Coming to a cash table near you soon...
I don't like my EP opens being 3bet by boring regs using a hand chart someone better than them created.
I like seeing flops with pretty hands that would prefer not to put 9bb+ in pre flop.
I like limp/raising sometimes.
For a day or so at least, I'm bringing limping back as I work on what I have named my LTO (Limp Theory Optimal) strategy.
Give it a year or so, all the solver fanboys will be at it. I'm getting in ahead of the curve.
See you at the tables. Please be sure to express your irritation at my perfectly balanced limp/raise ranges when you try to get out of line with me.
Have a lovely July all xx
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Limping seems so 2005, but poker has a habit of going in cycles.
Does anyone agree with @The--Don here? Seems a bit counter-intuitive to me.
Don't be frightened of him, his bark is worse than his bite.
Limping to see a cheaper flop is in general something fish come up with in their head to solve the 3 bet situation but you are just being iso'd oop and will bleed money all over. You need to create a 4 bet range and 3 bet calling range and improve post flop. FYI I'm rubbish at all of these things.
That said, GTO and solvers have nothing to do with the games The Don is playing in, on Sky against this pool your whole strategy needs to be exploitative until you hit maybe NL200 and maybe higher. So if you think the villain who keeps isolating you is rubbish post then ofc you can limp call but you would probably still be better off playing a 3 bet pot with them.
It could be that this ends up being a complete mess. I prefer playing with high post flop SPR's ideally IP of course but I'm fine with OOP too, especially in the Sky £20nl and £30nl pools. I game select pretty well too, so I'm not going to be in spots where decent regs are punishing me frequently.
I just enjoy messing around with different things. This is something I have thought about on and off for a decade. Every time I have mentioned it, I have been shut down by other regs saying it is a terrible idea.
It might well be terrible. I'm not convinced it will be, or I wouldn't even be trying. I think it will lead to some interesting spots, especially against weaker players.
What is the worst that can happen? I lose a few quid and go back to something more normal. If nothing else, it will be interesting for as long as I try it and if it ends up working really well, I'll be a pioneer