Numbers were a little disappointing last night, with small misses Mini & Mega.
Sport; An odd thing occurred during last night's Merseyside Derby. In the 12th minute, a photo came up on the Stadium plasma screens showing 12 year old Ava White, who was stabbed to death in Liverpool last week, & the entire crowd applauded for a minute as a mark of respect.
They applauded for a minute. It's really quite touching that the clubs & fans thought it appropriate to mark her tragic death, but applauding? It's impossible to imagine the grief her parents felt as to their Daughter's death, & yes, any way of marking it is a good thing. Whether they appreciated applause is quite another matter. I suppose I'm old-fashioned, but a well-observed minute's silence would surely have been more appropriate?
£700 7 @ 7 £889
£5,000 Predator Main £5,550
£1,500 Mini £1,500
£1,000 Mega £1,000
£1,500 Sheriff £1,700
£1,500 Reload £1,536
£1,000 Turbo £1,200
£1,000 Quickdraw £1,060
£1,000 MidEx £1,060
7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£889)
The splashies roadshow continues, & after a splendid November which included winning Mega twice & a Reload, in addition to a bunch of Non-Featured MTT's, he began December by taking down 7 @ 7. We talked last week about his imminent landmark of winning 300 Sky Poker MTT's (from around 15,000 played) & her must be on the very cusp of that milestone now. That must be a very exclusive club.
concrete90 is set to make a name for himself, 6th here after winning a £500 BH on Tuesday night.
@splashies 254000 1 £124.24 + £53.48 Head Prizes 6
@devil_tear 0 2 £75.79 + £33.02 Head Prizes 8
@DEZRAY14 0 3 £46.67 + £24.24 Head Prizes 5
@Kahuna96 0 4 £37.56 + £28.23 Head Prizes 9
@Eddy7777 0 5 £32 + £8.30 Head Prizes 1
@concrete90 0 6 £27.56 + £9.19 Head Prizes 3
£5,000 Predator Bounty Hunter (£5,550)
Very pleasing to see zzgoose take Predator Main. He played a bunch of £1.80 All-In Sats & won the one which ran at 19.56, emerging several hours later with over £1,000. Earlier this year he was 2nd in a Predator Main, & he took a Mini Hitman a few weeks later too.
MikeyW94 was 3rd, & MRBLEWPIE was 4th.
Congrats to Lightwood (6th) who also won his entry via an All-In Sat.
@zzgoose 925000 1 £756.19 + £286.82 Head Prizes 7
@BanterJam 0 2 £453.71 + £245.67 Head Prizes 13
@MikeyW94 0 3 £277.50 + £136.87 Head Prizes 9
@MRBLEWPIE 0 4 £217.84 + £52.73 Head Prizes 2
@MauriceS 0 5 £185.93 + £92.73 Head Prizes 4
@Lightwood 0 6 £156.51 + £44.04 Head Prizes 3
£1,500 Mini Predator (£1,500)
I know nothing about the oddly-aliased winner, i1337, though he did have a decent session, winning Mini & FT bubbling the 7 @ 7.2nd was MRBLEWPIE, & as he was 4th in the Main, that gives him £500 from the Final Table Jackpot kitty. Remarkably, this is the 2nd time this year & at least the 3rd time in total he's had some FTJ money. In February he got £750 for 2nd & 3rd, and if we go back to 2017, he collected £2,500 of FTJ cash for 1st & 2nd. In February of this year he was 5th in SPT Online for over £4,500. And the amazing thing is he is probably a better PLO player than NLH, & I suspect he makes a good few bob at the 4 card game playing cash. Congrats Mr Pie.
3rd was Mr_Arsenal, who will be hoping his boys do the business at Old Trafford tonight.
Shout-out to spearsy136, who ran 10th for a few bob after winning his seat in a free to enter Forum comp. 6th in Mega too.
@i1337 534000 1 £217.28 + £63.33 Head Prizes 9
@MRBLEWPIE 0 2 £128.21 + £36.24 Head Prizes 7
@Mr_Arsenal 0 3 £77.01 + £23.37 Head Prizes 7
@kawamattyz 0 4 £60.94 + £23.93 Head Prizes 6
@fl4n 0 5 £51.62 + £31.41 Head Prizes 12
@roughboy 0 6 £42.87 + £2.34 Head Prizes 1
@spearsy136 0 10 £18.73 + £10.92 Head Prizes 4
£1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,000)
The unheralded 420KER thought he was doling well by winning a £100 Deepstack on Tuesday night, but he bettered that & some by taking down last night's Mega for a PB.
@420KER 490000 1 £188.70 + £202.63 Head Prizes 14
@macca41 0 2 £112.20 + £56.72 Head Prizes 7
@Luckylivos 0 3 £76.50 + £31.88 Head Prizes 4
@Zander133 0 4 £56.10 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
@GFKIJKLL 0 5 £40.80 + £43.12 Head Prizes 4
@spearsy136 0 6 £35.70 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
£1,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,700)
Sheriff went to MikeyW94, who had a very deep run in the Main too, eventually finishing 3rd.
