates with 9-9 & his elderly foe holding A-Q. The 9-5-3 flop was the sort of thing Bates so often did in his pomp.

    2nd was bigfatfish, with The--Don, who does a great impression of being Mr Grumpy, 3rd. He has a bad rep with some, perhaps deservedly, but deep down he's just a sort of pantomime villain, rather like Julian Clary or Piers Morgan.

    @MattBates 210000 1 £203 + £181.41 Head Prizes 10

    @bigfatfish 0 2 £133 + £69.02 Head Prizes 6

    @The--Don 0 3 £82.25 + £40.31 Head Prizes 4

    @TIMBER 0 4 £66.50 + £33.76 Head Prizes 4

    @LiamRynn 0 5 £54.25 + £24.84 Head Prizes 3

    @GILLS69 0 6 £45.50 + £41.73 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056



    5th in the Main, 1st in the Mini & £500 worth of Sky Poker Jackpot...


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    By way of a change. here's a few humorous TV commercials.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Tikay10 said:

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,400)

    TheBates returned to the winner's enclosure with a MidEx win. The key hand was when there were three left, against The--Don, Bates with 9-9 & his elderly foe holding A-Q. The 9-5-3 flop was the sort of thing Bates so often did in his pomp.

    2nd was bigfatfish, with The--Don, who does a great impression of being Mr Grumpy, 3rd. He has a bad rep with some, perhaps deservedly, but deep down he's just a sort of pantomime villain, rather like Julian Clary or Piers Morgan.

    @MattBates 210000 1 £203 + £181.41 Head Prizes 10

    @bigfatfish 0 2 £133 + £69.02 Head Prizes 6

    @The--Don 0 3 £82.25 + £40.31 Head Prizes 4

    @TIMBER 0 4 £66.50 + £33.76 Head Prizes 4

    @LiamRynn 0 5 £54.25 + £24.84 Head Prizes 3

    @GILLS69 0 6 £45.50 + £41.73 Head Prizes 4
    I thought this was the key hand
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