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Who won what, Wednesday 9th June

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056


Great weather again yesterday, & the online poker traffic figures very much reflected that. Meh.

£700 7 @ 7 £945

£1,000 BH £1,040

£5,000 Predator Main £5,700

£1,500 Mini £1,555

£1,000 Mega £1,200

£1,500 Sheriff £2,050

£1,500 Reload £1,914

£1,500 Turbo £1,500

£1,000 Quicky £1,240

£1,000 MidEx £1,220


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£945)

    6 months since his last appearance in these threads, which was also for 7 @ 7 (5th), Karver at last got his win.

    4th was Chalky666, who had run 6th in MidEx less than 24 hours earlier.

    @Karver 270000 1 £129.94 + £47.75 Head Prizes 7

    @wiggywoo11 0 2 £78.44 + £35.65 Head Prizes 7

    @glassman60 0 3 £48.20 + £8.99 Head Prizes 3

    @Chalky666 0 4 £38.27 + £30.84 Head Prizes 6

    @bigballoo 0 5 £32.60 + £4.43 Head Prizes 1

    @the-ogre 0 6 £27.41 + £14.15 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,040)

    Blaiseee, 2nd in this the previous night, won it last night. He had a quickfire double too, winning the 6pm £500 BH for ~£240 before tasking this for ~£325.

    @Blaiseee 156000 1 £192.40 + £135.44 Head Prizes 8

    @loololollo 0 2 £114.40 + £72.14 Head Prizes 7

    @nslater112 0 3 £78 + £39.24 Head Prizes 4

    @Supernan 0 4 £57.20 + £24.38 Head Prizes 3

    @Curt360x27 0 5 £41.60 + £21.92 Head Prizes 2

    @aub 0 6 £36.40 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £5,000 Predator Bounty Hunter (£5,700)

    The Main went to SadieRose for the 2nd time in almost exactly 6 months. There were only 156 runners, & the top two took 37 heads between them, which is close to 25% of the entire field.

    For the many fans of MML, you might be pleased to see that both @aynaricol @ @Angmar2626 played this last night having won their seats via MML in the last two weeks. aynaricol was 15th & collected £51, while Angmar was 53rd & got £42. Not life changing, sure, but it was a freebie & it seems rather satisfying to pick up s few shillings from a freebie, especially when it's Sky Poker that are paying.

    @sadierose 950000 1 £776.62 + £529.82 Head Prizes 18

    @Potshot29 0 2 £465.98 + £319.74 Head Prizes 19

    @starfox 0 3 £285 + £57.83 Head Prizes 4

    @wineli 0 4 £223.72 + £18.28 Head Prizes 1

    @Kevilfish 0 5 £190.95 + £67.85 Head Prizes 4

    @baxter21 0 6 £160.74 + £54.67 Head Prizes

    aynaricol 0 15 £39.90 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    Angmar2626 0 53 £42.19 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Mini Predator (£1,555)

    M10Dembele has won all the big stuff but I think this is his first win in the Mini. Loose change to a man of his calibre, but it all helps. He'll probably invest his winnings on Scotland turning over England on Friday of next week.

    @M10Dembele 622000 1 £202.15 + £62.83 Head Prizes 7

    @Hornet80 0 2 £116.62 + £25.37 Head Prizes 8

    @camy72 0 3 £70.75 + £20.94 Head Prizes 5

    @dannygeeze 0 4 £56.76 + £29.69 Head Prizes 7

    @MAGPIETYKE 0 5 £48.20 + £30.86 Head Prizes 9

    @lizzard71 0 6 £39.65 + £6.56 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,200)

    splashies had his best result in over a month in winning Mega. He does just fine long-term, he has been here since the very start, has close to 30,000 games & has always been in profit.

    BooBoo was 2nd with fitness fanatic MattBates 6th.

    @splashies 600000 1 £180 + £152.88 Head Prizes 8

    @235467 0 2 £120 + £64.94 Head Prizes 6

    @BooBooTheB 0 3 £72 + £48.75 Head Prizes 6

    @yobbie 0 4 £60 + £24.49 Head Prizes 2

    @gibbzy 0 5 £48 + £33.76 Head Prizes 4

    @MattBates 0 6 £39 + £16.88 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,050)

    A really strong Sheriff FT, with CodPiece getting the best of it. Palace Bloke ran 3rd with Mini winner M10Dembele 6th.

    @destinycod 205000 1 £410 + £189.37 Head Prizes 3

    @CuzzyBait 0 2 £256.25 + £211.89 Head Prizes 7

    @cpfc_2010 0 3 £153.75 + £183.98 Head Prizes 9

    @Cassius123 0 4 £112.75 + £96.39 Head Prizes 4

    @stevelen15 0 5 £92.25 + £48.05 Head Prizes 2

    @M10Dembele 0 6 £18.75 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,914)

    Tonky1 took Reload & it gives him his maiden namecheck in these threads, though he only has 60 odd games to his credit.

    @Tonky1 1720000 1 £257.05 + £67.05 Head Prizes 9

    @MrDooWop 0 2 £153.41 + £45.47 Head Prizes 7

    @Cococo 0 3 £91.49 + £18.26 Head Prizes 6

    @Pogue909 0 4 £71.97 + £32.26 Head Prizes 6

    @NoProHere_ 0 5 £61.25 + £48.23 Head Prizes 7

    @LadyHaHa2 0 6 £51.30 + £38.18 Head Prizes 11
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,500 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,500)

    There's nothing I can tell you about the winner you don't already know, same goes for the runner-up, both are serial cashees.

    In 5th was JerseyPhil, 24 hours after he was 6th in the same comp.

    @heddoh18 250000 1 £277.50 + £163.77 Head Prizes 5

    @luckme002 0 2 £165 + £94.74 Head Prizes 6

    @Spiderpig0 0 3 £112.50 + £71.02 Head Prizes 4

    @Monty15 0 4 £82.50 + £45 Head Prizes 3

    @JerseyPhil 0 5 £60 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @nishg 0 6 £52.50 + £37.97 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,240)

    UnEuropean seems to be a relatively NKOTB and he's made a good start, 3rd in the Major 10 days ago & now booking his first win.

    2nd was StayOrGo, who we have seen very little of this month, just 7 MTT's so far.

    @UnEuropean 150000 1 £310 + £140.11 Head Prizes 5

    @StayOrGo 0 2 £186 + £105.35 Head Prizes 4

    @seikus 0 3 £124 + £66.56 Head Prizes 3

    @ozzieowen 0 4 £73.59 Head Prizes 4

    @Curt360x27 0 5 £41.25 Head Prizes 3

    @JerseyPhil 0 6 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,220)

    lolufold only played three MTT's last night, Main, Turbo & MidEx, winning the last of them.

    @lolufold 183000 1 £183 + £172.16 Head Prizes 9

    @Bawbaggio 0 2 £122 + £46.88 Head Prizes 3

    @jas69 0 3 £73.20 + £52.98 Head Prizes 5

    @neenio 0 4 £61 + £37.50 Head Prizes 5

    @rob65 0 5 £48.80 + £16.88 Head Prizes 2

    @Natnug 0 6 £39.65 + £15 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056


    Winning the Main for the second time....


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    Virtual Insanity? A really clever video.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2021
    Tikay10 said:

    Virtual Insanity? A really clever video.


    Incredibly overrated ‘artist’
    Absolute dross
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056


    You have neither class nor taste.
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