Stuttering graphics, unresponsive buttons and everything feeling generally clunky - sadly not a rare occurrence.
I play around one tenth of what I used to on Sky these days, and these kind of issues are the single biggest reason. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I have a disappointing experience 90% of the time I try and play here now (and no, that's not a results thing!).
I'm not sure of the point of this post really - I guess it's just to let off a little steam. In short, I miss enjoying playing here. Although the games are still good, feeling constantly on guard that one of your tables may have frozen without you noticing, or expecting the client to snap-close at any moment just ruins the fun.
I know none of this is news to the guys in charge, and that it's not what they want either. I just hope they keep banging on the door of those higher up to invest in the site and give the players the kind of experience they deserve.
7 ·
PLEASE SKY......some day soon
Starting with the good, the lag/stuttering I experienced last night wasn't an issue. Before playing I ran a free program called CCleaner on my PC, which basically gives your computer a spring clean - it clears cookies, deletes old temporary junk files, fixes registry issues etc. I don't know for certain how much it helped, but seems worth trying if others reading this have similar issues.
Sadly, my session was still yet another to be added to the 'disappointing experience' column. I experienced 3 complete freezes of the download client over the course of the evening, and this wasn't a problem unique to me. At each occurrence, I quickly closed and immediately restarted the client. When re-entering my games, several players were now sat out, and chatting to others confirmed they experienced these freezes at the same time.
Whilst the random freezes/crashes are preferable to persistent lag, they still suck. No poker site is immune to software issues and glitches but, compared to their competitors, the regularity at which they now happen on Sky is beyond excusable.
but yes, some software that worked would be great
There are other sites you know
Stop crying
I'm sure all the usual fan boys will be in a quandary over how to respond to this thread with the op being a clique member. thought I'd help yous by firing out some of the usual responses 👍
Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la (fa la la la la, la la la la)
(Not saying the software is good... just saying browser is better
Is it anything to do with the fact that you live in/near Wales? I though they only recently got running water and electricity, I very much doubt if broadband or fibre are there yet.
Don,t seem to get as many issues as you Duese. The main one for me is by the time the table loads i,ve missed the 1st couple of hands. Got used it to it now but don,t play Turbo DYM's anymore because of it