I feel as the Sheriff mtt is dying a slow death, with numbers dwindling.
This is not helped by the fact the payouts are now 5 ( on a good night) or 3, whereas it almost always used to pay 6 places.
When it had 6 places paid most regs used to automatically re enter if they busted, now if the lobby is showing 3 places paid the incentive to re enter is just not as strong.
When there are 3 places paid the min cash is often 4x the buy in, which is far greater than any other standard bh on sky.
I feel things could be improved if there was an option of 4 places paid and hopefully as autumn/winter approaches numbers will climb again.
0 ·
|Personally I struggle to find motovation to play mtts that pay less than final table, and for a lower stake player taking a shot at the sheriff or something would not be a thing while its paying as few places.
Yes, with the darker nights coming, numbers should pick up, but I'll certainly pass that up to James on Monday for his perusal & consideration.
Clapton, more likely.
I passed this up to James & he has now changed the payout template to pay 5 (FIVE) places providing it gets 21 or more Uniques.
This is with immediate effect, as & from Monday 13th September.
Makes one wonder what tonight's result was.....
lolufold 112819.75 £132.72 Head Prizes 6 £69.23
littlepips 31672.50 £70.32 Head Prizes 3 £48.43
RCord 25507.75 £103.12 Head Prizes 4 £59.37
GFKIJKLL 0 4 £102 0
loololollo 0 5 £93.50 0
StayOrGo 0 6 £89.07 Head Prizes 4
@NChanning 0 7 0
I really don't know personally, but yes, I'm happy to send it up to James.
There will come a point when players - especially the better ones - say it's a bad thing to pay too many places, as it dilutes the money up top. There's no "right answer" really, is there? (Well I suppose more runners would help).
Bounty Hunters confuse the issue too, with so much of the prize money coming from Head Prizes, so really the money goes much further down.
Anyway, I'll pass your comments on.
You now have an inconsistency with quickdraw which had 28 entries but only paid 3.
Think 4 would be about right for both (somewhere between 12% and 15%). Assume Neil isn't really advocating for 7
Still seems odd that (unlike other sites) payouts based on unique entries (rather than total entries) for what Sky calls rebuy MTTs (re-entry elsewhere). So-if there were 20 entries, and 20 re-entries, Sky would pay 3 places-less than 10% of the entries.
James has now amended the payment template for Quickdraw to bring it in line with the updated Sheriff Template announced yesterday.
But it almost dead lookdown boom was gd and we did expect a slow down and summer downturn as well but the decrease is much bigger then other sites and northing fresh on sched.
I still think sky can be a force that can rival Unibet/Grosvenor for uk market. If its wont to be. I just think needs to take a risk. And hope ukops will be coming soon and sched can a refub. @Tikay10 @Sky_SamT @Sky_James
Perfect example that it's hard to strike the right balance Chris. The best answer of course is more runners, then the problem goes away.
Anyway, I'll pass it up to James as requested.
UKOPS? I imagine it will be along around late October, as always, but once I hear for certain I'll let you know.
Well done last night mate.
You want more recs or Serious amatuers (like id include myself in that and tbh id be one of the weaker players in the sherrif) to play this more. Now you also want a good winrate when you win the thing. The balance being if that rec/serious amatuer is way more likely to play it with 5/6 paid. More likely to get money back at least more often with that payout structure.
When we get our money back more likely to enter again.
That strikes a balance with winning it coming down.