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Do Sky want our custom

eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
edited November 2021 in Poker Chat
Again froze out of table. When multi tabling & most tables are at late stage you can't shut down & re-boot to the detrement of your other tables.
All I need to know after paying well over £20,000 in rake over the years is anything going to get done to resolve the software problems which are getting worse or do I need to take my custom elsewhere.


  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    In total agreement here Eon. When playing a DYM session it would effectively be more costly to reboot than stand the cost of conceding the one game. Really frustrating.
    When we will know what the future is? Playing the same games on Stars software would definitely be an improvement on sticking with this decrepit tired platform.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,941

    It remains the case that they hope to resolve the problem, but it's not possible to put a timescale on it.

    Playing the same games on Stars software

    As far as I'm aware that is not the current plan.
  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    Thank you for your response @SJspanky1 .
    I really enjoy playing on Sky more than any other site & just want an improved version without all the crashes.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,941
    edited November 2021
    Are you guys using the Download or Browser?

    I'm given to understand the Browser does not have these issues.


  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    HATE the Browser
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    On the browser I have to click once on the table to activate it and then choose my action with a 2nd click. Sounds spoilt but that’s a b**lache when you are multi tabling.
    Tony, hate to be a moaner as I’ve really enjoyed Sky over the years as you know but the poor software gets more wearing when there’s no timescale on any improvements.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,941
    SJspanky1 said:

    On the browser I have to click once on the table to activate it and then choose my action with a 2nd click. Sounds spoilt but that’s a b**lache when you are multi tabling.
    Tony, hate to be a moaner as I’ve really enjoyed Sky over the years as you know but the poor software gets more wearing when there’s no timescale on any improvements.


    Understood mate, but a timescale is not possible until the precise cause of the problem is identified. The issue appears to be random & to individual players (other than everyone at the same time) which is making it really tough to precisely identify.

    I do understand your frustration though.
  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    Frustations cost some of us money
  • WhizzewkyWhizzewky Member Posts: 34
    If sky/flutter are not going to do anything about it , can they at least stop running the streak week promotion. I've had issues with the download and browser,put all the freezing down to my internet provider..(sky of course:) i've had 3 'freezing' issues during streak week one of them cost me a considerable amount of money...If we can't rely on the software surely they have to remove this particular promotion. As a sky superfan :( 13 years and counting:) it worries me that i might have to find another site. Hoping Tikay is well :(aka plo8 legend) best wishes whizzy

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,021
    edited November 2021
    Tikay10 said:

    SJspanky1 said:

    On the browser I have to click once on the table to activate it and then choose my action with a 2nd click. Sounds spoilt but that’s a b**lache when you are multi tabling.
    Tony, hate to be a moaner as I’ve really enjoyed Sky over the years as you know but the poor software gets more wearing when there’s no timescale on any improvements.


    Understood mate, but a timescale is not possible until the precise cause of the problem is identified. The issue appears to be random & to individual players (other than everyone at the same time) which is making it really tough to precisely identify.

    I do understand your frustration though.
    I have always admired the way you both promote and defend this site, Tony.

    The "precise cause of the problem" has been identified. The software is old. It has reached the stage where it is no longer possible to identify or resolve its myriad faults.

    The people who run Sky Poker on a day-to-day basis are intelligent people. They know this. It is a bit like an aging car. There is a stage (stage 1) where you pay for repairs gladly, because the car is good. Then there is a stage (stage 2) when you pay for repairs because you love the car-you fear you are throwing the money away, and you fear the problems will remain. And then there is the stage (stage 3) when you reluctantly trade your car in for a better, more reliable car.

    Sky Poker has been at Stage 2 for years, not months. It needs to go to Stage 3-that is the timescale. Not resurrecting the current system. I have every confidence that Sky Poker employees know that. It is really a question of whether Sky Poker's owners want to invest in a new car.

    And the time is rapidly approaching when everyone needs to know that answer. You, more than us.

    PS-I am sure Sky want our custom. It is a question of whether Sky's owners want our custom enough to invest in new software.
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    Great analogy that Phil. The PS bit being the pertinent question we’ve been eagerly awaiting an answer to for a good while now.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,941
    edited November 2021
    For the moment, here's what @Sky__James wrote in June;

    Q. Why haven’t the software issues been fixed yet?

    A. We are currently very short on tech resource on Poker and so not enough hours have been spent working on the issues. The business is well aware of this and have been trying to hire new staff for some time but I believe it has been a struggle to find the right applicants.

    Both of the current main issues, the random table freezes and the lobby not updating have been investigated by the right people but frustratingly these are proving very difficult to resolve. These have not been forgotten about but I’m sorry to say I cannot give an answer as to when they may be resolved. I thank all our players who continue to remain loyal to Sky despite not always having the best experience.

    Q. What are the long term plans for Sky Poker?

    A. For now we will continue providing you with our current offering and we hope to keep the platform going for many years to come. Everyone associated with Sky Poker wants to see major software improvements ASAP and knows we need to if we are to remain competitive in the market. We will continue to bang the drum but ultimately these decisions are made by our leadership team.

    Quite happy for players to continue to put their feedback on this thread, but essentially, all I can do is rely on what @Sky__James & the other Suits tell me. So there's not much else I can tell you right now.

    As soon as I get any news on what's what, you'll be the first to know.

    PS _ I'd strongly recommend using the Browser, which I believe is largely unaffected by these issues.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,021
    edited November 2021
    I have been in very similar positions to @Tikay10 and @Sky_James . Both personally, and professionally. And, in their shoes, I would be saying exactly what they are saying.

    I am not saying how this will turn out-I don't know. But, if my previous experiences are a good guide (and every occasion has its own dynamics), it goes a bit like this.

    I have written similar stuff about "banging the drum". I have meant it. Although I knew I was banging a teeny tiny drum in a mahoosive marching band.

    The "first to know" will be the decision maker. Never been there.

    The 2nd to know will be a select few who work out the action plan. Been there-there will likely be 0-3 Sky B & G there, and 0-1 Sky Poker.

    The 3rd to know will be the people "consulted" (after the decision has been made). There will be various groups finalising whatever has already been decided.

    The 4th to know will be us. And, because Sky Poker people genuinely care, we will be as soon as possible after the 3rd group.

    PS. There is one very good reason for at least part of the delay. and that is the very nature of the betting industry at the moment.

    Sky Bet has been bought out 3 times. First by an investment company, then Stars, then Flutter. That causes inevitable delays.

    Then there is the question of Playtech. They are the company that provide major support to Betting Companies. They have run i-poker for years. And have more recently been running some Sky Bet stuff, such as Sky Bingo. But-IF that was an option being considered, a separate Australian Company are trying to buy them. So-more delay. And all stuff that Sky Bet employees would not be allowed to tell you.
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