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Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
Hello Neil,

Did I recognise your dulcet tones on the phone to Victoria Coren Mitchell on Taskmaster just now?

I have more questions but no point if it wasn't you.




  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    Poor Neil! Though what a shout when the task is to have the longest conversation with someone :smile:
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871
    bbMike has called it. I was quite flattered to think I was chosen and then realised that loads of people would pick me to ring if they were asked to go for the longest phone conversation possible.

    It was me though Phantom. Feel free to ask away...

    The basic facts are Vicky mentioned to me a few weeks before that she was busy doing this Taskmaster thing and somehow I'd never got round to watching it and only vaguely knew what it was, despite it definitely looking like my kind of thing. I asked her how it was going after she'd done a week and she seemed to be having fun but she was keen to stress she couldn't really tell me about the tasks as they are contracted to keep it all secret until they go on TV.

    When she rung to try and get me to speak without saying tongue or rainbow I definitely thought something weird was going on, it felt like someone was listening in and that we were maybe on speaker phone and she was giggling so much she sounded a bit drunk or like this was some sort of practical joke that I wasn't being told about. I probably was slightly guarded in what I said.

    I guess generally we do the thing that everyone does these days of texting to ask if you are busy or free to take a call before speaking so ringing out of the blue without really anything much to say was a bit odd.
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