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MasterCash meets Total Player!

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat

A VERY big night tonight, with TWO very special live Shows.

At 8pm, Mastercash, featuring "The Grind", with three very special Grinders. The 2 hour Show will include, as always, "Top Of The Pots".

And at 10pm, (drum-roll), it's the final edition of Total Player, which will reveal the Total Player winner. There will be no less than NINE people in the Studio, I gather. I'm sitting on Orford's lap, I think.

During MasterCash, we will try - TRY - to read out as many e-Mails as possible (no promises), so send them into the usual addy please -

The Techie folks in the Gallery will also be monitoring the Chat-Box on "The Grind" Tables during MasterCash, & again, where possible, Rich or I will try to read out comments. 



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited March 2010

    So, tonight's "The Grind", will feature three players you have probably heard of......

    Ben Nuttall, aka Nutter5932.

    Dan Brown, aka Dantb10.

    David Capon, aka sparce.

    They will all be playing under their OWN aliases, NOT their TP aliases.

    The ROI based "The Grind" is based on ROI on MONEY USED, so they can pull up as little or as much as they wish.

    We don't know WHAT Tables they will play on yet, so use "Find A Player" to locate them, but it will almost certainly be the Mastercash badged Tables.

    Oh, & do me a favour. BUST THEM!

    The Grind will probably run from about 8pm, (possibly slightly earlier, so they can ensure they get a seat), until no later than 9.30pm.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited March 2010

    It will be quite an atmo in the Studio tonight, particularly at the end of Total Player.

    But for Rich, Producer 'Ling, & myself, it will be a bitter-sweet Show too, as it brings to an end our Saturday night rota, which we have done uninterrupted since MasterCash began, back in November, & Total Player, in December. Total Player obviously ends tonight, but as far as I know, MasterCash continues - though without Rich, Ling & myself, as we are all moving on to other Shows, on other nights.

    I've never enjoyed doing ANY shows on Chennel 865 as much as I've enjoyed doing these two Shows, both of which have been huge fun, not just on air, but on the Forum, too. Sure, there has been a bit of flak here & there, but overall, I would not have swapped with anyone.

    The attraction, of course, has been the interaction, the community spirit, the banter. You guys are special, very special.

    On behalf of Rich, Ling, & myself, thank you very much.

    I must also thank Ling & Rich for putting up with the grumpy old fella. Because I DO get a bit grumpy, trust me, but those two carried me through everything, & never once complained.

    It's been emotional.
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited March 2010
    Loved every minute of It. Great stuff - thanks to you all.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: MasterCash meets Total Player!:
    It will be quite an atmo in the Studio tonight, particularly at the end of Total Player. But for Rich, Producer 'Ling, & myself, it will be a bitter-sweet Show too, as it brings to an end our Saturday night rota, which we have done uninterrupted since MasterCash began, back in November, & Total Player, in December. Total Player obviously ends tonight, but as far as I know, MasterCash continues - though without Rich, Ling & myself, as we are all moving on to other Shows, on other nights. I've never enjoyed doing ANY shows on Chennel 865 as much as I've enjoyed doing these two Shows, both of which have been huge fun, not just on air, but on the Forum, too. Sure, there has been a bit of flak here & there, but overall, I would not have swapped with anyone. The attraction, of course, has been the interaction, the community spirit, the banter. You guys are special, very special. On behalf of Rich, Ling, & myself, thank you very much. It's been emotional.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi m8, such a shame that it's your last show, you lot have made it such an enjoyable show to watch - not just in the TP shows but the MC has been awesome to watch and watching you and Orford's reaction in Top of the Pots is just amazing!! I know that MC will continue as you say, but it is sad that you won't be continuing - very well done to the three of you - you have made it great viewing and the best of luck to you all in your new projects - I can't wait to watch :)
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited March 2010
    All the best to the TP'ers tonight - they're going to be rather nervous I expect!

    And I'm sorry to hear you, Rich and 'Ling won't be doing the Mastercash anymore :( It's the only show I regularly recorded. You're an amazing team but I guess the old saying "all good things...." - but we'll see you elsewhere I hope & good luck to whoever takes over the Saturday night slot.

