So I mentioned in chat yesterday that I wasn't playing late because was taking girlfriend to Japanese restaurant she wanted to go to for a while.
In my typical fashion of reviewing takeout's without mentioning the food places name so as to avoid giving my location away I will review the Japanese restaurant I think it was semi decent food at a fair kind of average price for a restaurant so I guess I give it a 6.5 out of 10.
Now what I was wondering and spent time at the restaurant pondering this, is am I meant to leave a tip or not meant to.
for those that dont know in Japan it is considered insulting to leave a tip but in the Western world it is considered offensive not to leave a tip. So what about a Japanese restaurant in the UK? Now I know at Wagamama's which is a chain that claims to be Japanese your still meant to leave a tip. However Wagamama's is very westernised in many ways and im not even sure if is authentic Japanese food. Where as this place was going full Japanese décor and theme and was proper Japanese so it was unclear.
Am I supposed to leave a tip there or not?
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I find now The Staff set the Bill just enough for you to say " Keep the Change"
Having lived practically all my life in the UK, I dont believe I have ever upset anyone by giving them money.
A 15% tip is likely to discourage them from pi55ing on your chips, should you choose to go back there.
There is no one "right" answer. Check whether the restaurant is really Japanese-owned (many are Korean). Check whether they are traditional or more modern. Is the server Japanese? Ultimately, ask the server, as is said earlier. You can be both culturally sensitive and proactive.
I remember when I tried to be friendly and say "I see your team did well last night" when Nigeria won in the football the guy took massive offense and assumed I was racist for assuming that "just because he is Nigerian he would support Nigeria at the football" Then when I was working in a kitchen many years later one of the chefs said "of course I can cook chicken I am black" yeah the sterio type that black people like chicken is a weird one, the vast majority of people like chicken because chicken is good. I mean if you did a survey to any group of people on whether they like chicken it would probably come out largely yes.
Except maybe Vegans but then they have their chicken substitute Quorn thing because they want the chicken so bad they need to find something else like it. I dont really get the vegan position I think its more of a fashion thing really, I thought about making a thread on that topic breaking down why but not sure if I should.
Chicken isn't even my favourite meat but it still good I think my favourite meat is beef.
anyway my girlfriend paid for the meal because she had started a new job a bit back and got her second pay check and wanted to treat us, from her pay check. Her first pay check got screwed by emergency tax. I don't know if my girlfriend paid a tip, but I do know she loved the place and would like to go back again.
they made this chicken that feels like it melting in your mouth it was incredible how do you even do that with chicken? anyway we probably go back there so if my girlfriend did not leave them a tip hopefully they dont get mad remember us and pee on any food they did not serve chips though. Hopefully we avoid this,