Of late, I've been running bad both online and in life. My relationship broke down, and I lost my job (started a new one thankfully) but poker wise, I couldn't win a flip, hands don't hold, it's been a frustrating time.
Yesterday, my bankroll down to virtually zero, I played a 0.55 turbo sit and go hoping for a spin up as I watched the football. Two wins in, I bought into the £1.10 rebuy, which I somehow won for £42. To be fair, bar rivering a K with KK vs AA all in pre with around 10 left, played some great poker.
Having very limited money till pay day this week, this was a god send and I withdrew £35. Settling in for the night waiting for the boxing and feeling a bit better about poker, I decided to enter the £2000 mini. As in the rebuy earlier on, played some great focused poker and with 6 left, probably should have taken it down, but I was more than pleased with 4th and a £106 cash.
I didn't come here to brag about a couple of small cashes, just to say things can always get better even when you think they wont.
Hope everyone is well, and good luck on the tables.
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Great stuff, thanks for sharing, will definitely include that in today's Results Thread.
It's always darkest before the dawn
Goodluck on the tables
Well played