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WSOP waffle, news & goss - Day 1. Slow start to series?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965
edited October 2021 in Poker Chat
It's way too early to identify a trend, but from the little evidence available, numbers looked decidedly thin on Day 1.

The Casino Employees NLH, which always opens the Series & of which nobody cares a dot, made 685 entries at the last WSOP in 2019. Yesterday? 419.

The $25,000 HORSE attracted 73 entries so far (registration remains open overnight) with 47 left.

We get a big clue though from Event 3 which was the $1,000 NLH Covid Charity event which attracted just 260 entries. Has a $1,000 WSOP NLH ever attracted fewer runners? I doubt it. Was a pretty fast structure too, it only started at 6pm but is down to just 5 runners. Seems more like a novelty event tbh.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Event # 3, $1,000 NLH Covid Charity event

    The 5 remaining runners are;

    1 Jesse Lonis US 2,285,000 421 1
    2 Jeremy Ausmus US 1,395,800 421 5
    3 Steve Gross US 485,000 421 4
    4 Mitchell Halverson US 385,000 421 3
    5 Asher Conniff US 75,000 421 2

    Here's Jeremy Ausmus, who sits in 2nd. He has over 70 WSOP cashes, & won a WSOP-E bracelet at PLO in 2013.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Event # 2, $25,000 HORSE

    47 players remain, including, remarkably, Mike Matusow.

    Not too many Brits are in Vegas, but there's a handful in this including Adam Owen, Matthew Ashton & Benny Glaser. Plenty of well-known names still in the hunt here.

    1 Chad Eveslage US 860,000 427 3
    2 John Monnette US 589,500 443 8
    3 Jean Gaspard US 569,000 427 8
    4 Jesse Klein US 490,500 443 4
    5 Mike Matusow US 420,500 444 1
    6 Adam Friedman US 420,500 427 7
    7 Chris Vitch US 371,500 437 5
    8 Shuan Deeb US 321,000 444 2
    9 Hal Rotholz US 314,000 438 8
    10 Randy Ohel US 295,000 443 3
    11 Matt Glantz US 288,000 438 7
    12 Nicholas Guagenti US 273,000 444 7
    13 Daniel Negreanu CA 272,000 437 6
    14 Sean Perry US 252,500 446 4
    15 Daniel Buckley US 247,000 446 3
    16 Roland Israelashvili US 244,500 438 5
    17 David Benyamine US 243,500 443 7
    18 Marco Johnson CA 242,000 447 3
    19 Jerry Wong US 240,000 438 3
    20 Benny Glaser GB 231,000 445 3
    21 Yuval Bronshtein IL 222,000 445 8
    22 A.J. Kelsall US 221,000 444 5
    23 Phil Hellmuth US 206,000 427 5
    24 Daniel Shak US 202,000 447 8
    25 Johannes Becker AT 183,000 446 1
    26 Dustin Dirksen US 178,500 447 2
    27 Raymond Dehkharghani US 172,000 446 6
    28 David Baker US 170,500 437 1
    29 Adam Owen UK 168,500 445 5
    30 Robert Mizrachi US 167,000 426 3
    31 Matthew Ashton GB 165,500 426 7
    32 John Racener US 159,500 445 1

    33 David Moskowitz US 155,000 445 6
    34 Norman Chad US 150,500 426 2
    35 Josh Allen US 126,500 446 8
    36 Brian Rast US 126,500 443 5
    37 Philip Sternheimer GB 117,500 444 6

    38 Chad Campbell US 110,500 426 6
    39 Noah Bronstein US 104,500 438 6
    40 Mark Gregorich US 98,000 437 8
    41 Craig Chait US 88,500 447 5
    42 Daniel Zack US 86,000 437 4
    43 Yue Qi Zhu US 76,500 446 7
    44 Eric Kurtzman US 69,500 447 6
    45 Michael Noori US 34,000 426
    46 Anthony Zinno US 31,000 427
    47 Chris Wallace US 24,500 445


    Here's Folkestone's Adam Owen.

