In my Opinion....
As promotions go, overall Sky Poker seem to have gotten the strategy almost right. Most are aimed at the higher end players that make the most rake which make perfect sense with regards to profit margins. Some are loss leaders to facilitate other promotions such as the giveaways into the 50k online SPT.
Of course they don't always get it right, after all you can please everybody all of the time.
There is however an area of the Sky Poker landscape that appears to have been long since forgotten, "The land of 4 cards". Here are a group of people living for the day, twice the cards, twice the gamble and most definitely twice the fun.
They don't ask for much bar perhaps some recognition of their own existence, a little help opening the borders by means of some sort of promotion would be greatly appreciated, after all it is only a tab away from "No Limit Hold 'Em"
From time to time the powers that be squeeze in one or two week promotions surely sometime this has the land in the Land of 4 Cards, a week of rake free games, a week tournament leaderboard even if this just includes the £5.50 PLO and PLO8 games, anything to help bring the No limit tourists over for a visit, some visitors will no doubt stay around a while.
I am not sure how many Views, agrees or disagrees, likes or spam reviews it takes to get noticed by those wearing the suits at the very highest level but, in this time of equality its good to consider all players no matter how may cards they hold.
Question to all and all feedback is good, positive or negative.
Would you be tempted to try out the 4 card variants on offer if such a promotion was offered?
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A promo once a year to try and build a bigger base of players, including perhaps an £11 or £22 with a low guarantee would be good.
I would be in
However, for those of us who like and play PLO, there is very little action on this site (apart from the cash tables) . I actual play (badly) PLO on other sites for this reason.
I would support any forum comp if there was a separation between the two formats.
I learnt to play PLO and PLO8 a few months back. I'm bad at them both, but really enjoy playing these games on Sky, particularly PLO8 with the weekly league that you run. I don't see any harm in having a promotional week/month specifically for PLO and PLO8 games - throw in some decent guarantee freerolls that anyone can play and learn the game, some bigger tourneys for regs and a leaderboard with prizes. Probably wouldn't appeal to everyone, but then again no promo appeals to everyone. I know @Tikay10 loves the 4 card game so perhaps he might be able to push for something like this in the future.
I'd certainly take part in any PLO/PLO8 promotion, but don't know how feasible it would be on Sky.
Its definitely a niche market but it does not have to be like that, given a gentle shove in the right direction a lot of players would get greater enjoyment out of the games.
so niche that if you take away players that have played 10 or fewer games this year, over 9% are currently signed up to the league.
On a purely selfish note I would love PLO8 to be promoted more but alas I fear that it is suffering death by a thousand cuts. The traffic 2-3 years ago was very good, mainly in part to the participation of Mr Kendall & since his departure from the tables traffic has almost stopped on the DYM tables.
You boys smelt the value when I was playing.....
Monday to Wedneday holdem
Thursday PLO
Friday PLO8
Its a given that the big promos are aimed at the big stakes players
I'd say it's more a case of "high volume" than high stakes. They aim Promos at the formats that get most traffic, rather than big players, or at least, for the most part.
For all many of us enjoy 4 card poker, the fact is it is a very very small part of the overall "pie", & that's been the case as long as I can recall. Folks just prefer bish bash bosh NLH.
Aiming a promo at a small % of the player-base makes no commercial sense, sadly.
I'm all in favour of it, I really am, but them's the facts.
Having said that, I applaud Mr Coo1's initiative & I hope it gets traction.
Personally not too fussed about promotions, but trying a couple of slightly bigger (non-BH) games even if only once a week might be nice.
@coo1-um's idea is the only way your going to get bigger buyins. Promo to get more people playing or change the rewards freeroll (no cost to Sky). Force them to play it