Playing a small MTT this morning there was a 3 way wall in pre flop KK 1010 and 66.
Flop: : Qc 9s 6s
Turn: kh
River: Jc
Fun hand and a run out i've never seen before by the river. Set / Set/ Straight.
A player in chat mentioned quads over quads he witnessed recently.
Anyone else got any fun run outs/ hands / millions to one shots from their time playing?
› LARSON7 has won 1,080 chips with Three Kings KsKcKhQcJc
pstoney: Lol
LARSON7: ha fun hand
NpC_DulaY: typical
10:56pstoney: Set over set then beat
LARSON7: ha never seen that before
LARSON7: bottom set> middle set> straight
10:57pstoney: Seen quads over quads in the main a couple of weeks ago
LARSON7: yeah? what are the chances
10:58LARSON7: millions to one
pstoney: Wasn’t against or for me
pstoney: But yeah millions to one
0 ·
smilepuke. I think it would have gone all in on the flop if we didnt get it all in pre....;)That said was one more where i had 66 in a limped pot to 653 turn 6 river Q v a slow played QQ
Sufficed to say the case Ace fell on the turn. Happy chaps and sad sacks all around God I love poker.
Pocket 9s in BWBH a few months back, which developed into quads and took a guy out with it. He rebought. Half hour later, you guessed it, pocket 9s developed into quads and took same guy out again!
I didn't even get a 'gg' in chat! Now I know @Duesenberg could have made a 'white magic' ninja fold on the river but it was beyond me, even though I suspected I was doomed.
Last hand near end of video