5th & 6th went to destinycod & grinddd.
@MikeyW94 170000 1 £314.50 + £287.48 Head Prizes 6
@bryngreen9 0 2 £212.50 + £28.13 Head Prizes 1
@humberfish 0 3 £127.50 + £98.44 Head Prizes 4
@box05 0 4 £102 + £60.94 Head Prizes 3
@destinycod 0 5 £93.50 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2
@grinddd 0 6 £112.51 Head Prizes 5
£1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,536)
destinycod has a promiscuous approach to poker, spreading his seeds far & wide. Plays on various Online sites as well as Live & seems to do well everywhere even at fairly big stakes. Quite why he's suddenly started playing so much smallball stuff here I don't know but he had a quite spectacular session last night, winning no less than FOUR MTT's - Reload, 2 x £300 BH's & a £150 BH. In addition he was 6th in Quickdraw, 5th in Sheriff & 4th in another comp. Opponents must hope he soon quits playing here & casts his net in deeper waters as he's such a formidable opponent at any stake and appears to have all sorts of fancy-dan moves in his locker.
2nd was gibbzy, who plays the Main tonight as his prize for winning MML, so fingers crossed for him in that.
@destinycod 1408000 1 £207.36 + £94.66 Head Prizes 12
@gibbzy 0 2 £125.18 + £18.44 Head Prizes 5
@Theghost92 0 3 £75.65 + £18.76 Head Prizes 5
@lewisss 0 4 £59.52 + £14.76 Head Prizes 5
@Swimmr 0 5 £50.69 + £41.77 Head Prizes 8
@A1_SCADGE 0 6 £42.24 + £7.37 Head Prizes 2
£1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,200)
KLL-y is mopping up everything at the moment, & he took Turbo for the 2nd time in 3 nights. Won Tuesday's 7 @ 7, was 5th in Summit the same night, & it's exactly a week since he won Predator Main.
Palace was 2nd, & Saturday's Sharpy Main winner riverdam was 3rd.
BanterJam, 2nd in the Main & a new name to me, was 6th.
@GFKIJKLL 200000 1 £240 + £123.58 Head Prizes 3
@cpfc_2010 0 2 £150 + £168.29 Head Prizes 11
@scottie73 0 3 £90 + £51.50 Head Prizes 4
@riverdam 0 4 £66 + £28.12 Head Prizes 2
@Swimmr 0 5 £54 + £28.12 Head Prizes 2
@BanterJam 0 6 £25.31 Head Prizes 2
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,060)
An unusually tough Quickdraw, with Nathan the Natnug taking the spoils ahead of heddoh & grinddd, with TIMBER 4th.
That man destinycod was 6th. Poor effort really.
@Natnug 132000 1 £196.10 + £216.39 Head Prizes 9
@heddoh18 0 2 £132.50 + £39.38 Head Prizes 2
@grinddd 0 3 £79.50 + £63.76 Head Prizes 2
@TIMBER 0 4 £63.60 + £36.09 Head Prizes 3
@thebookie2 0 5 £58.30 + £45 Head Prizes 4
@destinycod 0 6 £7.50 Head Prizes 1
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,060)
ZahZaf is a MidEx season-ticket holder & has FT's a few times before getting their maiden win last night.
3rd was neenio, 4th DeaD_CLowN with conga38 in 5th.
@ZahZaf 159000 1 £196.10 + £187.33 Head Prizes 12
@Richrash93 0 2 £116.60 + £51.56 Head Prizes 5
@neenio 0 3 £79.50 + £79.22 Head Prizes 8
@DeaD_CLowN 0 4 £58.30 0
@conga38 0 5 £42.40 0
@LadyHaHa2 0 6 £37.10 + £16.88 Head Prizes 2
h2>In other news....
The Sky Poker massive were out & about yesterday.
In the GUKPT Fessie at The Vic, our very own @Essexphil played the £500 buy-in 6-Max Championship & finished 4th for £3,300.
Meanwhile much much further away, all the way over in Las Vegas, @IrishRose had a nice result at The Venetian, 4th in a $200 BH.
Congrats to them both.
PS - many thanks to my YTS assistant Mr Bates for keeping me informed on our Away Team.
The big plus-oh I have missed live poker. Looked back at the live feed, and played at least 3 hands really badly. That happens. Winner called my shove pre-flop with 10 8. But, frankly, the call was correct in the circumstances.
The big minus> Reminded me how long since been to Vegas. Well done Rose.
PS. Don't know if @destinycod is the same as me on this. But if I am low on confidence I will play several MTTs at a lower buy-in to get my confidence back.
It's quite difficult to have a minute's silence during the game, though.
Even at Everton in the current climate.
I was at the game 😭 and there was a minute's silence beforehand for Cliff Marshall and Ray Kennedy.
It would have been better maybe to include Ava in that.
Yes, I agree.
All the best aye