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It's the most wonderful time of the year. So make it wonderful.

TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
Ok, sorry to put a non poker post on here but I need it so get as much exposure as possible.

Doubtless many of us are looking forward to the upcoming festivities, whatever that means to you and that's great. Really people should gather and share love and happiness after all that is when we function best as humans.

What I would ask is that every player on here spends £1 on a cheap wooly hat or pair of gloves or thick socks wrap em up and when you see a rough sleeper simply give it to them and say "Merry Christmas", then walk away.

That's it, simple, easy, no dramas. However, you have just made the world a better place for the price of a MacDs coffee and a couple of words. For half the cost of a£2.20 mtt and 30 seconds of your time you have just embraced the true nature of love, generosity and compassion.

Do you enjoy that warm fuzzy glow you got from doing that?. Great you should feel good about yourself, want more?, well try this.

Take the leftovers and any unserved food from your Christmas Day meal, plate it up and take it to a neighbour who is on their own or perhaps has very little, I mean why throw it away ? If you want find a disposable plate, there's usually some knocking around at this time of year, plate it, cling film it and "Merry Christmas" a rough sleeper again, trust me they won't care if its cold.

Once more you have spread kindness, love and compassion at very little cost and maybe a half hour of your time.

It's easy if we can just be bothered to make a few minutes and spend a pound. I know that many of you will think I'm a fool with notions of changing the world for the better etc and may question what difference in the long run, anything you do, will make.

It's not about the long term or changing the world, it's simply about one moment in time when we interact with another person, and for those brief few seconds you make a difference in their lives.

Trust me I know of which I speak, from the most insignificant little act can come huge benefit, change and life affirmation.

Anyway thank you for reading this missive, have a great Christmas. Eat, drink, love and laugh.

See you at the tables.



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