Afternoon all.
I was part of a group of people chatting with
@Tikay10 last week about getting more engagement on this here forum and had a think about how I can help, even in just a small way.
It's no secret that I have had a love/hate relationship with Sky and Sky decision makers down the years mostly due to my being something of a tit but also perhaps to a small number of people being over-sensitive to the musings of a fat northern gobshite.
However, despite him picking on me regularly, I do have a lot of respect for the old man and would like to contribute more regularly to this forum in a positive manner. I reserve the right to continue being a salty ****, especially with regs who outplay me more than I am comfortable with.
I am probably going to compete in the MML for the month of July, starting tonight using the length of that schedule to encourage me to play longer cash game sessions which are my bread and butter.
I will try to record most of my sessions and aim to create a video diary of big pots, amusing hands, crippling bad beats, fun slowrolls etc which I will upload to my YouTube channel and posted here as and when they go up. If you come across me at the tables, please feel free to needle me, slowroll me, have a friendly chat about anything and everything.
I won't ever be playing more than four tables so I will have plenty of time for good natured salty banter.
Fingers crossed I'll make a few bob along the way but given Summer months are the nut low for anyone hoping to make a few quid at the game, it won't be the end of the world if it's a mediocre month in terms of profit.
I look forward to seeing some new faces at the tables and hope they are more fun in the chatbox than the boring regfish that inhabit the £20nl and £30nl cash games that I can often be found in.
Have a fun month.
P.S Suits if it ever becomes possible to change my terrible screen name to RegiTime, please let me know.
This is excellent news, & I hope your lead encourages a few others to follow, as you are, in a way, an influencer (of sorts...), especially with the younger & more impressionable players (see @NOSTRI ). I'm genuinely grateful.
Just one question - who is "the old man"?
If anyone wants an Over/Under on how long before you change your mind, the line is 10, & I'm on the Unders.
If you play 12 consecutive days of 4 MML tables I'll match this tenner.
I'll throw in 2 meltdown recovery days that you can take off to cool down.
So any 12 of the next 14. =£10.
I will bang a tenner in.
Here is the deal.
I need to play >21 days of MML qualifying tournaments in July and each day must consist of at least four tournaments played.
For everyone that wagers £10 on me failing, I will match up to £200. I want the charity to be Age UK in honour of @Tikay10
So, if I fail and 15 of you fine folk bet against me, I owe Age UK £150. If I complete the 21 days, collectively, you would owe me £150 which I would pass on to age UK and I would add 10% of my total profit (assuming I make a profit) for the month to it.
All bets must be booked before the start of play on July 1st.
Got off to a reasonable start tonight. I cashed the £2.20bh and made the FT of the £1r which I later found out was not a qualifier (thanks @NOSTRI
I think I'm a big favourite to complete the challenge but you never know with me. If the bets against aren't too costly, I could easily bomb it all off after a couple of miserable showings.
And good luck by the way!
p.s. Having only played poker for a couple of hours in June I might come out of my poker semi retirement just to try and irritate you at the MTT tables.
Stick me down for a tenner too 👍
Re regfishes at nl20/30: no comment
UPDATE AS AT 12.45 Tuesday 29th June
£10 pledged by;@Enut
In addition, for a modified challenge;
I would love some salt too. I thrive on it.
Bankroll currently £869 and pennies from a starting roll of £800.
Enjoying it so far, although I should have checked the rules before deciding to try and play everything on the schedule and having no real estate left for cash tables
Looking forward to seeing today's table whenever @NOSTRI gets around to updating it.
EDIT - @The--Don I've edited your post to embed the YT video.
I played (I think) seven tournaments with only three very small cashes to show for my time.
Got in some nice spots but couldn't convert. I don't think I got it in bad too often and at one point or another I had decent chips in several games which bodes well.
My weakness in MTT's is definitely playing the middle stages when average stacks are 20-40bb. I don't really have much of a clue what I am doing at those depths, especially against unknown opponents.
I'm not sufficiently motivated to learn more about those spots with active studying, so I'll just have to rely on good cards and dumb luck to help me navigate my way to super deep runs.