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Who won what, Wednesday 26th January - Natnug wins again, & NOSTRI excels

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927


Traffic was a bit meh last night, with the Main missing by 5 runners. Otherwise, pretty solid.

In football, there was surprise news yesterday that 31 year old Mario Balotelli has been called into the Italian squad by Mancini. Mario has been playing his football in Turkey recently, & has apparently been behaving himself. I'm not sure if I ever want to see a Balotelli who is well-behaved, but I definitely would love to see the madcap version again. A minor news item but in fact it cheered me up in so many ways. Below is a video of Balotelli - or Bibotelli - trying to put his bib on.

£700 7 @ 7 £994

£6,000 Predator Main £6,000

£1,500 Mini £1,505

£1,000 Mega £1,240

£1,500 Sheriff £1,900

£1,500 Reload £1,707

£1,000 Turbo £1,320

£1,000 Quickdraw £1,660

£1,000 MidEx £1,340


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£994)

    Just 24 hours after taking down Tuesday's Summit, the Natnug Express was in the winner's enclosure again after taking the 7 @ 7. I won't bore you with his 2022 Roll of Honour again, but suffice to say, of the regular Headline MTT's we cover daily, he now only needs to win Mega, Turbo & Reload for the full 2022 set. And we are still only in January. That excludes the Major & BWBH, but sooner or later, he'll tick those off too. He's either very lucky or vey good. Probably both.

    @Natnug 284000 1 £136.68 + £73.43 Head Prizes 8

    @MBN2BU 0 2 £82.50 + £40.96 Head Prizes 11

    @BigCes 0 3 £50.69 + £25.31 Head Prizes 8

    @Drags 0 4 £40.26 + £28.51 Head Prizes 6

    @supercrazy 0 5 £34.29 + £9.36 Head Prizes 3

    @Rstinson97 0 6 £28.83 + £18.35 Head Prizes 5

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £6,000 Predator Bounty Hunter (£6,000)

    Hashka247 seems to log on every few days and randomly single-table a Turbo, Quickdraw or Main. Last night it was the Main, & it proved an inspired choice, giving him a PB & first win.

    We don't see much of Danyo0 these days, barely 20 MTT's this year, but maybe after running 2nd here we will see more of him now.

    Sunday8pm bullied bluffed & bamboozled his way to the FT bubble before his opponents worked him out & sent him to the rail. Best tactics against him are just to call when he bets. If he happens to have it, you have been very unlucky.

    @Hashka247 975000 1 £837.94 + £303.62 Head Prizes 11

    @Danyo0 0 2 £502.76 + £72.66 Head Prizes 3

    @GL68 0 3 £307.50 + £125.42 Head Prizes 5

    @TNO 0 4 £241.39 + £178.68 Head Prizes 6

    @jees2000 0 5 £206.03 + £190.20 Head Prizes 10

    @Ninja001 0 6 £173.43 + £33.75 Head Prizes 2

    @Sunday8pm 0 7 £143.60 + £94.92 Head Prizes 7

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,500 Mini Predator (£1,505)

    Looks to me as if Wolfkyle is brand new* to Sky Poker, just 6 MTT's & all in the last 3 days, so this win is unexpectedly early in his Sky Poker journey.

    *"brand new". Wonder what the difference is between "new" & "brand new"? In advertising everything is "brand new", never just "new".

    Ignoring that irrelevant flight of fancy, well done waller02 in 3rd. This was his 2nd Mini FT this year, the other was a Mini Major, where he ran 4th. He's just emerged from the shortest downswing in poker history, though one imagines all three days of it were a nightmare for the talented but temperamental & highly-strung Ryan.

    @Wolfkyle 602000 1 £195.65 + £62.93 Head Prizes 9

    @Supernan 0 2 £112.88 + £41.21 Head Prizes 10

    @waller02 0 3 £68.48 + £12.24 Head Prizes 5

    @mma420 0 4 £54.93 + £23.32 Head Prizes 7

    @buddy18 0 5 £46.66 + £6.57 Head Prizes 3

    @bluemoo967 0 6 £38.38 + £16.69 Head Prizes 6

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,240)

    Swog has really hit the ground running this year & had another good night, winning Mega, 4th in Turbo & 5th in MidEx. That's his 3rd featured MTT win on the month - Mega, Sheriff & Turbo. Doubt he'll ever win anything big, but he's handy enough at these levels.

