I recently discovered SharkScope and sometimes use my 5 daily free searches to look up players I come across on tables although most are not opted in.
I'm struggling to work out how they arrive at some of the figures, ROI and Profit for example. And how do they calculate the ability rating? Anyone know?
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Sharkscope is more useful for sites other than Sky and Stars, as other sites do not require an opt in. But it is still useful here.
The most important figure to look at is the Ability Rating. As a rough guide for MTT-ers, over 70 is a useful player, and over 90 are exceptional players. You can also use searches to include just MTTs or just SNGs-some players (like me) are OK at 1, and a total fish at the other
THE ROI/Profit relies on some guesswork. For rebuy or re-entry tournaments, they assume everyone makes the average amount of them. So-if you rebuy/reenter a lot, your profit figure/ROI shown will be too high, and vice versa.
Hope that helps
For example, a big losing player averaging £100 buy-in will likely have a higher ability rating than a winning player averaging £5/£10 buy-ins
I don’t look at ability rating as any guide