  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2010
    Ben Nuttall, aka luckbox

    Dan Brown, aka Fish

    David Capon, aka all in machine

    Only kidding guys - or am I lol!! Best of luck to you three tonight - can't wait to watch you play on MC - it's always great watching great cash players on MC!!
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited March 2010
    They should do the All-In Roulette type thing we saw on the Omaha table yesterday!

    Total Prayer! :-D
  • simuksimuk Member Posts: 315
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: MasterCash meets Total Player!:
    They should do the All-In Roulette type thing we saw on the Omaha table yesterday! Total Prayer! :-D
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Hey... there is a skill to that!
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited March 2010
    It's a sad, sad day when you get taken off what is without a doubt the most popular show on 865. 

    Hopefully it won't be long until you are rota'd back on to Saturday evenings together.

    Do we know who is taking over the slot yet?  A few suggestions for you:

    Ant and Dec - Where the new intro to Top Of The Pots could be a rendition of "Lets Get Ready To Rumble"
    Cannon and Ball - with catchphrase "Rock on TommyD"
    Little and (not so) Large (any more since the cuppa-soup / oxo diet)
    The Chuckle Brothers

    Edit: Ling of course would be played by the ever so posh Hyacinth Bucket aka Bouquet
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited March 2010

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2010
    Gutted that you guys are coming off Mastercash to be honest.  Posh Ling has done a great job and you two hosting it have been magnificent.

    Thank you all for making it (in my opinion) the best show on 865.

    Good luck to all of the grinders on tonight and for the TP final
  • barnsiebarnsie Member Posts: 496
    edited March 2010
    strange decision to say the least in removing you two from mc surely the most popular show on the channel

    good luck
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    As above, if it aint broke, why fix it???....

    Serious question though......why? I don't understand it couldn't really have gone down any better with everyone, never heard anyone say anything bad at all about mastercash......?

    Anyway i'll echo the words of others and say thanx very much for bringing a very entertaining, yet educational show on Saturday nights....hope the next presenters can keep up the good work! 

    (Maybe Dave Tuckman and Trevor Harris analysing, and JHartigan "presenting" yet analysing at the same time?)

    Great line up!!!

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2010
    you have had a few beers dohhhh!!
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited March 2010

      great show guys you will be sadly missed ,

      great banter and advice ,

      gl to the 3 tpers tonight !
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited March 2010
    Just want to reiterate what Tikay has said...

    Yes, he does get grumpy.

    That is all.

  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited March 2010
    Seriously though, I do want to reiterate what Tikay said.

    I've thoroughly enjoyed Mastercash and Total Player and will be sad to leave Saturday nights.

    Thanks to all you guys for supporting the two shows- which Tikay, Ling and I are very proud of as we've been there right from the start.

    But I'm pleased to say we're leaving Mastercash in the very capable hands of Lisa Marie and, who wouldn't want to be left in the hands of LM? ;)

    Keep the messages coming in guys, I'll be reading as many as I can on tonight's show.

    Oh, and good luck to the TP'ers!
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited March 2010
    What!  Lisa-Marie is doing Mastercash?  Finally, those other two were doing the show for far too long. ;-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited March 2010

    Well, rehearsal is finished, working out how to choreograph the cameras, lighting, graphics etc for the "reveal" was quite something for the techies.

    Just to say, also, that NONE of the Studio Crew, including Rich or I, & the Mentors, will know the result UNTIL the Reveal. I guess 'Ling knows, but I ain't asking, & she ain't telling.

    We WILL all know - at least, those of us in the Studio with "talkback" (earpieces connected to the Gallery), about 2 seconds before you do.

    Posh Boy (sparcey) is here, we've had a chat, & I gather Ben & Dan are, too, though I've not seen the latter two yet.
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    No Way.... MasterCash will not be the same with Tikay, especially during "Top of the Pots".... when he screams everytime the gin card comes out lol.... 
    Why on earth are they moving you to another slot Rich & Tikay if you Love presenting it, and we Love watching you do it!???
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