    Super_Oli was 4th & Mr Arrogant 6th.

    @Swog 620000 1 £186 + £79.87 Head Prizes 3

    @comesee 0 2 £124 + £61.97 Head Prizes 3

    @Ms2108b 0 3 £74.40 + £97.98 Head Prizes 10

    @Super_Oli 0 4 £62 + £42.66 Head Prizes 3

    @whittak374 0 5 £49.60 + £30 Head Prizes 4

    @Arrogant 0 6 £40.30 + £30 Head Prizes 3

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,900)

    Palace Bloke took his third Sheriff since Christmas Day.

    M0RG4N4T0R had been getting results galore and on 11th January he had a terrific Turbo - Quickdraw win double, but since then he's had a bit of a downswing until popping up here in 3rd.

    @cpfc_2010 190000 1 £332.50 + £448.43 Head Prizes 13

    @podraic 0 2 £209 + £78.51 Head Prizes 3

    @M0RG4N4T0R 0 3 £142.50 + £56.25 Head Prizes 3

    @Arrogant 0 4 £104.50 + £85.55 Head Prizes 4

    @father55 0 5 £85.50 + £89.07 Head Prizes 4

    @cabbaz 0 6 £76 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,707)

    oioi, NOSTRI not only wins Reload, but took SEVENTEEN head prizes. Wonderful news. I do give him some stick, but it's only bants, & I would not do so if I did not like him. Truth is, he's a very good player indeed at MTT stakes up to £2.

    3rd was neenio, & Mr Arrogant made it 3 FT's on the bounce - Mega, Sheriff & Reload.

    @NOSTRI 1528000 1 £229.25 + £101.83 Head Prizes 17

    @joethecat 0 2 £136.82 + £31.34 Head Prizes 10

    @neenio 0 3 £81.59 + £65.36 Head Prizes 12

    @falstaff 0 4 £64.18 + £30.90 Head Prizes 6

    @Arrogant 0 5 £54.62 + £8.72 Head Prizes 3

    @daGrinda 0 6 £45.75 + £5.99 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,320)

    utang completed a hat-trick of Turbo victories since New Year's Eve.

    In 5th was 1267, who won Sunday's £6k BH.

    @utang 220000 1 £264 + £178.36 Head Prizes 7

    @Batman35 0 2 £165 + £89.99 Head Prizes 5

    @whitters95 0 3 £99 + £64.69 Head Prizes 4

    @Swog 0 4 £72.60 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @1267 0 5 £59.40 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @HurriKane 0 6 £28.13 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,660)

    An unusual one here as roddy28, in winning Quickdraw, won more in Head Prizes than regular prize money. Meanwhile, runner-up xyxyxy never took a single head prize. Both feats are very difficult I'd have thought.

    Mr Arrogant racked up his 4th FT of the evening, but no podiums - 6th, 4th, 5th & 5th. Useless.

    @roddy28 212000 1 £290.50 + £321.73 Head Prizes 9

    @xyxyxy 0 2 £182.60 0

    @ozzieowen 0 3 £124.50 + £52.97 Head Prizes 2

    @Super_Oli 0 4 £91.30 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @Arrogant 0 5 £74.70 + £43.13 Head Prizes 3

    @Vaskan 0 6 £66.40 + £137.94 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,340)

    MidEx went to conga38, & rather oddly it was the only MTT he played.

    @conga38 201000 1 £201 + £117.90 Head Prizes 5

    @GABIAGREEN 0 2 £134 + £76.17 Head Prizes 7

    @jedinemo 0 3 £80.40 + £33.27 Head Prizes 2

    @pizzled1 0 4 £67 + £32.82 Head Prizes 3

    @Swog 0 5 £53.60 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @rob65 0 6 £43.55 0

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,927

    This day last year...

    The Main went to memfno, with Hon Mentions to memfno & Mr Arrogant.
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