I've created a new post purely to say thank you to everyone for last night.
Through peoples generosity
@waller02 and I raised a whopping
ONE THOUSAND POUNDS (£1,000) (£1k) (1 bag) (a grand) for the Ukraine humanitarian effort on stream and had a ball (I was about to use the phrase blast but probably not apt) whilst doing it. My head does hurt a little this morning though!
So again, thank you to everyone who donated and everyone who turned up in last nights stream.
Will donate the money this morning once I've had four breakfast rolls to cure the hangover.
Top community, so it is...
Huge thanks to yourself, @Duesenberg and @waller02 for the stream. Class as always.
P.S. - hope your heads are okay this morning.
Great generosity shown by our small band of community members.
It was pleasure to experience this stream. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Well done to all involved.
Now, just to figure out what happened with that spotify glitch to use it on Sky. Maybe we could see the flop before it comes