Hi all i forgot that i used to love poker and play but life has made me forget that i do, just remembered that this is a game i love and it existed. Must be my old age or something or it was having a kid 4 years ago that i just havnt had time to think about it. Hope all are well and just dropping in to say hello to those that remember me, hope your running well
Nice to see you back in these parts mate. Sadly, despite Tikay's best efforts, the Forum is slowly losing it's original shine. Characters like yourself are very much missed. Nowadays it is just political arguments.....bad beat posts (see above
PS. Nit fold.
@Dazler . Good to see you back dude, apparently the new software will be ready any time now.
P.S. Not a nit fold, sometimes you just gotta lose
Welcome back @Dazler, good to see you.
I fear your thread title may be contested though.
Smashing to have you back, Dazler.
I am confident that 90% of people who looked at that thread title thought "me"
Unemployed Shem Davies was overjoyed when 14-year-old Tia gave birth to Gracie earlier this month.