  • SwogSwog Member Posts: 488
    love this @Tikay10 will be reading daily :-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Ah, thanks @Swog

    I'm still unsure if this is going to be worth the effort, but 'll give it a go for a few days & see how it goes for views & replies.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Anyone care to predict who might win this $25,000 HORSE?

    More easy, who do you WANT to see win it?

    Last longer winner between Hellmuth & Negreanu?

  • MARK277MARK277 Member Posts: 118
    Interesting seat draw in the $25k horse event. Mike Matusow and Shaun Deeb seated next to each other. Shaun Deeb had offered Matusow a bracelet bet after discussion about markup not sure if the bet was accepted.

    Bit of needle on twitter.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965
    edited October 2021

    That's spooky, just seen that Tweet & was about to post it. Some cracking comments. ;)

    Wow. 73 entries. Bragging about a top 5 Day 1. Shaun Deeb to your left today. He will break you. Glad you had a fun day though.

    They give out prizes after day 1??
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965
    edited October 2021
    Here's the HORSE Day 2 seat draw;

    45 Michael Noori US 34,000 426 1
    34 Norman Chad US 150,500 426 2
    30 Robert Mizrachi US 167,000 426 3
    38 Chad Campbell US 110,500 426 6

    31 Matthew Ashton GB 165,500 426 7

    1 Chad Eveslage US 860,000 427 3
    46 Anthony Zinno US 31,000 427 4
    23 Phil Hellmuth US 206,000 427 5
    6 Adam Friedman US 420,500 427 7
    3 Jean Gaspard US 569,000 427 8

    28 David Baker US 170,500 437 1
    42 Daniel Zack US 86,000 437 4
    7 Chris Vitch US 371,500 437 5
    13 Daniel Negreanu CA 272,000 437 6
    40 Mark Gregorich US 98,000 437 8

    19 Jerry Wong US 240,000 438 3
    16 Roland Israelashvili US 244,500 438 5
    39 Noah Bronstein US 104,500 438 6
    11 Matt Glantz US 288,000 438 7

    9 Hal Rotholz US 314,000 438 8

    10 Randy Ohel US 295,000 443 3
    4 Jesse Klein US 490,500 443 4
    36 Brian Rast US 126,500 443 5
    17 David Benyamine US 243,500 443 7

    2 John Monnette US 589,500 443 8

    5 Mike Matusow US 420,500 444 1
    8 Shuan Deeb US 321,000 444 2

    22 A.J. Kelsall US 221,000 444 5
    37 Philip Sternheimer GB 117,500 444 6
    12 Nicholas Guagenti US 273,000 444 7

    32 John Racener US 159,500 445 1
    47 Chris Wallace US 24,500 445 2
    20 Benny Glaser GB 231,000 445 3
    29 Adam Owen UK 168,500 445 5

    33 David Moskowitz US 155,000 445 6
    21 Yuval Bronshtein IL 222,000 445 8

    25 Johannes Becker AT 183,000 446 1
    15 Daniel Buckley US 247,000 446 3
    14 Sean Perry US 252,500 446 4
    27 Raymond Dehkharghani US 172,000 446 6
    43 Yue Qi Zhu US 76,500 446 7
    35 Josh Allen US 126,500 446 8

    26 Dustin Dirksen US 178,500 447 2
    18 Marco Johnson CA 242,000 447 3
    41 Craig Chait US 88,500 447
    44 Eric Kurtzman US 69,500 447
    24 Daniel Shak US 202,000 447
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Shaun Deeb & You-Know-Who....


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    Please keep this thread going @Tikay10. Great way to keep up to date without all the B.S.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,381

    Please keep this thread going @Tikay10. Great way to keep up to date without all the B.S.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    That's the plan guys. Most days it will appear in the evening, due to a) time difference & b) as I don't really have time to do it earlier.
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    I never thought I’d say this but, BEEN THERE
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