Hands from last nights main and mini.
Hand 1 - Hitman Main
Played 1 £3.60 sat and won main seat. having already been down to 1k in chips and back up again to starting stack the large stack, min raised, i put this down to using their stack to bully the table, with a push after the min raise
question is should i fold?part of my mindset for calling was i was in in for £3.60 so i will go for the bounty. Probably the wrong mindset but thats not the question. FLOP, TURN, RIVER. in spoiler below.
Hand 2 - Hitman Mini
Running well and loads of chips.
The Call here was hoping to entice a push from the Small Blind, with the all in behind should i be folding, not sure what position i was in but had over 30 BB with 49 left
FLOP, TURN, RIVER. in spoiler below.
H2 I think 3bet is much better than trying to induce if you think about how much equity multiple ranges have against our hand.
sigh all in