Hoping to come to the Manchester event next month. Without sounding stupid how do the mystery bounties work? Do you get a bounty and give it to who ever knocks you out or do you pick a random envelope with a amount in it? When do bounties come into play? Is it the start of day 2?
Hoping to come to the Manchester event next month. Without sounding stupid how do the mystery bounties work? Do you get a bounty and give it to who ever knocks you out or do you pick a random envelope with a amount in it? When do bounties come into play? Is it the start of day 2?
"Bounty prizes come into play once players are in the money positions on day 2. e.g if we decide to pay out 35 places there will be 35 bounty prizes. When you knock a player out in the money you will pick a prize at random. These prizes will be of varying amounts depending on the prize pool with a top prize of £10,000!"
Events 9, 16, 40, 47 & 60.
Yup, that's all fine, BOOKED.
I've update my Forum Post & start making the entries later this morning, then update you, but don't worry, it's all booked.
GL bud.
Hoping to come to the Manchester event next month. Without sounding stupid how do the mystery bounties work? Do you get a bounty and give it to who ever knocks you out or do you pick a random envelope with a amount in it? When do bounties come into play? Is it the start of day 2?
"Bounty prizes come into play once players are in the money positions on day 2. e.g if we decide to pay out 35 places there will be 35 bounty prizes. When you knock a player out in the money you will pick a prize at random. These prizes will be of varying amounts depending on the prize pool with a top prize of £10,000!"
You are now registered for Event 60, & I'll register you for the others as soon as they are in the lobby.
Updated list of confirmed UKOPS entries
I've listed below the events requested so far. As each UKOPS lobby spawns, I'll get you registered.
@Toffeeandy £110 Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@gr0wapear £110 Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@gixxerk4 £220 Event 46, Friday 4th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@gixxerk4 £110 Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 3, Friday 28th October. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 9, Saturday 29th October. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 16, Sunday 30th October. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 22, Monday 31st October. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 28, Tuesday 1st November. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 40, Thursday 3rd November. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 46, Friday 4th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 47, Friday 4th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@Summers119 Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@gregkdy82 Event 3, Friday 28th October. Now registered in Lobby
@gregkdy82 Event 40, Thursday 3rd November. Now registered in Lobby.
@gregkdy82 Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@who_me Event 9, Saturday 29th October. Now registered in Lobby.
@who_me Event 16, Sunday 30th October. Now registered in Lobby.
@who_me Event 40, Thursday 3rd November. Now registered in Lobby.
@who_me Event 47, Friday 4th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@who_me Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@Mohican Event 3, Friday 28th October. Now registered in Lobby
@burden09 Event 60, Sunday 6th November. Now registered in Lobby.
@bigfatfish Event 2, Friday 28th October. Now registered in Lobby
Much obliged,
Evening Carl,
That's now done mate.
burden09 requested Event 60, the £40k Main via PM.