20 points earned in previous 24 hours to qualify. Is that the 24 hours immediately before the tournament starts or is it a calendar 24 hours the day before?
Not sure exactly when the qualifying period begins, but pretty sure you can earn the points right up to the 6.00pm start, and even into the late registration period if I'm not mistaken.
If you time this right, you can get qualifying points to enter 2 days. Ie. Start earning points now @4.15pm and earn enough for today. Then you can enter before 4.15pm tomorrow.
Not sure exactly when the qualifying period begins, but pretty sure you can earn the points right up to the 6.00pm start, and even into the late registration period if I'm not mistaken.
Ie. Start earning points now @4.15pm and earn enough for today. Then you can enter before 4.15pm tomorrow.
If that makes sense.